Bills player Jordan Poyer & Trump Supporter GF Rachel Bush

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by darkcurry, Sep 26, 2017.

  1. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I learned about them by way of @BSO(blacksportsonline.) She influenced Jordan NOT to protest and her caught on to it and ran a story


    She got mad at the story and wouldn't leave Robert (the owner of blacksportsonline.) alone, so now he is bringing up her cheating on him with other athletes. He gets DMs from other athletes.

    I have said this before, but just because that woman is dating a black guy doesn't mean she doesn't hold racist beliefs, just like a sexist would still date the opposite gender a racist will still date the opposite race.

    But I don't know about her she says and agrees with questionable things she doesn't speak out against police brutality and injustice, but has said she wants to make change without "disrespecting" the anthem so she doesn't clarify what change she wants to see. She seems confused, I don't really know, but Im sure Robert does. What do you guys think so far?
  2. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Who is that hillbilly?
  3. Reverie

    Reverie Well-Known Member

    What I think?

    Robert should be happy he is rid of her racist arse.
  4. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Just noticed it on my twitter TL. I follow blacksportsonline on twitter.
  5. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Sep 26, 2017
  6. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    From what I recall from my days in the Boy Scouts, our scoutmaster told us about the national anthem. He explained that the tune(not the lyrics) was that of a rowdy drinking song. There was a fourth verse that stated about slavery and the "free men" who joined the British to escape slavery.

    I think it goes:

    Oh, this be it ever when free men shall stand between their loved homes and the war's desolation.

    Blessed with victory and peace may the heaven rescued land praise the power hath made and preserve us a nation.

    Then conquer we must. For our cause it is just and this be our motto in God is our trust.

    America ,The Beautiful would probably be better suited than The Star Spngeled Banner.
  7. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    There is a scene in the film Billy Jack where the Freedom School students perform a skit by singing the national anthem. They students stood and sang with hands on their hearts. Except for one who sat down (played by Howard Hessman). The group try to encourage him to stand. The man remained seated. And then the group attack him, beating him up. After the attack they resume singing until one of the male singers spits at the man he helped beat up for not conforming.

    I am afraid that violence is not too far away to be carried out by a "true patriot."

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