Black Folks & White Folks Don't Socialize in the ATL

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Kid Rasta, Jan 21, 2008.

  1. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    a) Are we back to the "if white people compliment a black person's diction it's an insult" argument? It was stupid before and it's stupid now. Let me get this straight: Imus calls black women "nappy-headed hoes" = racist. Biden says Obama is "articulate" = racist? It's a no-win for the white man. Can he even compliment a brotha? But wait this is the same hip-hop logic that casts Cosby as a bad guy and Tupac as a good guy so it really comes as no surprise.

    b) Last time I looked, ATL is still the South. No amount of hip-hop/"urban" hype will change that. "Oh, I can't find an IR hookup in the ATL, boo hoo." Well duh. :roll: Try moving somewhere more progressive, like north of the Mason-Dixon line.
  2. bmanz

    bmanz Member

    I have been in the ATL for almost 2 years and before that lived in metro Detroit all my life and I think that the south (atlanta specifically) is MUCH better for IR dating.

    My best friend lives in North Carolina and he always told me this before I moved but I didnt believe him. Let me tell you its so true.

    I think the problem is that IR dating in general still has a LONG way to go in this country and as a whole its difficult to do.

    Having said that I need to check that article out...LOL

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