Yea, I know you are legit. I just needed a reason repost that pic. I like it so much. We had huge issues when the webbie change the format for youtube but I think everyone has got it now.
Mitt Romney is nothing like his dad who not only marched with Martin Luther King but also capped his CEO salery at American Moters.
Aside from being just another outdated example of white propaganda against blacks, I struggle to see much educational value to that film. From an education standpoint, films like these are much more productive: [YOUTUBE]6zkm1My3jxk[/YOUTUBE] [youtube]hKZ9BjWdDEc[/youtube] My opinion...
I've seen it used in several contexts: 1) as an example of an early silent film; 2) as a clear example of the manipulation of images for visceral impact (effective on that level, despite being a crap film); 3) as you rightly noted, an example of racist propaganda. Wow, that's some pretty strong wording from Mr. Cosby. Thanks for posting.
I haven't seen this video since I was in elementary school. My man Cosby broke it down to the very last compound. Props to you sir.
Sorry paniro187. I have to say I agree with andreboba on this one. The racist cultural stereotypes that are on display in this film undergird the euphemistic language of the Southern Strategy and are implicit in everything from Ronald Reagan's campaign kickoff in Philadelphia, Mississippi to Newt's use of 'code words' and racist tropes in the run-up to South Carolina's primary. It's the leitmotif that shapes much of Southern culture and society (and to a degree the rest of the nation as well).
I saw that documetary by Cosby when I was a little boy. I read Lincoln Perry who played Stepin Fetchit sued CBS but,he lost.
Birth of a Nation... The film morphed American beliefs. Films were relatively a new medium at the time and this film was very high budgeted of its time. It shocked people, made them fear. A lot of racism today can honestly be traced to this terrible film.
Im sorry if you cant make a comparison between racist propaganda in Birth of a nation to racism alive, and well today then you have some serious problems. The reason I posted it was to educate people because believe it or not most Americans these days have no idea what the fuck that film is.
lord.. When I was in second grade, there was this kid (that I grew up with) who was a gung-ho pseudo-southerner. He had confederate flags, did civil war reenactment, all of it. At school we were talking about slavery in a class discussion, and he rose his hand to say that when the slaves were freed, they ransacked places and raped a lot of white women. I had dialog with him, and I rose my hand to say it wasn't true at all and he was full of it. Of course that never actually happen, yet it wasn't until years later I found out it was a segment out of that god damned terrible film. :smt013
Believe it or not some classes in film require people to watch it because it is sometimes considered great american cinema.
This. I watched it as part of a silent film course in college and it was difficult to watch, but really interesting.
From what I learned in my Communication class, this movie has caught people's eyes because of the plot and production style it used. However, that doesn't change how stupid it is. It's amazing that white people can see a movie like this and think "That's not racist." This film is extremely racist and should be burned. The only redeeming value about this piece of trash is that it shows just how horrible black men had it back then!
This film should be a wake up call not a film to be banned. If there is a DVD set it should be sold with the flick Triumph Of the Will.
:smt102 times are tough when you gotta drag up this thread i can admit tho that this film would best not be shown in a majority black class with a few white students things might jump off :smt095