Best/Worst IR Movies

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by PeyBackTime8818, Jan 22, 2006.

  1. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    It was my wife's turn to pick the movie when we saw it, I was grumbling that it would be a boring "chick flick", turned out I enjoyed it as well, especially the IR marriage.
  2. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I like Love Actually for the woman who tried to seduce Emma Thompson's character's hubby. Homeboy is like a cuckold in that flick.
  3. Mista Bombdiggity

    Mista Bombdiggity New Member

    I'm seeing a lot of the same movies mentioned over and over again. Seems like y'all don't venture very far beyond typical multiplex fare so I'll mention some flicks that haven't been brought up yet.

    Flirting (1991)
    This is a gem of a movie from 1991 that takes place Down Under sometime in the 60's. There are 2 boarding schools for teens located on opposite sides of the river. One is for boys and the other is for girls. In the girls' boarding school is an African girl, newly arrived from Uganda, beautiful and smart as a whip as played by Thandie Newton (Crash, Mission Impossible 2). In the boys' boarding school is a boy just as smart, Danny, but shy and frail and a social outcast among the bigger, more manly boys. Her wit and rhetorical prowess catch his eye at a debate between the two schools and romance ensues over the rest of the film. A teenage Nicole Kidman has a supporting role as the beautiful girl all the guys lust after but is sexually repressed.

    I thought this film had tremendous insight into the awkwardness that teens experience as they explore first love. The writing is spot on and none of the actors hit a false note. My favorite movie about coming of age.

    Unfortunately, I just learned the movie was made under controversial circumstances. Turns out Newton, who was only 16 at the time of its making, was carrying on with the then 36 year old director in a relationship that lasted 6 years which she says left her somewhat scarred. Too bad. I think it's a great film.

    Other movies -

    Rachel Getting Married
    I'm somewhat stunned no one has mentioned this movie being that a BM/WW wedding is the engine that drives the plot of this film and it's only perhaps the most remarkable wedding ever put on film. The statement this film made about multi-culturalism without treating it overtly, the film is about the sister of the bride who has her own substance abuse problems, moved me tremendously. If you haven't seen it then you have to see it. Especially the women on here.

    Mississippi Masala
    The only Black male/Indian female film I know. Stars Denzel (no last name necessary) and an absolutely sultry Sarita Choudhury.

    The Landlord (1970)
    Hal Ashby only directed 12 movies in his career but a number of them are classics. This movie, with a young Beau Bridges (The Fabulous Baker Boys) is about a rich boy who buys a tenement building in a Brooklyn ghetto, gets involved in the lives of his tenants and falls in love with one of them, to the horror of his Mom.

    Jackie Brown
    I think this is perhaps Tarantino's most underrated movie and it features not one but TWO IR relationships - Bridget Fonda and Sam Jackson and Pam Grier and Robert Forrester.
  4. YZF R1

    YZF R1 New Member

    I totally aggree. I'm a bm married to w jewish woman going on 9 yrs now and we both say the same thing about IR movies. For the most part, they suck. I see many movies where the relationships of the main actors are white/asian, white/latino, white/middle eastern and every aspect of their relationsip is totally normal. But let the movie have a white/black relationship between the leading roles and it always has to be about the race factor.

    Movies like Murder at 1600, Handcock, and countless Denzel Washington movies are "fake-me-out" IR movies. They hint so close to the point, but fall short. Can't cross that race line... Had these movies involved any race combo that didn't involve a bm/bw, the two most likely would have formed a real relationship. A real relationship where the plot of the movie was not about the IR couple and their hardships with a disapproving world. I'm not saying they have to have some long drawn out sex sceen. But something a little more substancial than a romantic look, a hug, or a kiss good-by and they never see each other again.
  5. cmeinfl1

    cmeinfl1 New Member

    One of my Favorites

    I know this was from a Television series but sometime last year I saw a sement from Nip/Tuck that was based on this white couple being invited to a swingers party. When they arrived they soon found out it was a party full of white couples who came to the party where the wives where specifically there to have sex with black men. Although you never saw any sexual activity, the white couple was very surprised at the activity between the white wives and the black men, especially the scene when they were temporarly alone in one of the bedrooms when all of a sudden, there were interupted by a white couple escorting a black guy to have sex with the wife. The white husband turned to them suggesting them to feel free to watch and even mentioned to the couple that his wife could be next...or something like that...anyway, I thought it was a VERY hot and realistic episode.

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