Barack Obama and White Women

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by Blacktiger2005, Jan 12, 2008.

  1. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    I have heard on a radio talk show recently that the reason Barack Obama is so much admired and respected from many whites particulary white women who are responsible for his political success so far is that they see in him a man who is not afraid to be different. A lady caller who called in said that Obama has a different mindset than many black men who were born and raised in this country. Because of his mother who was white and the fact that he was exposed to other cultures early in life, Obama has a openess about him that many women admire. They see in him a man who loves his family, his willingness to take risks, and the fact that he represent something new that they themselves would love to have in their male partners. Is this right?

    Ladies what is your take on this new kind of black man or as some would call him bi-racial man?
  2. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    Veyron why is it that you do not trust him?
  3. tdyson42

    tdyson42 Member

    I have reservations about Obama just because he seems to have popped out of nowhere. Very little record to judge him by. People seem excited about a fresh face and of course the novelty that he'd be the first black president only increases the facination, and to be sure he has a very inspiring style to his speeches, but I am more interested in a politician's record than their eloquence.

    Beyond the speeches about hope and change, what has the guy ever done? No one had even heard about him until a couple years ago. Charisma alone isn't enough. Let him build up a record for a few years and give me something to judge him by first.
  4. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Wisdom and age do not go hand in hand. This is one of the biggest fallacies in our culture. In an ideal world...they would go together.....but that isn't how it often works. No matter how "inexperienced" he is..all of the candidates have the same level of experience when it comes to being President....NONE. Nothing prepares you for being president.

    He isn't as talented a debater as Hilary Clinton....nor does he seem quite as fiery as John Edwards...but being a great debater or appearing passionate doesn't automatically qualify one for being President anymore than being a great orator.

    I don't trust any candidate that would allow their spouse to do their dirty work for them. If you want to play it yourself. I don't trust any candidate that waits until they get behind in the polls to all of a sudden start trying to show their "true" personality. You should have been yourself from the start. I don't trust any candiate that cites decades of experience but has yet to explain exactly what they've done. I don't trust any candidate that feels they have to turn to Niggerspeak when addressing a black congregation....."I'm no ways tired."

    As for the comment the lady made on the radio station: that is a tired argument I hear from some whites to belittle the average if to say that his almost natural state of paranoia is unjustified. OMG...."I like Obama because he's different".....Bullshit......I hear that same shit from people that try to explain why they somehow get along with Africans and not Afro-Americans. The Africans know the history of this nation well...but from a great-grandmother witnessed a lynching in Big Sandy, Tx when she was a little girl.....Emmett Till was murdered when my mother was a small child.....this history is still fresh in the minds of many blacks.
  5. phylisrn

    phylisrn New Member

    Chosenone, I agre with you 100%. It is not a compliment when people say" he is a different kind of Black man". In fact, it is one of the biggest insults to Black people there is.
  6. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    That was a hot reply Chosenone. I can appreciate all the posts on this thread. It's obvious people aren't taking this election casually, and we shouldn't. There are valid arguments on both sides and I think both can be substantiated to a point.

    Personally, I'm open-minded about both...actually ALL the candidates. I must be honest with myself and say I have a much stronger distrust and alienation for the GOP than the Dems. However, the Dems are corrupt as well.

    I do strongly believe Hillary has the ability to firmly lead this country back in the right direction. However, she moves in such a premeditated and disingenuine fashion, the trust factor has become suspect. It's hard not to look her way considering her husband performed so admirably as Chief Executive and seemed to genuinely give minorities issues and concerns authentic attention.

    I can't really knock Obama right now, but we need to see the meat. We need more specifics. I really like his passion but we're gonna need some details in regards to his intentions. Nonetheless, he gets points simply because he has yet to be completely corrupted by Washington. So perhaps his political nievety will actually be an asset.

    ....I'll continue to watch and listen.

  7. BronzeSaint

    BronzeSaint New Member

    I agree with some of what you said.

    Obama would be a godsend when it came to international relations (IMO).

    He's not Muslim (he's as Christian as a Parish Priest). But, the mere fact that people in the Middle East know that his dad was a non-practicing Muslim is enough for them to give Obama a chance to work with them and bring about peace in the region.

