Barack Obama Has A Deep-Seated Hatred Of White People! Glenn Beck

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Howiedoit, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. quato102

    quato102 New Member

    Well, I guess we can all hope that he'll even get a second term - or the bully pulpit will be moot. Anything can change for bad or good, but the Obama administration should be making ZERO ASSUMPTIONS about a second term.

    A friend of mine was commenting that maybe because of Obama's election, Artur Davis might actually be able to win the governorship of Alabama...
    I informed him of one small problem. Everyone in the U.S. can vote for the president, only those in Alabama can vote for the governor.

    I think you'll see the problem
  2. z

    z Well-Known Member

    This is the same Glenn Beck who said this
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009
  3. Patterson

    Patterson New Member

    Become more Bush like, heavy sigh, yeah so he can end up the most hated man in American whilst destroying it at the same time, no thanks. So suddenly comedian Bill Maher is an expert on being a president, ummm ok. Obama is only 6mths into his first term, if people like Maher were paying attention they would know that during the campaign Obama never said he would pull out of Iraq quickly. He blatantly stated at the minimum the troops would be out of Iraq within 16mths of his first term and that being the earliest to withdraw the troops. The president can't just go around all willy nilly making hasty non-thought-out decisions regarding Iraq & our troops. He has to be educated & informed by the folks on the grounds who actually know whats going on i.e. secretary of defenses and general pertreus. Pulling out can't happen over night, it has to be done strategically. Being willy nilly and not thinking things through is what got us into this mess in the first place, so I hope everything is thought out correctly and with a fine tooth comb.

    And about his poll numbers dropping, that comes with the territory of being president. Did you honestly think his poll numbers would remain high??:confused: Even Bill Clintons poll numbers dropped quickly after he was elected and he never got the honeymoon treatment like Obama did, just do a google search and you will see. There has been no president in history whose poll numbers didn't drop, being president isn't a cake walk you take the good with the bad. Every decision you make isn't going to please everyone, his job isn't to please everyone its to make the best decisions for our country as a whole and help get us out of this mess that the Bush admin put us in. And Chosenone is correct, you don't use the bully pulpit until your second term, that way you can make radical decisions without worrying about the next election cycle.

    I never said the Rev Wright issue was a cake walk, however Obama's constituents knew that he didn't share Wrights views on race. Most of Wrights critics were on the far Wright i.e. Hannity and Limbaugh and just wanted to stir controversy. Most saw through the smoke and mirrors. As far as the Gates saga, if anything its looking more and more like Obama was right all along. Sgt Crowley, lied in his police report about statements from the 911 caller, saying she saw two black men breaking into a home. The 911 caller has came out to clear her good name and has admitted she never mentioned the suspects race, the 911 phone call proves that Crowley is a lier!!!

    As if Obama has never had a nigga wake up call in his life or political Excuse me, but I precisely remember him getting MANY throughout most of the campaign, were you living under a rock during the campaign? Obama even had fellow democrats using the race card against him during the campaign, his toughest opponent was Hillary, not John McCain. Even the Clintons played the race card, again, many nigga wake up calls, too many to mention. Obama, knows the one drop rule is and always was in effect, why else would a biracial man raised primarily in a white house hold still consider himself black? Because most biracials do not consider themselves black, especially the men. He knows the one drop rule is here to stay and damn near impossible to get rid of.

    I totally disagree, this is the illusion that most blacks are under, that white liberals understand racial I know for fact that they do not. I am a lurker on myspace liberals/democrats and other liberal type messagboards, and let me tell you most do not understand or pretend to not understand racial profiling. You'd be surprised, I got the shock of my life during the 08 election. I learned a lot about the so called open-minded white liberals.

    This thinking right here, is why we can't get anywhere as a people, its sad really. So now Obama has to bite his tongue on issues concerning blacks and minorities because it might offend whites? Again, he never bit his tongue during the campaign so why go backwards and start biting his tongue now? If we came all this way to get a black president only for him to grovel and become meek to whites, I wouldn't want him to have a second term. Please explain what further actions you want to see in a president who has only been in office for 6mths. Yet, has already signed the stimulas bill to help the economy, overturning the Bush stem cell laws, overturning many of the laws that send blacks to prison more so than whites (crack laws), trying to get universal healthcare for everyone etc etc. I'm sure there are dozens of things I have left out, but I don't understand what more do folks expect or want from this man, after only being in office 6mths.
  4. quato102

    quato102 New Member

    Become more Bush like, heavy sigh, yeah so he can end up the most hated man in American whilst destroying it at the same time, no thanks.

    These two things are not incompatible in anyway. One can push forth an aggressive, if responsible, agenda and not be hated & not destroy the world as well.

