Barack Obama and White Women

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by Blacktiger2005, Jan 12, 2008.

  1. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    8) That's a hell of a post BRONZE! That's pretty perceptive. I think you and LESTAT has some very strong points. I'm not certain we'll ever know why we went to Iraq. What we do know, IF you're being honest with yourself, is that the reasons initially given were bold-faced lies and they knew it when they presented it to the country. We broke a country that had some form of stability so how do we fix it? Can we fix it? We fucked up pretty bad. Then how do we fix our image and mend international relations?
    The next Pres has a huge job on his hands and I don't believe the current GOP platform is even remotely healthy for this country.
  2. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Colin Powell begged everyone not to invade......?
    I think you got your facts mixed up.
    It was Colin Powell who stood right in front of the United Nations and said that the US had reliable intelligence that Iraq had biological weapons and were on their way to developing nuclear weapons.

    Yes, Powell knew that Iraq had no such weapons and initially didnt favor the invasion, but caved in to Bush and his cabinet when he found out BEFORE 9/11 that Bush had plans to invade Iraq. Then 9/11 took place and Powell knew that the US was going to invade for sure. But he didnt want the US to go at it alone and went to the UN to get support from other countries.

    Bigotry had nothing to do with this. Powell was cowardly and decided to play the political game and came out with egg on his face. (His role in this horrible war is just as big as Bush's and C. Rice's.) But that's what happens when you side with the war mongers and join the Republican Party.

    If your going to ride with the Republicans...ride with them all the way. Anyone who voted Republican...this is your legacy.
  3. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    I don't watch rap videos at all but you've obviously watched Chris Rock's "Bring The Pain" (or was it "Bigger & Blacker"?) a few times since you're basically quoting it. I look askance at somebody whose worldview is shaped by a comedy routine.

    So if it's an insult when a white person compliments a black person on being articulate, then it must be a compliment when black people make fun of another black person who speaks well? You see here where your logic falls short.

    And thanks for the dap, Smooth Daddy, I know I'm not crazy.
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    you can't win with some people..

    if it's an insult for a white person to comment on how articulate you are...

    what would be the proper compliment???

    "oh my, i love the way your baggy pants sag off your ass, and I just love how the word "crunk," rolls off my tongue"

  5. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Actually he said something like that in "Bring the Pain" but at the very least his comedy routine is ten times more sensible than your backwards logic. But Im not going to get into an arguement with you over comedy or logic - if you had taken a logic class then you wouldnt have come to that insane conclusion you did in your last post.

    The simple fact is its a compliment if you think that most black people "dont know how to talk." Now if you have such a low opinion of black people (which would include yourself), then maybe you need to look in the mirror and analyze yourself or seek professional help.

    Black people are like all other people. The huge majority are middle of the road, 9 -5 workers, who speak "normal" but not perfect english. (Hell, I havent meet a person, black or white, who does.) But the "establish" for decades has tried to come up with reasons not to promote blacks or why a white person would be a better choice. "His english is bad"..."He wont 'fit in'...he hasnt paid his dues." Bullshit!

    You, pettyofficer, and smooth are taking the extremes of black behavior and perpetuating it as the norm. So I guess you speak "proper" english and wear yor pants up high so you can say, " Hey, look at me. Im not like those ni*#as. I know how to talk and dress. Like me."

    Does it make you feel that much bigger that you can look down on those who are not as educated as you or dont speak english as well as you?
  6. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Oh...I dont know...maybe his education or experience since the man is an accomplished legislator and has a Harvard Law Degree.
  7. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Don't forget it was a WW actress Jeri Ryan whose testimony against her ex helped Obama become Senator from Illinois.
  8. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    Excellent post, I know a lot of black people that speak good English. I hate it when other blacks try to justify somebody talking about he speaks good English or he is articulate that shit is an insult, Some of them brothas need to stop that I am not like those other Negroes crap.
  9. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    I give up...Of course MOST black people DO NOT speak broken English, however, we have a media that has NOTHING but the utmost contempt for us. The media tries to fool everybody else by telling them that WE act that way and that WE talk that way. For me, that pisses me off. We come with a stigma thats never going away. There are black people who do perpetuate those stereotypes, but what do you do to to convince other people that YOU are not like what you see on BET or any rap video? I'm not looking down on anyone but what can you do? That's why I agreed with Karma. Of course to many non-blacks, we're all n*ggers, but again I ask what can you? How do you fight that stigma when other people have a low opinion of us? You work hard, but someone else comes along and makes you look bad--and people think tht you two ARE alike. But why bother?

    I mean Malcolm X, MLK Jr, George Washington Carver, etc... worked hard and tried to uplift us, only so a bunch of sellouts and fake gangsters can make money by reinforcing those ignorant n*gga stereotypes. However, that's my opinion agree or disagree.
  10. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    Then turn your TV off, most white people should have the common sense to know that what they see on TV is not the majority. I am tired of folks thinking that black people are like the borg and are on hive mind, The problem is too much TV.
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Keep in mind that not all white people come into contact with black people. Keep in mind also that, even if they do come into contact with us, it may not be satisfactory enough, for them to formulate a fair opinion.

