Barack Obama and White Women

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by Blacktiger2005, Jan 12, 2008.

  1. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :!: Damn Smooth, I know a whole lotta heads who need to read what you wrote above. We've betrayed our own principles and achievements. To the world, our bad apples represent the whole tree. They embarrass me.
    8) I'm riding with you on your opinion Smooth.
  2. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Bro, I appreciate that. The "establishment" will ignore the achievements of the above but champion some pinhead rapper. I mean Bill Cosby is villified for telling the truth.

    I know a lot of us (Black people) feel that way, but the entertainment industry and the media lure many young people in with the cash and they fall for it. Many black entertainers look at Steppin Fetchit as a hero, but ignore Oscar Micheaux. We DO have the power and the resources to change the way our image is percieved but don't.

    Check this link out here. They're old, but interesting. He brings up a few good points:

  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    you're touching upon some deepness man


    with respect to rappers..."at the end of the day, it all comes down to selling albums and making money. if our audience wants to hear about killin' fools, robbing stores, smackin bitches n' hoes, that's what we'll give em, so we can stay in business."

    not all rappers fit that particular profile, but I do recall some justifying the heavy usage of the "N" word in their songs. People buy that stuff. They're idolized in urban and suburban societies, while, as you said, people like bill cosby are turned into villains for saying some truthful shiet about us.
  4. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Hey, I'm all about knowing 'the truth'. I do like hip hop (old school and underground). Of course not all rappers fit the profile, there ar many indie rappers who are down, but like you said as far as the 'corporate' rappers, it's all about the $$$ at the end of the day. 8)

    Let's not even get started on the so called 'comedians' know those that come on Comicview? Does that even still come on?
  5. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Smooth and Petty, I understand exactly what you guys are saying. The image of blacks is vastly distorted by entertainment and the media. But, what intelligent person develops a generalization about a particular group of people based on what they see on tv? Its called "entertainment" for a reason. (Great point, INJERA!)

    There will always be those who are entertained by "the thug life" image. And personally, I dont see a problem with gansta rap or hard-core rap videos long as there is an understanding that this is entertainment!

    Personally, I have found most people who condemn hard-core gansta rap to be very hypocritical in their views. Why? Because these are the same people who watch porn, go to strip clubs, cheat on their wives (Mr. Cosby), like violent movies (who here doesnt like Scarface or Carlito's Way), or movies where 99% of the serial killers are white. Its ok if a person or ethnic group is shown in a negative stereotype as long as they are not black?

    Rap music just makes for an easy target. But goes way deeper than music.

    Oh, and the "media" is conservative, not liberal.
  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    jellybird makes a bra' wanna sit back and reflect on some shiet

  7. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    8) JB makes a an eloquent argument as he always does. However, I can't agree 100%. Nothing JB said is wrong, however, we cannot dismiss the argument of the "degradation of our culture" via Hip-Hop.

    This isn't about "targeting" hip-hop, no, not at all. Music is just ONE of many avenues our culture is influenced. However, keep in mind it's usually the youth who molds trends and the youth is influenced by nothing more than the music/culture they're immersed in. What culture is more influential than Hip-Hop? It rules the world. There are so many incredible things about Urban culture. For example, what culture is as inclusive, broad, and diverse as the urban/hip-hop culture? Hip-Hop welcomes everybody. It's not only the voice of the streets, but anybody who can relate to urban society...and beyond.

    However, with that said, the positivity of said culture is COMPLETELY overshadowed by the superficial and destructive aspects of said culture. No one can argue that. Our point JB is not to tear down hip-hop, not at all. Like I said in another thread, I'm a product of said culture, pure and simple. However, we have allowed ourselves (those in the industry..and consumers) to be minipulated. Where's the balance. Like I said before, if you continue to feed 2, 3, 4, generations of the same BS you see on TV and hear on the radio, the traditional values and morals of urban society (specifically black american familys) are swept away into history. Thirty years ago, it wasn't hip to talk about your "Baby's daddy". Today, that's the NORM and it's glorified in the music. The seeds of de-evolution has been planted by "mainstream" hip-hop.

    Would you give away a Cadillac because it has a busted headlamp? Of course not. So why discredit Mr. Cosby because he has flaws like the rest of us. Was President Clinton ineffective because he was an adulterer? No, he was the best President of MY lifetime. My point is Mr. Cosby might be flawed, but he cares enough about his people to PUT THE TRUTH ON BLAST! The rest of us should sound-off as well. Simon Peter (Shi-mone) was a sinner and denied Christ, yet Yeshua charged him with making sure his message was spread throughout the land. CHANGE only comes when there's someone radical enough to do something controversial. I respect Mr. Cosby for being brave enough to shoulder the criticism to say what NEEDED to be said, no matter how flawed he might be.

    Entertainment? Ok, where's the balance? Like I said, if you only show a child carnage and destruction, they think it's normal. If you never see "Positive", you don't realize there's a "Negative". So you think "negative", is the norm. The media does not provide that balance and we eat it up.