    So suddenly comedian Bill Maher is an expert on being a president, ummm ok

    Yep. As far as much as anyone else. It was an opinion he expressed that I agree with and judging by the response of the crowd on the video clip many agree with Maher's view as well...ummm...ok?

    The president can't just go around all willy nilly making hasty non-thought-out decisions regarding Iraq & our troops. He has to be educated & informed by the folks on the grounds who actually know whats going on i.e. secretary of defenses and general pertreus. Pulling out can't happen over night, it has to be done strategically.

    Not being willy-nilly is correct, but the Obama administation will miss that deadline. Guaranteed. Simply due to the fact of a lack of agressive work on the media, Iraqi government and the American people in keeping this issue upfront.

    And about his poll numbers dropping, that comes with the territory of being president. Did you honestly think his poll numbers would remain high??:

    Nope. But I think most people here did. And I believe you, if you're intellectually honest, are quite suprised and how far they've dropped and how quickly

    There has been no president in history whose poll numbers didn't drop,

    Really? Fascinating! Is water 2 parts hydrogen one part oxygen, too?. I never made such a claim about perpetually stagnant poll numbers, but thanks for the obvious clarification.

    And Chosenone is correct, you don't use the bully pulpit until your second term, that way you can make radical decisions without worrying about the next election cycle

    LOL! Assuming there will be a second term. At the rate he's going there won't be a second one.

    As if Obama has never had a nigga wake up call in his life or political Excuse me, but I precisely remember him getting MANY throughout most of the campaign, were you living under a rock during the campaign?

    Far from it, but I believe that you may be living under one right now with thte erroneous assumption that this Gates issue and other missteps will simply have no effect.

    I totally disagree, this is the illusion that most blacks are under, that white liberals understand racial I know for fact that they do not. I am a lurker on myspace liberals/democrats and other liberal type messagboards, and let me tell you most do not understand or pretend to not understand racial profiling. You'd be surprised, I got the shock of my life during the 08 election. I learned a lot about the so called open-minded white liberals

    This is not to say that all liberal are "open-mined", etc. but you have a complete failure to understand the entire social/political culture of the United States if you're going to say:

    The majority of Obama voters/liberals/MSNBC watches are less inclined to be understanding of racial profiling, or equal in understanding, to that of McCain voters/conservatives/Fox watchers.

    Really? That's your argument? McCain voters get racial profiling just as much as Obama voters?

    This thinking right here, is why we can't get anywhere as a people, its sad really.

    First off, blacks haven't "gotten anywhere", really?....and I've been living under a rock?

    Secondly, what's really sad is the think that blacks are all one monolithic group (ie. "a people"). What's really sad is making President Obama have to speak out on every single racial issues to appease blacks. What's really really sad is the "keep it real" mentality that encourages confrontational behavior when it is unnecessary and glorifies "sticking it to the white man"...even when damages yourself or your political position.

    Your worries of Obama becoming "meek" or groveling to white people says quite a bit about your social-political views. For you, Obama is a BLACK president. For others, he is a PRESIDENT who happens to be black. News flash, not alienating certain members of a constituency (ie. groveling) is a vital part of political movement.

    Strange, I'm the one arguing for more aggression in the first term and you're arguing to lay back, hold on and use the bully pulpit in the second term....yet you don't want him to be meek/or grovel for whites....or you wouldn't want him for a second term. You've got to make up your mind and reconcile those two views- beacuse their contradictory.
  5. Patterson

    Patterson New Member

    Bill Maher's own crowd agrees with him, you don't say so, I woulda never thunk it. Bill Maher is an expert on being a I suggest he run for office, lets see how far he gets, then he can lecture Obama on how to do his job. This is the same Bill Maher who suggested the 911 highjackers weren't cowards, no thanks, I think I'll listen to the president over a conspiracy theoriest comedian.

    Again, that 16mth deadlilne was the earlist for troop withdrawal out of Iraq. So if the deadline is missed, its not out of sync with his campaign promises. I'm sure his is taking the advice of General pertreus and the secretary of defense etc. Its easy to say what you will and won't do on the campaign trail, but once you get access to intelligence only the president is privy to, your decisions become more focused on whats in the best interest for the country based on the intelligence given to you.

    Nope, speak for yourself, I know how politics works, what goes up most come down. I knew those poll numbers would come down, we are in a recession, people are out of work and out of patience. The stimulas is taking longer than expected to help the economy. Obama, said he can no longer blame Bush, that the economy he inherited is now his and he takes full responsiblity for it. So he will also have to deal with the everything that intales, hence the dropping approval ratings.

    Well, judging by your previous post, you could've fooled me.

    Thats your opinion, which you are certainly intitled to, but I highly disagree and don't understand your reasoning other than dropping poll numbers.:confused:

    I never suggested that the Gates issue will have no effect.

