The Kid Rasta
Those two ladies should just move on with their lives. I mean what other men are going to want to get involved with women who are that vindictive.
Gloria Allred is a publicity seeking pain in the ass. I think the women should be free to *tell* someone of their experiences, but I think it should be handled with far more dignity than splashing it on a web site.
Gloria Allred has a record of going after celebrity Black males like O.J. Simpson,Micheal Jackson,Tiger Woods,and many more. She is a real ambulance chaser first class.
She used to be thought of as a "feminist" lawyer but it's long since become obvious she's a publicity hound. She goes after a lot of white guys too, so long as they are high profile. I don't think it's a racial thing with her, I just think she likes being the spotlight, so the more "controversial" the better as far as she's concerned.
Yea, it is a gender thing and not a race thing. Get your story straight, Soulthinker. She's an equal opportunity suing lawyer when it comes to men being sued. Aww man, it would be funny if it wasn't true.
correction:she's an equal opportunity suing lawyer just like any average lawyer I kid I kid.:smt043 The best line was that California meg whitham race where that illegal immigrant said you don't know me and I don't know you. that is one of the worst lawyers I had ever seen but damn that was good timing.
LOL, a poster on the Daily Mail link said it best. "Woman scorned what a load of rubbish, two woman feeling guilty as they missed there meal ticket with a wealthy lawyer. Obviously the female lawyer has a chip on her shoulder. Equal rights works both ways ladies." How would they like if he went around talking dirt about them and it impacted their careers. Would they look fondly on that. They need to move on, one has a kid with him, collect your child support payments and call it a day. Seriously.
I'm a little surprised she is involved here since Allred is more accustomed to being the aggressor in a lawsuit. She likes it when her female client is chasing down someone in the hopes of extracting some money from them so that Allred will go away. This sort of hostage taking is the major facet of her business. She has represented women in the past that I'm sure have paid her a fee such as the witness (and mistress) in the Scott Peterson case. there wasn't much money in that case I'm sure but boy the publicity was immense so that helped I'm sure. The women in this case must have some money in their kitty to get this vampire bat out of her cave.
I bet these women wouldnt be screaming free speech if dudes put up a website and started dishing on them. they would be screaming they are a victim yadda yadda yadda. free speech can be a bitch so they may want to be careful on how they act on the next dude. not defending this dude because he could be scum but at the sametime guys could date her and say nasty stuff about her.