Personally I have seen and meet numerous women from Norway,Italy,Albania,Yugoslavia, and Russia. Which country in Europe do you guys think has the best women all-round (looks/beliefs)?
you silly americans Hey to all Americans over the world: Holland is the same country as the Netherlands.(Holland is the informal name). Oh, and Amsterdam is not a country but the capital of The Netherlands/ Holland. but I do agree that we are hot though....
yes, netherlands and holland are the same country and amsterdam is a city. I meant netherlands and denmark--i left out denmark
I think Dutch Women are amazing! I made a lot of friends back in University with ladies from The Netherlands I loved everything about them, they are cool, pretty and intelligent One of them is actually visiting, hadn't seen her for 2 years! but she'll be going back on the 27th Funny thing is, i was just checking my email this morning and another of my Dutch friends is coming down at the end of this month as well!!! Fantastic hey! Eyvah, which part of The Netherlands are you from?
i was thinking the same thing. i think Scottish women, Irish women and british women very lovely as well
With the possible exception of Germany, Europe has exceptionally beautiful women. I lived in London for some time and have toured Europe a lot so i have seen and met many hot women. But my favorites are the British, Polish and the drop dead gorgeous women of Netherlands. Man o man, Dutch women are just Last year, i met this woman in Eindhoven and let's just say she'd put white American women(who are overrated by the way) to shame. She had the biggest breasts i have ever seen in my 23 years of human existence :lol: But really, Dutch women are outstanding.
I saw one of the prettiest girls to me on television years ago, singing a song, who also happened to be from the Netherlands. I mean, she was stunning.
Im sure she was. I do not know why, but i always have thought "other" girls were more attractive than the played out, blonde All-American girl. Not to say they are not hot, but i've seen better. :lol:
For me it would probably be Italy and the Mediterranian Isles, Spain, Ibiza and Majorca, Ireland, and the UK, though I do work with some ladies of Polish descent and a couple of them look pretty dope too. I think there are pretty women of every kind of European group though, its an individual thing as the case is for everybody