When is enough, enough? Excessive force against Russell and Williams in Cleveland? The good ol' boys (White) network with a bench trial and one judge will never convict a White Police Officer killing two unarmed Black people. I don't know why they ran away from Police to begin with. But 137 shots over a backfire? What if a Police man shot a gun in the air. Does that justify a massacre? If the Policeman was afraid for his life he wouldn't have stood on the car and shot them 15 times. He'd be hiding. Instead, he was executing them. No Black Person is safe in America. It's time to arm ourselves. Start a Black Militia. Where is Malcolm X' s followers now? Excessive force against Black people by White people is a hate crime. Where is Barack Obama and the Federal government? Black Lives matter. No Justice. No Peace.
There is a double black genocide of black males in this country, (1) police murdering black males, (2) black males killing black males. Are we any close to extinction? What is the ratio of police/black males killings of black males in a given year? The rates came out today of my home town of Baltimore from the memorial weekend and since the first of the year. STOP THE FUCKING GENOCIDE YOU RACIST POLICE AND SELF-HATING BLACK MEN.