Best of Europe?

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by Taye, May 7, 2006.

  1. Taye

    Taye New Member

    Personally I have seen and meet numerous women from Norway,Italy,Albania,Yugoslavia, and Russia. Which country in Europe do you guys think has the best women all-round (looks/beliefs)?
  2. diamondlife

    diamondlife New Member

    I've been to Belgium, England and Italy but the coolest women that I have met were in Holland.
  3. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    Holland, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, UK, and Poland
  4. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Euro women

    Swedish,Norwegian,Russian,Polish,Finnish,Danish,Estonian,and German women.
  5. Eyvah

    Eyvah New Member

    you silly americans

    Hey to all Americans over the world: Holland is the same country as the Netherlands.(Holland is the informal name).
    Oh, and Amsterdam is not a country but the capital of The Netherlands/ Holland.

    but I do agree that we are hot though.... :p
  6. Eyvah

    Eyvah New Member

    and cool of course...................
  7. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    yes, netherlands and holland are the same country and amsterdam is a city. I meant netherlands and denmark--i left out denmark
  8. Taye

    Taye New Member

    hotter accent Russian or Italian women?
  9. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  10. vimbainashe

    vimbainashe New Member

    I think Dutch Women are amazing! I made a lot of friends back in University with ladies from The Netherlands:) I loved everything about them, they are cool, pretty and intelligent:) One of them is actually visiting, hadn't seen her for 2 years! but she'll be going back on the 27th:(
    Funny thing is, i was just checking my email this morning and another of my Dutch friends is coming down at the end of this month as well!!! Fantastic hey:)!
    Eyvah, which part of The Netherlands are you from?
  11. Taye

    Taye New Member

    British women always seem to be left off of everyones list. lol
  12. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    i was thinking the same thing. i think Scottish women, Irish women and british women very lovely as well
  13. Taye

    Taye New Member

    British Isles Babes:
    Kate Beckinsale

    Kate Winslet


    Rachel Weisz


    Catherine Zeta Jones

  14. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    With the possible exception of Germany, Europe has exceptionally beautiful women. I lived in London for some time and have toured Europe a lot so i have seen and met many hot women. But my favorites are the British, Polish and the drop dead gorgeous women of Netherlands. Man o man, Dutch women are just :D :D :D Last year, i met this woman in Eindhoven and let's just say she'd put white American women(who are overrated by the way) to shame. She had the biggest breasts i have ever seen in my 23 years of human existence :lol: But really, Dutch women are outstanding.
  15. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    I saw one of the prettiest girls to me on television years ago, singing a song, who also happened to be from the Netherlands. I mean, she was stunning.
  16. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Im sure she was. I do not know why, but i always have thought "other" girls were more attractive than the played out, blonde All-American girl. Not to say they are not hot, but i've seen better. :lol:
  17. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    i like the lovely greek, italian, germans, polish, spanish and Israeli girls
  18. daftacarden

    daftacarden New Member

    hmmm. maybe that idea of a eurotrip was a good idea afterall...
  19. Lasher

    Lasher New Member

    For me it would probably be Italy and the Mediterranian Isles, Spain, Ibiza and Majorca, Ireland, and the UK, though I do work with some ladies of Polish descent and a couple of them look pretty dope too. I think there are pretty women of every kind of European group though, its an individual thing as the case is for everybody :oops: :D

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