Bill Cosby Rape Accusations

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Ra, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    What are you talking about exactly? All I remember him saying is speak proper English, put education first, and pull your pants up.
  2. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    All I am saying is stop raping women... then tell others what to do.:D
  3. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Yes, it's a bit of the pot calling the kettle black, but I think his message was on point. Unfortunately many took it the wrong way as he called out those who are lazy and not doing the right thing with their lives. I didn't see any issue with it. In fact, i think it was a good message.
  4. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    A good message delivered by a wealthy rapist to the poorest of his own kind....people forced by law to attend the worst schools and endure the worst forms of policing.

    Why are we the ONLY group to expect exemplary behavior from people living in the ghetto??

    It's like we want to OWN the worst aspects of human behavior.:rolleyes:
  5. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Somebody must have forgotten to send me my yearly ballot for the Universal Negro Elections because I don't recall anointing Cosby or anyone else as "one of our leaders". Remind me what were his exact qualifications for getting that position again....:confused:
  6. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Tell me about it...Cosby?...fuck that raping hypocrite.
  7. Shulz021

    Shulz021 Well-Known Member

    Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson also :smt043 :smt043
  8. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Pfffft....Conservative white dudes appointed those two as "our leaders". Nuff said.
  9. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Jesse Jackson's grandfather was a racist white sheriff...we don't need to mention what kind of trashy whore his grandmammy was.

    Dude spawned from the lowest scum.
  10. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    I get what you're saying, and I'm not defending Cosby's rape allegations in any way, shape or form.

    I'm just saying that I totally agreed with his message. I took it as we (those of us born into low-income/inner city lives) don't have to stay with the situation in which we were born/raised, despite racism and so on we do have opportunities nowadays, and that we (as a group) need to do better. He mentioned parenting (and lack), opportunities young people, a vicious cycle of poor priorities and so on. While he was blunt as heck, I can't at all find fault with the message.
  11. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    It's fine to agree with Cosby's message that black folks should do better because there are other voices that have always been saying it. Not only just saying it but actually doing it without the mask of faux respectability that Cosby wore.
  12. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    He was more than was like he was reading a script written by david duke.

    You don't see other races doing that because they have a system of reward and punishment built into their very psyche.

    Imagine a Palestinian talking shit like that about their poor...he'd wake up dead the very next day.
  13. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  14. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Yes, his delivery definitely sucked, and I can see how folks were offended in the manner/tone in which the statement was made. As I've said... I strong agree with the message itself, but of course it really sucks that he took this position, and apparently he had been using his position/influence/wealth to violate women in the worst way.
  15. blackbrah

    blackbrah Well-Known Member

    He put a lot of money into black education you got to give him that.

    Don't agree with him about the black names rant though.
  16. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Agreed! He has given back. I think that's why many have such a hard time with this. He did some good stuff in addition to being a great comedian and actor. It's a shame that a person with such a legacy also had this very dark side.

    I see his point with the names. I don't have children, but in this world we live in... My thought that if I did have a child... I'd want their name to be such that won't get them teased because it's so different. Also, thinking about their adult life, I wouldn't want their name on a resume to jump out as them being black.
  17. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Cos has that right to say that to the community. He could had been like Robert Johnson of BET and show stuff that is demeaning to Blacks. Take for example the show A Different World. It had high ratings but,it is not like a HBCU. He let Debbie Allen change it and made it Black plus,it pushed some envelopes. Oh yes about Lisa Bonet,he could had let it slide about her being preggers and put it on the show. His critics did not do much for the community like he did.
  18. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    My only beef about the naming trend is that there are amazing names from specific African cultures that are both beautiful-sounding AND meaningful. I think those are perfectly fine for any person of African descent to love and choose. I don't like the idea of saddling a child with a random assortment of consonants and apostrophes just because a parent likes them, though. In the African tradition, a name has great significance and I like that. After watching my buddy from Nigeria and his African-American wife go through a naming ceremony, I was really moved by the idea. Nevertheless, he should respect a person's choices and they shouldn't be derided in society because of it.
  19. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    Yes, Cosby was regarded as one of our leaders because of his accomplishments and willingness to give back. He put black kids through school and gave a ton of money to HBCU's. That meant a lot to people of a certain age group.

    You can't put Jackson and Sharpton in the same category. Though Jackson may be irrelevant and a bit sketchy now, he earned his stripes fighting for us along side King. Make no mistake about him; he put in work. He was definitely one of our leaders. He earned that title back when they were really killing black men. You think it's bad now, it no where near like it was then. Whether you respect him or not doesn't matter. This is a part of our (your) history we all should.

    Sharpton ... yeah ... weell, uh... I got nothin'.

    Naw, bruh. He said the same things black people who got some sense been saying for years in exactly the same way. And, he has the right to say it. Cosby been down with the struggle for decades. He has that right.

    And as far as the tone Cosby used to deliver his message; there was nothing wrong that either. He talked to knuckle heads the way any other older black man would talk to younger cats fucking up. He didn't sugarcoat it, he didn't water it down, he gave it you in the long standing tradition of black men passing down wisdom to black boys; straight, no chaser.

    I always hear cats talking about how much they want to keep it real until someone says some real shit to them in a real way. Then, it's all about their feelings and how so and so should have said it a different way. Black men, we're supposed to be harder and more logical than that. When I hear people saying this is the most feminine male generation they've seen, I'm starting to see what they mean. Cosby gave some real world knowledge regardless of who he may or may not have raped.
  20. KWillo

    KWillo Active Member

    Cosby was a great comedian but he always seemed like a piece of shit to me.I remember Eddie murphy told the story about how Cosby chewed him out for cursing in his standup all because his son went to one of murphy's shows.Then Eddie Murphy cursed out Cosby for that.Even Richard pryor cursed Cosby out for that.Not to mention, he's been cheating on his wife for the past 4 decades at least.

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