$100 million sounds about right... Time to break bread Cosby AND send your ass to jail after the payments are made.
I'll be laughing so hard the next time LA is racially profiled and thrown in jail, with no concrete evidence like so many blacks before him
No offense taken. That does sound like a pretty extreme percentage for legal fees. Yeah, the right is the home of the "legitimate rape" theory.
Yes,it is always about the money and the extortion of Allred. That is true about OJ did not put the community under the bus. I wonder of those memes on Cos? No doubt it is some White male saying a lot of shyt about him as compared to Allen and Polanski.
It's Gloria fucking alred I'll be surprised if she 'settled' for 60 Oh yeah... http://news.yahoo.com/alabama-man-g...2ZmV1BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNARjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkAw--
Would you like to make a bet on Mr.Cosby going to prison? These allegations are how old? like I said at best settlement.
I'm just addressing the 'rich people don't do jail time' assertion I'll leave cosby for another day and another case of beer
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...oes-not-exist-new-report-claims.html#comments You don't say.........
I bet the Hef is like 'leave me out of this!' http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-powerful-leading-men-took-gun-shot-head.html
Shit I'll be surprised if women don't start coming out now, against that womanizing whore who wears velvet Armani robes to Walmart Kiss the days of idolizing philandering men and the objectification of women goodbye! Now...if only we could stop these women from wearing skin tight outfits I mean shit if u don't want to bet treated like meat stop advertising yourself
That is sexist!!!! If women want to wear skin tight clothing or burn their bras, then they should have the right to!:smt018
There's actually a movement to allow women to go topless like men.... Bras be damned Won't be long before society just says fuck it, let people have naked sex in the streets