becoming more common?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by tdyson42, Nov 18, 2007.

  1. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Why do two you think so?

    I perfectly understand why it's possible to disagree with him, but from disagreement to "fraud" and "nazi", there's quite a huge leap...
  2. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    He's clearly a racist that uses the same nazi psuedo-science that was used on the Jews..
  3. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Concrete example?

    (I really understand the problem of talkin about "race", but I can't really see that he does it in a negative/degoratative way- claiming one is superior to another etc...)
  4. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Ok, I've searched and searched and searched to find out why you have a problem with this guy. I hadn't even heard about him until I read "is love colourblind", an article I read along with a whole bunch of other articles, so I didn't even bother too much about who the authors were. I just asumed that he was interested in the topic, perhaps because he was married to an asian woman or something... (A lot of the articles I read where written by people in IR-relationships.)

    So I've googled him, and I must say it was rather hard to find serious critisism of him. Most were just bloggers calling him.. well, "fraud" and "nazi" amongst other... without actually coming with concrete examples as to why he's a "fraud" and "nazi". Now that kind of argumentation I have a problem with- I'm not just going to accept that someones a "fraud" without any explanation...

    So I gave up looking for serious critisism of Sailer, and decided to read some other somewhat non-related articles that he's written. After reading this article (How to Help the Left Half of the Bell Curve) I absolutely see where you guys are comming from...

    OK, I still actually think he has a point in "is love colourblind", but I agree, he's a nazi :D
  5. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Yes, I do believe it has become more common. I've seen it a lot more around the block. Also on movies and TV shows.

    ( Sorry BMJ :smt019 )

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