    Again, from what I've observed, not all white liberals understand racial profiling. I've seen many so called liberals just as ignorant about this issue as McCain voters. Like I said before, you'd be surprised.

    Well, I may have been off with the statement about why we can't get anywhere as a people. However, my comment about him being meek towards whites and ignoring racism still stands. If he takes that stance, I wouldn't want him to have a second term. I would expect the same of a white president.

    How nice of you to put words in my mouth, I don't see Obama as a black president. If I were soley concered about a black president, I would've voted for Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, or Cynthia Mckinney. He didn't grovel during the campagin and part of his constituency was still there and he made more controversial statements regarding race during the campaign than he has during his presidency.

    I'm not arguing a damned thing, I was just agreeing with what Chosenone mentioned about how Presidents use the bully pulpit during their second term. Judging by previous administraions, that seems to be the case, I'm not advocating for Obama to follow this trend, so how am I contradicting myself?
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009
  6. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Beck:King Fool

    Beck takes stupidity to new heights when he made that statement. O'Reilly likes him so much he puts him on his show. He is King Fool,a clown who does things not so funny dressing like a guy waiting for Oktoberfest. He is terrible in lederhosen.
  7. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    I think Beck's wrong about this. Obama doesn't hate whites. I haven't seen it in him
  8. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  9. themaster

    themaster Active Member

    pure crap

    obama is half white and he was educated for white people
  10. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    What do you mean "educated for white people"?
  11. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Yeah, that confused me. Hope it was just a typo.
  12. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  13. themaster

    themaster Active Member

    i'm talking about his family, white family
  14. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    A more politic way of making that point would have been to say that he was raised by white people.
  15. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    I am still not clear as to your intent, yes he was raised by his white Mother, what on earth does that have to do with his education?
  16. themaster

    themaster Active Member

    yeah, but at the end is the same
  17. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    remember english is not his first language, so relax

    stop being so sensitive

  18. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    LOL, I did not realize that English was not his native tongue, I thought for a second we had another troll on our hands, they have been popping up lately.
  19. themaster

    themaster Active Member

    that's it
  20. Patterson

    Patterson New Member

    What Beck is doing is dangerous and has potential consequences and he should be held accountable for his hateful words. The way to put folks like Beck in check is to go after their sponsors, hit em in the pockets. I recentaly recieved an email from the democratic party regarding a petition for Becks advertisers to take their dollars somewhere else. If anyone is interested, here is the link to sign the petition.

    Dear friends,

    As you may know, right-wing talk show hosts have been bringing race-based fear mongering into the mainstream, but FOX's Glenn Beck just took it to another level. On Tuesday, Beck said:
    This president has exposed himself as a guy over and over and over again who has a deep-seated hatred for white people... this guy is, I believe, a racist.​
    It's part of a larger argument Beck has been making: that President Obama wants to serve the needs of Black communities at White people's expense. This kind of talk stirs up fear, hate, and it can lead to violence.
    I've joined's effort to stop Glenn Beck. ColorOfChange is already putting calls into Beck's advertisers, asking them if they want to be associated with this kind of racist hate and fear-mongering. When the advertisers see that tens of thousands of us are behind that question, I believe they'll move their advertising dollars elsewhere, and his show and platform will be history.
    Will you take a stand and be counted, and invite your friends and family to do the same? It takes just a moment:
    Glenn Beck is appealing to the worst in America. Of course, some Americans refuse to accept the fact that our president is Black or the idea that he could truly serve all Americans. But the only way these views fade away is if they're not reinforced by mainstream society. Instead, folks like Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs, and Rush Limbaugh are exploiting racism and race-based fear to bump their ratings, stirring up racial discord in the process.
    The dangers of these tactics are real. We saw the same dynamic during the presidential race: By the end, the McCain/Palin campaign was unable to control the violent energy whipped up by their race-baiting. It resulted in an unprecedented number of threats on Obama's life, a rise in the number of hate groups, and an increase in the number of threats and crimes against immigrants and Black people.
    FOX has a horrible track record on pushing racist propaganda, but Glenn Beck appears to be taking the network to an even lower standard. He's trying to divide and distract America when we should be coming together and talking about issues that really matter--like health care and the economy.
    The good news is that we have the power to stop this. All major media is funded by advertising. And advertisers care more than anything what consumers think. If we want to change what's happening and put an end to folks like Glenn Beck having a platform, we can do it.
    It's up to us, and it can start now. Please join me:

    Here are some links to more info:
    "Beck: Obama has 'exposed himself as a guy' with 'a deep seated hatred for white people'"
    "Glenn Beck: Obama agenda driven by 'reparations' and desire to 'settle old racial scores'"
    "MSNBC's Deutsch encourages viewers to demand advertisers on Beck's show spend money elsewhere"
    ***********0066cc][/COLOR] "On Television and Radio, Talk of Obama's Citizenship"

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