    Black & White means absolutely nothing in the Middle East. The only thing that matters there is if you are male (yes, it's the most sexist place on Earth) and have some remote connection to their culture. Just by pure luck, Obama has a perceived understanding of their culture (in their eyes). He WOULD (if elected) be able to use his North African ancestry to alienate Al Qaeda in much the same way Anwar Sadat (Black Egyptian, very much like Obama) brought peace between Egypt and Israel.

    For this reason, if we REALLY want to stop Al Qaeda and Bin Laden (and not BS about it), vote for Obama. No caucasian person will have the ear of the Middle East more than someone with Obama's family tree. His family history may include Egypt (which is the Middle East itself).

    Obama is the only candidate running for President that was flat broke within the past ten years. He's the only one that still remembers what it feels like to bounce a check. THAT is the kind of person I want as President; an ordinary Joe, NOT a longtime millionaire. Obama's fortune is very, very new (last two years because of his book, maybe two million dollars).

    Every other person running for President has a personal fortune of at least 20 million dollars and has not been poor (or even Middle Class) for decades. They've forgotten what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck.

    This is the first time in my lifetime that a regular guy (one of us) has a chance to be President. And, as expensive as these presidential campaigns will become, it will be the very last time one of US has any chance to win.

    Trust one of US. Not a multi-millionaire that says that working with big corporate lobbyists is "a good thing."
  8. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Im not going to say you dont know what you are talking about,hearts, but please tell me who in the field has a great political record that meets your standard?

    What Democratic candidate has the most experience...?
    What Republican candidate has the most experience...?

    Exactly. No one ones, because its not how we judge candidates. (If thats the case, Bill Clinton would have never became President! He was the 3rd youngest ever. And he had no national experience, just served as governor of Arkansas. Our current President only served two terms as Texas governor.)

    So let me help everyone who thinks Obama is outclassed by his peers in experience. We will deal with the front runners...single-digit candidates dont matter anymore!)

    -Hillary: 2-term US senator of NY. (F*#king the President as First Lady doesnt count. If thats the case, then I nominate Monica Lewinsky as a candidate. Obviously Bill thinks she gives better head.)
    -Edwards: 1-term US senator of NC.

    -McCain: Tons of experience, but thats a negative because the knock on him is that he's too old.
    -Romney: 1-term governor of MA.
    -Huckabee: 2-term governor of Arkansas and also 2 years when previous governor resigned (Whitewater).

    -Obama: 3-term state senator of IL AND 1-term US senator.
    (Yeah...he's a real greenhorn...)

    If you dont like his platform, (or if your just not ready for a black president,) then just say so. But before you criticize and "judge" his record and/or experience, get your facts in line.

    -By the way, the most experienced person in the field other than McCain is Bill Richardson.
  9. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Great post, Chossen!

    And "thank you" Choosen, Intrigue, B-Saint, and Phylisrn for not falling for the rhetoric of Obama's competitors.

    That racist crap from that radio caller is the same back-handed compliment people use to give Colin Powell. "He speaks so well..." (Remember Chris Rock's stand-up "Bring the Pain.")

    Of course Obama's competition is going to attack him...he's the front runner. And people out there are just eating that s*#t up!
  10. Patterson

    Patterson New Member

    Chosenone your posts are always on point! I keep hearing all this talk about experience and that Obama popped out of nowhere. Well, we've seen what experience has gotten us over the last 8yrs haven't we. As Senator Obama's platform states: It's time for CHANGE!

    People have to remember, that Obama is up against two candidates, Bill and Hillary and he is doing very well. When he goes out on the campaign trail he is battling the premises of two people. A former president who much of the democratic field love and his wife and for him to be this far, says a lot. All the other candiates are going at it alone, Barack isn't joined at the hip with Oprah or Kerry, even papa Bush let George W. Bush do his on dirty work campaigning.

