Bill Cosby Rape Accusations

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Ra, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I knows you live a sheltered life and have been protected from a hard life...but is there an off-chance that you know anyone, anyone - male or female - who has been molested, unwantingly sexually groped, sexually assaulted or raped??
  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    What about when he admitted in the deposition that he purchased quaaludes and (ambien) to give them to women.
    Mind you, these illegal prescriptions that he obtained were given to him by his male gynecologist friend.
  3. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    From a legal perspective only, the fact that he admitted to acquiring and using the drugs, does not rise to the level of proof that the women were unaware of and did not consent to using the drugs. This is exactly why it is SO important that if a woman even suspects something happened sexually without their consent that they immediately file a complaint and have a rape kit done. Yes it is incredibly unfair to put that burden on a potential victim of a crime, but it is just simply how the legal system works.

    Even if they were illegally obtained, the statutes of limitations would most likely preclude going after him for the acquiring the drugs as well.
  4. chocolatecream4u

    chocolatecream4u Well-Known Member

    ummmm innocent until proven guilty,However All! these women are not going make up the same game, same ole MO......I like Bill Crosby but My fat gut feeling tell me :smt102the proof is in the puddin too many women saying the same thing.... what say I guilty:smt021
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lol you don't me like that homie and yes I have. We're talking serial rapist over 40 years with over 40 women and just pure hear say. No evidence at all
  6. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I get that you're trying to use healthy skepticism in this case.

    I get it. I try and use healthy skepticism in news stories like this, too.

    But, there are times, TDK, that you go way too far with your healthy skepticism.

    You, at this moment, in this thread, are doing a GRAVE injustice to all of the women (and men) who have suffered through a rape. Rape is not just about forcing a woman/man at knife/gun -point to the ground, ripping their clothes off and sexually assaulting them.

    Rape is also about the women (mostly) who get too drunk to ward off a man who refuses to listen to her repeated refusals, but cannot "prove" rape the next day.

    They are just as affected.

    Plus the other multitude of situations where women and men are assaulted sexually that don't fall under the "forced at knife/gun -point" scenarios.

    Rape is also what happened in this case - their drinks were drugged, and they were sexually assaulted.

    You cannot possibly sit here and claim that 40+ women would risk their careers/reputations, etc on false accusations??

    Get real and just shut up, TDK.
  7. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    40+ women all singing from the same hymn sheet but not connected in any way is much more than a coincidence.
    I would say something is wrong.

    Even the one who said she wasn't drugged makes sense as to why she did not report it, her Husband worked for him and she was assaulted on an interview perhaps she didn't want the humiliation of trying to accuse a popular man and her husband losing his job to boot and just stayed quiet. I can understand that.

    I can understand the reason around not reporting any of them, he was a popular man and they were broke young women without a hope of winning back then.
    How many rapists got convicted back then? no DNA then no nothing, what purpose would it have served for a stand alone victim at that time(they did not know there were others), probably would have had the cheek to sue her for deformation of character if she didn't win.

    I loved the Cosby show re-runs when I was a kid and I was shocked that Bill Cosby was one of these sexual predators.
    But we shouldn't be shocked because they come in all shapes and sizes.

    Lets hope that justice is served appropriately whatever that may be.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    First and foremost fuck you don't tell me to shut up just because I don't agree with you.
    All I'm saying is 40 different people and not a single shread of evidence. Serial killers aren't even that methodical and dude is leaving witnesses who can testify against him.
    And one other thing I just can't shake as hard as I try is the fact he did this to mostly white women in the 60s and 70s long before Cosby Show status. They were still killing and hanging bm for looking at ww hell watch the movie Rosewood based on a real events where they were willing to kill an entire town of black people just because one was accused of rape and they let Cosby skate dozens of times? Every white cop who grew up before the civil rights act just glosses over centuries of engrained racist dogma for Bill Cosby? Everyone from the prosecution to the cops just let's it go even those far from the reach of Hollywood in places like Illinois and Philly?
    I know for a lot you guys you just see a famous guy and believe that fame shields you from your wrong doings which is a reason I like and respect so many of you. But three plus decades of living in this country and seeing what it does to bm especially those who dare go against the establishment and on top of that is a serial rapist of ww makes it too hard to believe that so many people would just look the other way.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Please read what I wrote. I'd like your input especially being that you live outside the US
  10. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    This a class action civil suit at this point.

