Because she's white or because she's her?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Genious, Jun 22, 2011.

  1. Genious

    Genious New Member

    Let me first start out by saying this thread is in no way meant to target or judge any individual person, I completely understand the whole point of this site is white women and the black me who love them. This is just a question that pops into my mind after reading a few post, I'm not calling anyone out or posting any quotes. It just a feeling I can't seem the shake and the more I explore this site the more it comes up.

    For me personally, I really could give a shit about any woman's color, I like black women, white women, asian women, if there was a such thing as a blue 3 breasted martian women and one of them exhibited all the qualities and characteristics that I look for in a woman, then damn it, I'd give her a whirl too. For me the its the quality of a woman, any woman, that attracts me to them (I mean she got to be hot too). I have never been attracted to any woman simply because she was a certain color or nationality. Which brings me to my point, I have seen a lot of threads here that lead me to believe that the only reason some of the guys are here is because they a want or love a white woman, not because they want or love a woman that just happens to be white. Now I know some of you are asking yourself if im really sure i know what the purpose of this site is, and I do, or at least I thought i did. I came here for the same reason I go to any dating, or social forum, to meet poeple, and because I happen to find white women attractive I set up shop here. I guess my question is more for the ladies then for the guys.

    Ladies. Do you want to be with a guy that loves you simply because you are you, or with a guy that love you because you are white, and that fact that you may be a cool person is just a bonus.

    Personally, I think I would pass on a relationship that was centered solely on that fact that I was black, I know i can't change being black so if that is the reason, its a pretty safe assumption that she ain't going just would hope that another persons love for me would have more to do with the person I am and not the color of my skin.
  2. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    Welcome BW troll #2341. Hope you have fun.
  3. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I draw the line at 3 breasted blue women. If that is wrong, then wrong I am.
  4. Genious

    Genious New Member

    Did I miss something, if that was a joke I don't get it
  5. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Genious, you should change the picture in your signature. I am sorry to say that is not hilarious but offensive.
  6. Genious

    Genious New Member

    I got u, never my intention to offend.
  7. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    That statement indicates that you don't understand the point of this site. This site is about & for the Black Men & White Women who love each other. Your statement makes it sound like you think it's about BM who worship WW & WW who come here to be fawned over, which is completely twisted & offensive. Other than the unique challenges for BMWW couples face, love & relationships between us are no different than they are between everybody else. It's not about some color fetish or stereotypes or whatever...we love each other based on attraction & compatibility just like everyone else.
  8. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I'm not a white woman, but to answer your question we all have a certain degree of bias when it comes to physical attraction. As long as we have eyes, we will judge the beauty of the person based on the physical exterior. Anyone who tells you otherwise are being unrealistic and highly deluded. This applies to all aspects of appearance and personal perceptions of beauty.

    Many of us just like something different or exotic, while others are just open in general, but still maintain a strong preference toward some kind of person of that attraction. And then you have those who are far too closed-minded to even pursue something because of that one "flaw". All in all, it's a matter of preference.
  9. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Sorry bruh, this topic has been discussed to death, next..............
  10. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    I am sure it's just a Freudian slip who you list first..........I mean coming from a guy who comes to this site thinking a pic with a white woman with a black eye is hilarious. You are suspect genious. We will give you a little more benefit of the doubt but things aren't looking good. :(
  11. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Is the mis-spelling of your sig name meant to be ironic??

    About this site, there's all types. Some dudes are into WW exclusively simply because they are WW.

    Other members, male and female, have a unique attraction for BM or WW, but it's not just about race/color. Just a preference.:smt057

    IMO it's too diverse a crowd to pigeonhole the reasons why each member likes/loves who they like or finds attractive.

    Thus the reason for so many e-brawls on various threads!!:smt076

    It's funny to me that so many are 'curious' about why a site like this exists, or is so popular among those who are its members.:smt107:smt060

    Not every BM on this site is crippled with self-hate, and not every WW has low self-esteem.

    Just the opposite IMO.

    We like who we like. Just saying.
  12. Genious

    Genious New Member

    I thought the pic was funny because of how she got the black eye, but you are right it may have been in poor taste. As for who I listed first,I suppose it could be the fact that I have dated more black women then white women in my life due to what's around me, honestly where I grew up there was never really a of women of any race other then black. I really didn't start dating anyone other then black women until I joined the army.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2011
  13. Genious

    Genious New Member

    Yes the mis-spelling is meant to be ironic, and thank you for simply giving your opinion with out trying to jump down my throat.
  14. Genious

    Genious New Member

    Like i said in the post it was not meant to judge or call anyone out, I was just asking a question, and that question was based on why in a WWBM forum so often people make specific mention to WW, not just women period, if me and you are in the car looking for a place to eat and we decide on a place that only sells one type of chicken, just fried and nothing else. you can't tell me you not going to wonder why after you order a breast and a thigh the clerk feels the need to ask you how you want it cooked.

    As for unique challenges, i'm sorry i can't feel you on that. I can honestly say I have never been forced to deal with anything in a relationship with any WW that i have not had to deal with while dating any other type of woman.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2011
  15. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    Just because something is a prerequisite for a relationship, doesn't mean it's the only condition.
  16. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I've probably already seen some of the links you're referring to. Some men here like WW exclusively, some women here like BM exclusively. There's nothing wrong with that. What else do you really expect them to say on a free and open message board? What would you say if the site was a mono-racial site and not an interracial one and people made the same types of comments? Looking beyond that anyway, we're all humans and we should be attracted to anyone we feel genuinely attracted to. We aren't animals or non-human, we all come from African ancestry, (according to the human DNA) but people either don't know this or they ignore it.

    Some BW, BM and WM will always disagree with what you'd say. Sad, but true. Also, those kinds of people think of skin complexion as "property" and that you are obligated only to date within your own kind. That's why some racist white guys say that they are "losing" their women to BM and men of other ethnicities.

  17. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

  18. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    Once again, xoxo sums it up perfectly.
  19. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

    If a BM were attracted to me because I am a WW I would understand that only to the extent that he is attracted to my white skin etc in as much as I think that black skin is beautiful. But if it were the only reason then I doubt I'd be interested for long because that's BORING.

    There's so much more to any relationship than the initial things that might catch your eye, like skin colour for example.

    Thems my thoughts :)

    And welcome fellow newbie!
  20. LucaDeBeau

    LucaDeBeau New Member

    I smell a BW troll !!

    TROLL !

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