Bernie Sanders Hospitalized For Heart Procedure

Discussion in 'Politics' started by RicardoCooper, Oct 2, 2019.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    The man can not speak. He's senile its scary and I don't get how anyone could get behind him. Damn as awful as Bloomberg is dude is at least intelligent and has his faculties.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Do you have a link for that?
  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    He said it in a debate. if I remember correctly I think he even raised his hand yes to a similar question.

    Let me see if l can find it..
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    • [​IMG]
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    All Democrats At Main Debate Agree Illegal Immigrants Should Get Health Care Coverage
    Ian Schwartz
    On Date June 27, 2019

    MSNBC Democratic presidential primary debate co-moderator Savannah Guthrie asked the candidates to raise their hand if their healthcare plan would cover undocumented immigrants.

    "This is a show of hands question and hold them up so people can see. Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants," Guthrie said to the candidates Thursday night.

    Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Andrew Yang, Pete Buttigieg, Kirsten Gillibrand, Michael Bennet, Marianne Williamson, John Hickenlooper, and Eric Swalwell all raised their hand.

    (President Donald Trump reacted on Twitter..
    Donald J. Trump


    All Democrats just raised their hands for giving millions of illegal aliens unlimited healthcare. How about taking care of American Citizens first!? That’s the end of that race!


    8:37 PM - Jun 27, 2019
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    And from The Atlantic...

    Anxiety spiked among many centrist Democrats when all 10 presidential candidates at a recent debate raised their hand, as if pledging allegiance, to declare they would support providing health care to undocumented immigrants.
    The image seemed to encapsulate the primary’s larger lurch to the left during the early stages of the 2020 race, which has unnerved many moderates.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry I should have been clear the open boarders stance and saying we should give undocumented immigrants healthcare. That sounds off
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    On Day One, President Sanders would declare a moratorium on deportations and offer a "swift pathway to citizenship" for all illegal migrants who have been here for five years.

    Bernie would break up ICE. Border-jumping would cease to be a crime and become a civil offense like jaywalking. The "Muslim ban" would be abolished.

    President Sanders would back sanctuary cities that refuse to work with U.S. law enforcement. Asylum seekers would not have to wait in Mexico as their claims were processed but would be welcomed into the USA.

    Family separations would end. Trump's wall, which Bernie calls "racist," would be history. The administration's treatment of illegal immigration "as a criminal and national security matter is inhuman, impractical and must end."

    Migrants who enter illegally would qualify for federal health care and the same social welfare benefits as U.S. citizens.

    "With calls for a total moratorium on deportations, abolishing ICE and providing a path to citizenship for undocumented migration, the plan serves as a road map for what a fair and just immigration can be."

    ( Immigrant officials say Sanders' proposals would create an irresistible magnet for millions of migrants from all over the world to stampede into the USA.)
  8. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    You really need to cite your sources so people know where you're getting these quotes from.
  9. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    White Jesus from VT cannot fail, he can only BE failed
  10. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    LOL @ "cold sweats." A political discussion isn't "obsession." And if Bernie is hiding under my bed, Hillary is hiding under yours. Knock it off.
  11. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Seriously AB, it's clear as day --RealClearPolitics and the Atlantic, to name a few.
    You can Google the freaking debates, and his rallies. Just Google Bernie wants to abolish ice it's right there.
    Bernie wants to give healthcare to illegal immigrants it's right there online. Don't be daft. You act like I'm making this up.

    "What really moved our members was around the (his) moratorium on deportations, breaking up ICE and CBP. "
    Sanders’ immigration plan calls for ‘breaking up ICE’

    8 min mark
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    And what funny is his stance for yeaaars was this...

    When Bernie Sanders joined the Senate, he and his allies in the labor movement took on a big target: a new comprehensive immigration reform bill.

    "I believe we have very serious immigration problems in this country,"

    Sanders said during a 2007 press event, with AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka behind him.

    "I think as you've heard today, sanctions against employers who employ illegal immigrants is virtually nonexistent. Our border is very porous."
    “And I think at a time when the middle class is shrinking, the last thing we need is to bring over in a period of years, millions of people into this country who are prepared to lower wages for American workers."

    Sanders voted against the 2007 bill, but went on to vote in favor of a similar 2013 bill while making plain his fears that it could exacerbate the issue of immigrant workers “making it harder for US citizens to find jobs.”

    That rhetoric stands in stark contrast to how Bernie Sanders sounds today.

    Back then...
    Sanders’ old approach to immigration...included a focus on the potential harm new skilled and unskilled workers entering the US under guest worker programs would inflict on unemployed American citizens..

    Sanders ... repeatedly leaned on the idea that immigrant workers were taking American jobs, and played into a narrative — disputed by immigrant rights groups and most economists — that immigrant workers reduce wages for everyone across the board.

    While DACA is still a core part of Sanders’ platform and how he talks about immigration, it’s significant, activists said, that he’s now talking about using executive action for a broader moratorium on deportations that would protect many more people...

    Sanders’ plan also calls for the decriminalization of border crossings — which would make crossing the border without documents a civil rather than criminal offense.
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Warren out. Down to three old
    codgers. (Trump is the baby of the three.) (No pun, lol.)
  14. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    Playground taunts and name-calling aren't part of a discussion. I didn't and still don't like Hillary but I never implied I'd vote for Trump if she got the nomination just to fuck with her supporters. In fact, I supported Hillary after she got the nomination in 2016, and If Biden gets nominated this year I'll support him too, even though he isn't a particularly exciting choice.
  15. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    White Jesus can come back from a heart attack but can't win an election.

    Thoughts and prayers.


    America is far lefty in your minds and that's all that matters.

  16. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Who's taunting and name-calling?
  17. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    It's not hard to find. There are more than a few Ad Hominem attacks in this thread and in most of the political threads. Also, not considering Bernie to be a Commie-Pinko bastard doesn't make anyone a "bot" a "Berner" (whatever the fuck that is) or a "cultist." Have all the opinions you want, but needling people doesn't encourage debate and it damn sure isn't a discussion.
  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I know most, if not all here think that President Trump is some kind of 'incoherent, bumbling idiot', but you're very wrong and he shows here why he won.

    A town hall meeting was held today in Pennsylvania -- the man is sharp as a tack.
    There's no way Biden will be able to compete with him on the stage, or Bernie.
    He discussed the coronavirus, Joe Biden, Chuck-up threatening 2 Supreme Court Justices, Impeachment and Obamacare.

    Healthcare question

    Taliban treaty..
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2020
  19. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Somebody's sensitive. At least nobody's showing up at your house. Oh well. A few more weeks and this whole thread will be academic and America's long national nightmare will be over.

    PS: This is what the fuck a BERNER is:

    "The police have been called multiple times now on supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) over a series of protests targeting officials in the Democratic Party. A video posted online Wednesday shows one of these protests by self-styled “Berners,” who showed up late Friday night with a bullhorn and a flashlight at the house of the chair of Nevada’s Democratic Party to issue warnings against conspiring to undermine Sanders in next day’s caucuses."
  20. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    It's not about being sensitive, I've been coming on this board off and on for years, I come here for the enjoyment of the discussions. Some of my favorite discussions to read are when guys like you andreboba, The Dark King, Beasty, and our resident Trump supporter Bliss "bring-receipts" alongside your opinions, I'm simply saying when those discussions devolve it's less fun and interesting for me, but hell, I'm just one guy.

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