    There's individuals chasing money and if there wasn't a penny involved, Allred wouldn't be representing this case.

    People don't need a script to figure out how the story is supposed to go, which is why not every single one of these women is probably a victim.

    The burden of proof in a civil suit I believe is just circumstantial evidence.
    The NYT magazine played its part, and the more women who come forward with a similar story help build the civil case against Cosby.

    Don't be surprised before it's all said and done that the number of victims reaches close to 100, at which point most Americans will understand this went from a story about a celebrity who drugged and raped women to a money grab by other women who had consensual sex with Bill Cosby.

    I think Cosby raped women back in the day, no doubt.

    But I also have a problem with a woman who believes she was raped and NEVER reporting it to police.

    It would be like me saying that a person stayed overnight at my house as a guest then 15 years later I decide to tell someone that person robbed me.

    It doesn't work that way.

    Bill Cosby has been a BM his entire life.
    If a woman was hurt enough to believe she was raped, reporting it to the police would have ended his career in a blink.

    Bill Cosby was famous in the '60s and '70s, but not like he was in the 1980s.

    A WW claiming rape in the 1970s had way more juice than Cosby did being accused.

    If Roman Polanski had to leave the country for a rape accusation in the 1970s, there's no way Cosby could dodge a rape charge during the same period.

    I'm sorry, but BM in the 1970s even Hollywood stars and athletes didn't have enough status to go around raping WW without consequences.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2015
  11. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    How many do you know? Did they all go to the police? Have them arrested? Do a rape kit? I'll wait.
  12. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Which one? the innocent until proven guilty bit?
    Fair comment not overly inflammatory imo.

    If some of the women are making it up then shame on them, because they invalidate the true victims by muddying the waters.

    Truth is we just don't know, makes me look at Bill Cosby with disgust though.

    It would be nice if he went to a criminal court and had to answer all these questions and give the victims a chance to see some real justice.
    the cases he was found guilty off could then be recompensed.

    Over here we have a Ton of Historic sex allegations going through the courts there is no limitation on it (I think) we even had dear old Ken Barlow off coronation street (whiter than white) William Roache up in court he was found not guilty, but 72yr old Max Clifford got 8 years (Famous Publicist)
    I can't see why Bill Cosby can't go to court.
  13. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Very fair and reasonable response, would expect nothing else from you. As to why Cosby cant go to criminal court, the link below does a fairly good job detailing the different statutes of limitation, and the definition of "harm" that govern the filing and timing of criminal charges.

    Since our legal system borrowed heavily from yours, I'm surprised to hear that there are no such limitations there, will have to investigate more.
  14. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    I have two Links for the Crown Prosecution System and it seems to have no set time limit year wise.
    First one is Rape prosecution and the Second is historic allegations (it mentions children quite a bit but is not limited to children if you read it through.

    Just read the link and it doesn't seem like a lot of time to bring a case, although I should imagine the criminal (this is a civil list right) system has a more lengthy time period.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2015
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Truth be told I have no clue but 40 people no evidence what other crime does that work. Accused of forty murders no evidence tying you to the scene. Forty robberies no evidence.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Exactly my point which makes it so hard to believe. A single act maybe two but when it's common knowledge and everyone just says ok? Don't but it. American history has shownme too much.
  17. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    The burden of proof in civil cases is preponderance of the evidence, which is lower than the burden of proof at a criminal trial (beyond a reasonable doubt). Circumstantial evidence refers more to the type of evidence that the plaintiff/state uses to meet that burden of proof. At this point it will be much easier to prove a civil claim than it would be to prove a criminal claim.
  18. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Correct on the definitions, the plaintiffs will still have a tough uphill climb to prove guilt even with the lower bar to clear. The weight of multiple claimants and their consistent accounts, will be their best weapon, while the defense will hammer the fact that without any hard evidence and the amount of time that has passed between many of the alleged crimes to now, this is still a "he said/she said case.

    From a strictly legal perspective should Cosby ever end up in facing civil charges, it will be a serious heavy-weight fight.
  19. Satchmo

    Satchmo New Member

    What do you think of a jury? wild card? Has it been decided where the trial will be?
  20. Satchmo

    Satchmo New Member

    His friend the OB/GYN Dr. Huxtable?

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