    I hope you can understand our point. Your argument actually goes hand-in-hand with ours. 8)
  8. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Ya know, some stuff just isn't meant to be understood. I try to figure this thing out until I get to the point of popping a blood vessel. But hey, I just want to make action movies with Black folk.

    Life is too short to focus on trivial stuff. I just gotta live for myself because it's my life. I do what I can do so I have no regrets. I just get frustrated sometimes at the situation. I like the fact that we may have different opinions and approches towards race but can still come to a common understaning. So I'm just gonna stop tripping because I'm only ONE black man.

    Just too much to think about.
  9. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    [in foghorn-leghorn voice]I said...I said....gaw dayum
  10. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :lol: Petty, youz a nutt, LOL!!
  11. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Intrigue, you know your my "brotha from another motha" and I have always heard you speak nothing but the truth. As usual we agree to agree.

    But you make the statement that "the positive is overshadowed by the superfical and destructive" (in regards to hip hop), which is true, but isnt that the case about just about everything in life? The negative about anything and everything is what makes news and draws attention. The balance is out there, but Common, PE, Talib Kweli, and a gang of other positive artists will never have the draw of the "negative" (and all of its not bad) out there. (People said NWA were just gang bangers making records, but they were the first ones from my generation to open my eyes to police brutality, racial profiling, etc. Maybe you didnt like the way they delivered the message, but it was the truth. Long before the Rodney King video confirmed it.)

    Negativity sells. People like to talk about Pam Anderson and her jumbo breasts but not her dedication to animal rights. We talk about athletes, who they are dating, how long there rap sheet is, and how much money they make, but how much do you hear about their charity work or money they donate to charities.

    Its "our" job to accentuate the positive to counter the negative that we KNOW the media is going to put out there. (I dont expect anything less from them, so when I see it, Im not the least bit suprised.) "Each one, teach one"...about everything...including rap music.

    Your right about Bill, and I wasnt trying to take a shot at him. Ok, maybe a little one...he's just too judgemental for me. Everyone isnt going to do things how he did it.
  12. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    8) Once again, the brutha shows his wisdom. We need to start a council - "Brothas for the Progressive advancement of Urban Peoples". Smooth and Petty can chair the board. :D

    :arrow: P.S. Roy Jones Jr. whupped that ass tonite. I had to add that.
  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Thread-Jack Alert! Thread-Jack Alert!

    *get the fuk out the car, beotch*


    I checked up on Roy Jones, just to make sure he was still able to whoop somebody's a$$ too...

    I was happy to see that he won..

    now...if Roy Jones joins the world of Mixed Martial Arts.......

  14. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

  15. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    It will be a combination of white women and hispanics who will determine Obama's political future as we saw in Nevada. Most hispanics i have talked to will not vote for Obama.
  16. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    did they give you any good reasons...

    besides him being "black"

  17. briarwood

    briarwood New Member

    One thing that simply has to be said is that many AAs are reluctant to let go of those stereotypes due to the fact it garners them attention. Many WW who are atrracted to BM is due to the fact we've stereotyped BM as "Wild/Outside the law/renegades/G's", things WM are not able to pull off easily. Honestly, most people know that WM and BM have a lot of mascultenty if they so choose, but BM have the power of media/image on their side. Before you point the finger at "Those Brothas", remember that I've seen plenty of smart, down to earth bros imitate these clowns if it suits them (including wooing WW).

    I often question weither WW's attraction is becuase we're Black or becuase we're "Black". Something to dwell on.
  18. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I can understand WW wanting to see one of their own hold the highest office in the land.

    Part of me thinks Latino's resistance to Obama stems from the fact so many of them harbor prejudices against anyone with black skin. Of course you would think that they would identify more with someone who has an immigrant parent. Interesting that those non-blacks on the low end of the economic totem pole are most willing to vote for Hilary.

    I can't really fault them too much however because a lot of BLACK people (particularly older folks) have reservations voting for him because of his background.
  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    i had a teacher tell me before, that we would see a latino president before a black one, just based on the sheer numbers of latinos that are in and constantly coming into this country..

    but...what he said wasn't exactly the gospel, because he has been wrong on numerous occasions


    personally tho, I thought that if anyone had a chance, it would be hilary. She's a women and all, but she is still white..and to people that only care about skin, she may be their ticket...

    if she was a non-white woman, collecting all of this buzz, I may be more interested to see how things turned out..
  20. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    That's what really helps Latino's....they have a steady supply of immigrants arriving every day...whereas Africans/Afro-Carribeans etc...come in much smaller numbers.

    Unfortunately it takes them a couple of generations to realize that rich businessmen only want to use them.....almost like indentured servants.

    Latinos also tend to be split when it comes to which party they support....that's good because everyone wants to court them (unlike with black people)...however it also means there is no concentration of power....their impact is lessened.

    It's a hard lesson for them to learn that while in Latin America...most of them are "white"....but in this nation....they are "colored."

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