Pill That's cute I'd expect no less from philly, where people boo Santa Claus at hockey games and injured players at football games
Uh, faulty logic. Again, just because you don't report a rape (or robbery), doesn't mean it didn't happen. Thanks for proving my point, mr. Ferguson. :smt002
Uh actually that's exactly what it means The robbery wasn't reported, thereby there was no 'robbery' regardless of what you seen on tape or heard
Boooo. Santa was an outfit-wearing 100pd drunk bastid they pulled from the crowd cause the real santa didnt show :smt111
No I'm one thats going to take women with vetted claims more seriously than the ones who want you to take them on 'their word' alone There have been plenty of incidents where someone lied about rape and as long as that happens, we need to make sure innocent people aren't being railroaded into jail by an already corrupt justice system
And who the hell vetted Pill Cosby?? Dr. Huxtable? Railroaded?....lol, um he's not going to pay for his crimes. Get the hell out of here with that... his victims were railroaded alright...Pig Pill ran a train on them. But I understand how it rolls with you Cosby apologists... one victim is too many, and 24 is not enough.
Lol cosby apologists As for bill not paying for his alleged crimes, his name has already been dragged through the mud and he's lost many positions Plus http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...s-women-claim-abused-statute-limitations.html All these women coming forward and not one has physical evidence or whatever One or two would be believable...hell even 10 maybe...but ALL of them Come on now, bobby Most rapes aren't reported but many still are...statistically one of these women should have furnished physical proof that they were raped by now
I would argue that we have "their version" of the facts, unfortunately we will most likely never hear testimony and cross examination from both sides on this matter. Bliss from what I know of you on this site it is clear you are a strong supporter/defender of women and women's issues, while we don't always see eye to eye, I always appreciate your passion and research of your opinions. I wonder, have you ever seen the movie "12 Angry Men"? A classic, great courtroom drama movie I highly recommend. It follows a jury of a murder case where a majority of the jury is 100% convinced of the defendants guilt. I won't give away anymore details, but lets just say it highlights the dangers of being 100% convinced of an outcome without having all of the facts or hearing from both sides in an effective manner.
She's a staunch supporter of women's rights and issues who rarely looks at both sides of a story from a neutral standpoint It's like a twisted version of bill o Reilly
I have seen it Loki, and l loved it (I love old-time movies and am a TCM addict). I don't think in this case however, that Henry Fonda could save Cosby. See, this isn't news to many Philadelphians, so l can understand other people's disbelief.. even SNL's Michael Che said he had heard about Cosby years ago. And the comedian who set it off knew, too. The women who filed charges knew, and the 13 ready to testify a decade ago, knew. Being passionate is futile because no matter the incidences against women highlighted on this forum, the same few men adamantly look to either deflect, twist it to make men the victims, or question the character or motive of the women. And that doesn't fly with me.
Polanski may be out of the country but,he is not a pariah to Hollywood. Since his exile he had won a Oscar and still able to direct a play in Paris months after being in house arrest in Switzerland. Also,sued a magazine and won.
Bliss,you never know about how a Black man is treated in the US. You think most of those accousers are truthful? Where was your vemem on the White entertainers who get away with crimes than Cos? He was not that powerful in his early years in the 60's. Oh yes those White entertainers whom I mentioned often had never suffered the way Cos has suffered. POJ,you know there are so many stories of WW accouse a Black males of rape and is believed without a doubt. Plus,in the vast majority of lynchings in the US against Black males in the first half of the 20th Century was linked by a WW.
ding ding ding It's dangerous to "believe" you know what happened when there's nothing to support your pov more than hearsay.
Bliss why do you ignore the women who have blatantly lied and have a history of lying. Asking for some evidence outside of he did it is not asking for much. I'm just as stubborn and passionate about race issues as you are with gender so I get it, but certain cases raise an eyebrow. Like that actress who got caught fooling around with her boyfriend in the park in LA. I was totally on her side without knowing a thing about the case. LAPD has a horrific reputation only rivaled by NYPD so I was automatically on her side until the evidence unfolded. I had to eat crow on that one because I let my personal narrative effect not waiting for all the evidence.
Cosby needs to take notes http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...g-3-girls-older-woman-exposed-ages-10-15.html ^^^^hes such an angel.....clearly he himself was abused as a child