    IMO, Hillary has no overall message except, lets go back to the 90's, if folks start lookin back at the 90's they start not liking the Clintons. They see that their whole second term was under Investigation after Investigation not because of some white wing conspiracy or that monica lied, it was their ways in Wasington. Hiding files, deleting emails, fund raising crimes, crooked business practices, other women claiming to have been fondled by The Clinton admistration sent more black to prison, than any other admistration including the Bush admistration. And if I remember correctly there were no blacks working under the Clinton admistration.

    Now, the lady who called in about Obama, what can I say, she gives one black man compliments whilst degrading millions. Is her opinion really worth discussing?:roll:
  11. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Kinda tired of black folks getting all indignant when a white person compliments somebody for being articulate. Last time I checked, being able to communicate outside the hood was a good thing. If most black people didn't talk like southern crunk idiots, it wouldn't be such a big deal when a black person actually spoke good English. On that score at least Obama is just the role model we need.
  12. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Thought I have my doubts about Obama, you're right on the money. But what do you expect when you have black folk who have had that mentality for 40+ years.
  13. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I'm glad people liked the other thing though....if we are talking about which candidate has more experience.....Obama served in the Illinois legislature for eight years...and the U.S. senate since 2004....which actually gives him more experience holding public office than Clinton.

    As for age....if he were to win the presidency....he'd be older than Bill Clinton was when he won.....something to think about.
  14. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Because its not a compliment. (How else would you expect a politican with a Harvard Law Degree to sound?) Being able to speak well is a compliment you give a two year old just learning to talk.

    And most black people dont talk with broken english. (So I guess most white guys start every sentence with "dude?) Stop watching so many rap videos and expand your horizon.
  15. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    In fact, some may take it an insult.
  16. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Your right, rinnaye. I think it is an insult.
  17. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member


    Next they'll be "complimenting" us on how civil, respectful, etc, etc, etc, we are... :?

  18. BronzeSaint

    BronzeSaint New Member

    Yes. It is an ugly insult.

    But, follow me for a second: For you and those learned, it's a lot bigger than that.

    Because of our bigotry, we don't think that a bunch of Arabs can pull off what occured on 9/11 until AFTER they do it. Because of our bigotry, we don't think that the Japanese are CAPABLE of flying planes well enough (in 1941) to be able to bomb Pearl Harbor.

    Because of our bigotry, we allow white men to decide that the Iraq war is a "good thing" despite the many protests of the one person in the room that knew not to invade; the only person in the room that ever saw a single minute of combat.

    You know....that "Black guy" named Colin Powell, former General in charge of our entire United States Armed Services, the one that rebuilt our entire military after it was in shambles following Vietnam?

    He begged everyone not to invade Iraq. But no one took him seriously. So, he gave up and went along with what Bush wanted him to do at Dubya's request. (Happens all the time in American business, too).

    It's not just the insults that are destroying America. It's the bigotry that ends up costing our nation trillions of dollars....(like the TWO TRILLION dollars we all have to pay in taxes because of this needless, silly, stupid war in Iraq).

    The bigots don't realize the tremendous damage they are doing to their own country. ALL of our kids will be paying for Iraq throughout their lifetimes.
  19. designer

    designer New Member

    See, I don't think the war is/was a result of bigotry.
    I see it as the corruption of Blackwater, Halliburton and the Bush administration.
    I would wrong if I failed to mention both Democratic and Republican leadership, the mainstream press, oil companies and a very large number of the American public as well.

    Let's not forget that after 9/11 Bush and the pending war had all the support they ever needed to pull it off. When the intelligence was shown to be wanting in facts, only then did a few people start standing up and speaking out against what was going on. The more the Bush administration changed the focus of the objectives in the Middle East is when more people in key positions stood up.

    There is so much information out there and I don't mean extreme fringe information either.
    It's clear to me that we were wrong and I don't think any Republican or “Old School” politician can fix it.
  20. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    Thanks for saying that must've been feeling me. I completely co-sign that. I was an Honors English student as well as a product of the streets. Consequently, I could speak the "King's English" (he aint my fuggin king, fug him) as well as communicate with the streets w/out skipping a beat. I dare anybody to challenge my intelligence.

    While I'm sure she thought it might've been a compliment, I think we all understand that to mean her expectations were already quite a bit lower due to her likely perception of our particular demographic.

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