What do you do? 1. Exercise more 2. Scrapebook 3. Read 4. Spend more time with my friends 5. Listen to bad music 6. Watch bad TV 7. Shamelessly flirt
I usually avoid flirting too much as I want to avoid jumping into a relationship too fast. Although that never works and the relationship jumps in my lap so to speak lol.
I am -writing a lot.. -working -reading -move to another place -mostly friends keep me busy, myself, I wouldn't go out and after a while I start living a normal life, till I'm used to and don't feel anything missing anymore..
Inbetween relationships, I usually watch romantic comedies and cry. LOL. Then when I'm done feeling sorry for myself, I'll just spend more time dong things I love, either alone, or with friends. But, I'll read, I'll go to movies, I'll go on nature walks, I'll go driving out in the country....I go into "appreciation" mode - I start to appreciate all of the little things and I appreciate the beauty of nature. :-D
I dont do anything different whether Im in a relationship or inbetween.. just the same stuff. If you mean getting over a relationship - I usually withdraw for a bit, have a short pity party and then get busy doing stuff with my friends, work out even more (to get aggressions out, lol), go thought some self improvement if I feel I need to, which I usually do as I always learn something from each relationship or try to at least .... and then I work even more than I already do oh, and flirting works wonders for the self esteem for me, but at that point I like it to be the type that does not lead anywhere, not even a date. Cyberhugs to you Bosox!!!!