    I have been in situations in college, where some white people "never" had any real contact with a black person. I been to diversity events where I was treated like a new "toy," because the white people there simply never had a black man in their midst.

    How are THEY supposed to have COMMON SENSE, when the people they are developing thoughts about, BLACK PEOPLE, are anything but COMMON where they live at?

    ENTER BET/MTV. A lot of that garbage focuses on the "urban" culture, where you have black people facsinated with rediculously expensive jewelry, flashy cars, plat-num teeth, being CRUNK, spreading eagles, calling each other n*gga and fool, shooting other people, robbing liquor stores, etc. These type of images are what those people, the ones who aren't coming into real, lasting contact with black people, are seeing, and to an extent, believing. This is how we have stereotypes.

    This is why a lot of people will always think black people are nothing but degenerate fools, who want to destroy everything we come into contact with. If you want people to stop complimenting black men, about their articulation capabilities, I suggest you email BET/MTV and tell them to stop showing us "actin' like fools," and spend some more time with black people at universities, politics, or business.

    Again, just my opinion.
  12. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    Ok but they was developing stereotypes about us when we were inventing Rock and Roll. I don't feel sorry for no one that watches TV and think all blacks live like that, but in the same breath you have White folks that fell in love with blacks for watching that on TV so double edged sword. I can damn near bet the farm that if a hot white chick rolled up on any of the crunk hating folk in here and wanted to dance to a lil John song they would not turn her down.
  13. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    You challenge their racist views. If someone has the nerve to say something so racist to you, around you, or in the company of you, they deserve to have their idiotic ideas challenged. (Unfortunately, some will view your silence as you being in agreement.) And yeah, now your going to be labeled "the angry black man." But the times I have had this discussion with white people I ask them what woiuld be the propler response to such a racist statement?

    I dont perpetuate these ignorant ideas myself, and at the same time I refuse to let those around me (friends, non-friends, whatever) perpetuate them either.
  14. Selecta

    Selecta New Member

    Obama is a great litmus test for the power a charismatic good looking black man can have over white women. He has women under 35 on lock Hillary has the older crowd and frankly who needs them anyway the past is boring. Racism is still alive and well but black men dominating pop culture is a double edge sword. On one level we are seen as supermen and on the other level we are portrayed as beasts. Older whites for the most part have serious racial hangups, white boys for the most part are just plain insecure when it comes to the potency of black men. White women under 35 have been conditioned by the media to see us as the most manly and masculine men and add thier daddy's fear perpetuated onto them to stay away from black men leads to the perfect situation for seduction curiousity and a hint of fear and danger. Obama just shows that the new generation of white women are open to us in large numbers.
  15. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    I keep reading and hearing here on this site that it's the media that puts out misconception garbage on black men, but correct me if i'm wrong is that media largrly liberal and if it is then are liberals racists?
  16. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Yes they can be.....not necessarily the rebel-flag waving, gun-toting, KKK member who happens to be the town sheriff.....they aren't the "peckerwood" type racists. They are the paternalistic...."I need to help Rastus because all he'll do is sit and eat nigger apples all day if I don't step in" types. They can be the worst only because they will smile to your face and stab you in the back..when you get out of line.


    Peckerwood = offensive term for whites used some blacks (mostly older blacks)

    Nigger apples = watermelon
  17. briarwood

    briarwood New Member

    I think this thread in general is a slap in the face to both whites and blacks. Most whites know that the vast majority of Blacks are middle-class and intelligent. Most Blacks know it's stupid to act like how it is on BET. The problem comes in with the fact that the liberal media will make sure America continues to see AAs in the ghettofied light to ensure the legacy of racism and racial divison moves on. Keeping AAs poor is what gives Al/Jesse/Clinton/the Government employed. Sad but true.

    The other beef is that many white folk have latched onto the idea that being "Like that" is cool and something to emulate. So when a smart, successful black man enters the room, they're ignored, becuase that's not how they choose to see Black people. Also, keep in mind that many White women are attracted to the ghetto side of black culture. I've seen too many an intelligent brother play to his "urban" side to woo the Blondes. Stupid and Corny.

    As for Obama, He shows that WW (women in general really) have got love for intelligent and successful Black men. However, I think his general charisma is what has them hooked more than the blackness. I'm pretty sure JFK would be rollin in the honeys if he was alive too.
  18. designer

    designer New Member

    You've hit the nail on the head a few times in your post.

    Some people love the Clintons and any liberal people who'll claim to support so called black causes but in the end the best thing that could happen for most black people overall is a reduced need/desire to have liberal people reaching back to help “save us from ourselves.”

    I found it very sad that the President/former President of BET would try to paint Obama as a drug user in his support for Hillary when BET does more to portray black men and women in the ghetto-fabulous role than anything I've seen in recent history.

    I say thank God for Obama and any black person smart enough to be themselves despite the masses of people working hard to paint us as some single minded block of voters who care more about what you'll do for me versus how can I help myself.

    I don't see this coming from the Clinton camp or the good folks at BET.
    I see it coming from Obama and this is why I'm supporting him over Bill and Hillary and their so called “love of black people” when it's time to vote.
  19. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :!: Pettyofficer brings up some very valid points. Very strong points indeed.
  20. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    TY professor


    I give it 10 minutes, before someone starts contradicting that statement..

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