Barack Obama Has A Deep-Seated Hatred Of White People! Glenn Beck

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Howiedoit, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. Howiedoit

    Howiedoit Active Member

    [YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

    I shouldn't be surprised at what Glen Beck says but this is madness.
  2. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    yes yes, time to spin the whole 'dr gates' issue and capitalize on Obama's hasty stance. Even if it was the right one when everything comes to closure, it was still quick and factless. His opponents are going to have a field day with that one.

    'Everytime a white person gets involved in an issue concerning a black person, he's ALWAYS going to take the side of the black person'

  3. quato102

    quato102 New Member

    So much for a post-racial America...

    For some people, the election of Obama has stirred so much anger and deep-seated animosity, (ie. Beck, Birthers, etc.) that they are unable to keep from expressing views/opinions that once would have been behind closed doors.

    Obama's election has actually produced a lot of blowback. It as created the exact opposite of the post-racial America. There are a substantial number of people who've only grown more angry and more bold with their race-baiting tactics. They've held it in check so far, because they never thought the day would really come. Now that it has, they're unhinged.

    For Beck and the Birther's, they are now the victims, the hated ones, the ones who need to get "their" country back.

    Obama has given them some serious ammunition on this one. Even though he might have been correct in his characterization, he's got to realize that for the Fox newscrowd he will NEVER be president, only a BLACK MAN-FORIEGNER who has just happened to have become president due to extensive fraud. He has got to start choosing/speaking more carefully.

    Like it or not, he will not, and does not, have the luxury of Good 'Ol "Plain Speakin'" Bush.:smt078
  4. jaylon

    jaylon Member

  5. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Fox News = Str8 comedy.:smt043

    I watch that network and I say to the television:

    "what the fuck is wrong with you people"?!:smt042
  6. Patterson

    Patterson New Member

    Good luck with hoping Obama starts choosing his words more As we have seen throught the campaign trail and now as President, Obama is not the type of black man to bite his tongue. I think thats one of the reasons he is so well liked and one of the reasons he was elected. Obama, got the second highest precentage of whites to vote him, even after he made comments about his Grandmother being a typical white person and having a 20+yr friendship with the highly controversial Rev. Wright, that speaks volumes IMO.

    With Obama speaking out the way he did against the white cop who was in the wrong, he may have opended up some of his white supporters eyes into what black men face every day dealing with cops. Regardless, of whether or not he has gaffes or is a perfect robot president, the Fox news crowd, birthers etc, will NEVER accept him. And I don't really think he gives a damn, those idiots are well aware that America's demographics are changing and not exactly in their favor. Which is what all of this nonsense is all about, but thats a whole other thread topic.:D
  7. raocha

    raocha Active Member

  8. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    like i said before about the president's remark..

    even tho he may be right in the end, his rush to judgement (come on, no one has a crystal ball) before getting additional intel, makes him look like Al Sharpton sans perm

    but you know, to be fair (that's what this is all about right, fairness?), Rush et al should be eyeballing Dubya and his god-awful response to Katrina victims in New Orleans...

    they should be saying Bush was a racist for that
  9. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted

    That buffoon Beck has no inside to the thinking of President Obama. All he's trying to do is stir up shit as is normally done on Fox News.

    If Pres. Obama does in fact have a so-called deep hatred of whites in America -- like all Afr-Ams he's got one billion and a half reasons for it.

    The Kid Rasta
  10. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I thought Obama was bi-racial..LOL? This is why a lot of blacks claim bi-racials (that and the fact Obama says he's black)...a little bit of controversy and now the same people saying (back when he first got elected) that he's "also white too America...not just black" they distance and call him an angry black man...surprised...methinks not. :p
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    angry black man

    uh oh


  12. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    Go Easy On Him Folks

    ...because obviously Glenn has fallen off the wagon [​IMG]& starting drinking again!:drinkers:
  13. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    "What will they think of next?"
  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    'sippin on some sizzurrrrp!'
  15. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    See, this is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. These folks on the right try to paint him as a typical "angry black man", while at the same time they call him an "appeaser who is soft on terrorism". How can he be both of those? How does that make ANY sense? They can't even make up their minds as to what they wanna call him.

    I wish to god that they would just say what they REALLY feel and stop trying to hide behind what is soooo obvious.

    "People fear what they don't understand, hate what they can't conquer, I guess that's just the theory of man."
  16. quato102

    quato102 New Member

    I can understand what you're saying, but politics is perception - not reality. Obama might have a problem with not choosing his words carefully, but that doesn't really do too much when you're overly pragmatic/bi-partisan in your actions. As Bill Maher said, "Obama needs to be a little more like George Bush". Start forcing things. Making things happen and use the bully pulpit. So, we can all applaud Obama, "keepin' it real" - but troops are still in Iraq. The economy is still stagnant. Gitmo is still open. Afghanistan is still in turmoil. And Obama's poll numbers are dropping quickly. Among all demographics, especially whites who voted for him.

    Don't forget how close the Rev. Wright issue came to derailing his entire presidential run. It was not something that was easily glossed over/forgotten in a week. And this Gates issue probably won't either as more information is coming out that Gates may have been a bit less of an angel that initially reported, the 911 caller never mentioned race, etc...etc...

    When Obama was elected, the U.S. went through collective, and misguided, spasms of self-congratulatory back slapping. However, the shine is gone now and the knives have come out. As the great Paul Mooney would say, "Obama is getting his nigga wake-up call." See, people are starting to conveniently forget the whole "bi-racial" thing, now he's conveniently just another darkie who jumped to the defense of another black man. To quote Paul Mooney again, "At the end of the day, white people know who's white, and they'll never let you forget it."

    The "one drop rule" is suddenly back in effect.

    You mention opening the eyes of white supporters. This next point is very important to understand: White supporters of Obama were already aware of/understanding of racial profiling. They are white liberals. They didn't need to have their eyes opened. They already support the victim ethos of minorities.

    So, in the best interest of not becoming a one-termer, Obama needs to start learning to be the "type of black man" that bites his tongue...and starts putting more bite into his actions. Or he can continue to keep it real...all the way right out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
  17. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  18. quato102

    quato102 New Member

    See, this is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. These folks on the right try to paint him as a typical "angry black man", while at the same time they call him an "appeaser who is soft on terrorism". How can he be both of those? How does that make ANY sense?

    Easy, never forget that the terrorists are "sandniggers", so it makes perfect sense for Obama to be the domestic "angry black man", yet still support his Arab "brothers", I mean after all he "pals" around with terrorists. He's a secret Muslim - at the end of the day - he's not white...probably not even a U.S. citizen. Oh, and don't forget that he's uppity - oh, wait, I mean "arrogant".

    The above explanation has been brought to you by Fox NewsThink.
  19. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  20. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Obama will not use the bully pulpit until his second term. I think he understands that there is an opportunity for Dems to win the White House again after he's out of office. There is always a need for strength but I suspect he's thinking about the party (post-Obama) in general. I heard a stat today that said Obama won 78 of the 100 most educated counties in America while McCain won 88 of the 100 least educated counties in America. Random...but still interesting.

    (side note) The "burden of proof" always seems a bit higher for Democrats as the world needs to be falling apart before they get elected.

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