Bitter white guy bashing white women that date outside their race.

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by ThePrince, Jul 3, 2011.

  1. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    its a area WN love to obsess over, the STD stats of black males, ive seen the ivds they make about so and so black men have so and so % of this and that, its a poor attempt scare tactic to keep ww from bm
  2. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    the news also reinforces the STD/AIDs hype, and just about every other illness that African-Americans are likely to have or get (our immune systems are shit because we all had crackhead mommas)

    We're more prone to get heart disease


    sickle cell

    list goes on and on, lol
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Classic fallacy of composition. Diabetes is a poor persons disease since it's usually a result of poor diet fueled by cheap high caloried food and blacks are the face of poverty. So the "logical" deduction is that blacks are prone to diabetes because of race not habits due to poverty. It gives the illusion that we're born to be diseased prone. Fucking sad.
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    i credit the media for bringing such information to my attention, so that I can try to prevent it. But, on the flipside, it's like they sang bagging us. you never hear about stuff white people are more likely to have or get, than any other races. i had to read a psychology textbook just to find out that white males are more likely to be serial killers, commit suicide, etc. Don't really see that shit headlining the 11 o clock news healthcare segment.

    you cant win
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    That's the beauty of ignorant racism they think they're doing a public service when all they do is create propoganda. I've yet to see any news coverage of the suburban areas that are predominately black. It's like we either live in the projects or we're trying to climb our way into white areas.
  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    That's some knowledge right there. It does seem like propaganda tho. Blacks are more likely to get xyz famine and disease, whites more likely to get good credit, house, decent job

  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Exactly but God forbid you point it out you're just a whiney black person who has yet to realize racism is over since we have a black president.
    But I will be fair and say the propoganda works against white men who are either lower middle class or poor because they're aren't any programs or advocacy groups that will fight for their rights
  8. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Racism ain't over

    I got called nigger 3 blocks away from my apt, because I didn't give a white guy change
  9. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Frankly those dudes are downright creepy, they are more focused on black dudes, how much disease they have, how they are fucking white women and the rest of bedroom activities.

    According to their mantra, black guys only get the white man's castoffs and fat, ugly white women, so what are they complaining about again. Who are they kidding.

    Once they start ranting as this clown showed they will spew any rubbish they heard from others who think like they do.

    Its clear that he seems just the type that is bitter his white male birthright hasn't brought him expected benefits in life. White women should probably be falling all over themselves to get to him.

    How dare a white woman like a black man over someone so special as him, therefore I want nothing to do with them if they like black men, boo hoo, boo hoo, like women are checking for his arse from the tone of his whinging. :D
  10. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL, I was in a Domino's Pizza a month ago and a white dude came in asking me for change.

    I normally give if I have on me but didn't then so I said nope, he just turned around and walked out.

    Wow, dude actually called you that because you didn't give him change.

    They probably use it simply to buy drugs anyway, but I'm a generous person like that and if I have a dollar on me I will give it to someone in that condition if I come across them. Just in my nature.
  11. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    So very true.
  12. Leksola

    Leksola New Member


    Correlation and causation are not the same thing.
  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    i told this story a few times already, and the details havent changed a bit. the guy in question looked a little 'off,' like he was an alcoholic or substance abuser. He asked if i had any spare change (mind u its 1 in the morning - im not going start fumbling around in my pockets and bag, while ur within arms length - thats stupid). I said no and didnt even break a stride as I was walking home. He said something along the lines of 'nigger, i'll fuck you up'

    honestly, a part of me wished I stopped and started fighting, because that would have been an easy win :)

    but I don't do that kind of stuff, and just kept it movin
  14. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Shit. You know your black ass is suppose to give up that change for bummy white guys. After all, that's their money you got. Black folks are just holding it for them until they need it.....:rolleyes:
  15. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    i dont go digging around for shit at 1 in the morning..that's inviting a robbery or some other nonsense.
  16. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    You do realize that this has to do with income inequality in the United States, right? We're all in the middle class, and we're being squeezed financially because taxes haven't been increased on the wealthy in this country.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Real talk sometimes I forget why I like this board but then I'm reminded by the few smart people we have on here.
    Fucking winners(no sarcasm I promise lol)
  18. axum

    axum Member


    At least somebody gets it.
  19. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Wow he's got a lot of nerve to post a video like this for the whole world to see.
  20. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    Actually, it's not extra muscle but the greater amount of fast twitch muscle, and that along with other physiological differences are fact.

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