Once again had this been trump cnn msnbc would have it being reported 24/7 and this forums' liberal voice would Have a thread 15 pages long.
Yeah, I can't believe she's actually said on record that she didn't understand how all of that stuff works, and people are still supporting her. DWS and Hillary are just being typical liberals: do as I say, not as I do. As for influencing elections, the US has NEVER stuck its hand in foreign elections or governments...nothing in recent memory.... {cough}{cough}Honduras{cough}{cough} {cough}{cough}Libya and Gaddafi{cough}{cough} {cough}{cough}Iraq and Saddam{cough}{cough} And if Hillary "wins" the election and she gets her way, it will be {cough}{cough}Syria and Assad{cough}{cough} Sorry, I had a major coughing fit right there. I'm all better now.
Yep. It's scary... So much truth. If the Republicans did it, the entire media would not let it rest. I'm so done with mainstream media. Their blatant bias has pissed me off with this election cycle.
I'm a firm believer that this country is more divided politically than it ever has been The media has pitted republican against democrat and vice versa. They actually have people fooled that if this magical republican gets in office or this magical democrat gets in office then everything will be great. Fox News has showed themselves to not be "fair and balanced" for years with all of it faux conservative bullshit. They showed their true colors by backing trumps stupid ass. MSNBC and the others have been on the side of the liberal for years as well. Both have ramped up their shit in the last couple years. The personal attacks on Obama are out of hand the personal attacks by trump and at trump are out of hand. This is total bullshit and I know the rest of the world has to be looking and just laughing at this buffoonery. Fuck it I'm rambling.
Here's a soother..you forgot Israel. http://www.haaretz.com/news/israel-...m-1.639158?v=A8AFE7DA10A2724B8BE2B73769C084F1 Despite the covert attempt by the U.S to help influence their election to defeat Benjamin Netanyahu, he won.
True and let's not forget Obama campaigning for Hillary on the tax payer dime. That's bullshit I pay taxes so the dude can campaign for a candidate I don't want in office
OMG. Don't even get me started on that. During the primaries, there was a commercial of Obama stumping for an IL state representative. I saw it and thought, doesn't he have more important things to be doing? A freaking STATE representative. Unbelievable.
You have to sign in to read the full article, but the headline makes it pretty clear. I don't know how I could have forgotten Israel! I guess when we do it, it's okay. LOL.
To many people Obama can do no wrong. They will make excuses for him for shit like this then turn around and fault trump if he just farts down wind
With the personal attacks he keeps publicly firing about the GOP's nominee's mental fitness, is that standard behavior of a currently sitting President? I don't recall Bush or Bill ever doing that. Do you guys know?
Honestly, I think Obama has crossed the line for a sitting president with what he's doing. As far as I remember W was so unpopular by the time of the primaries and elections, I don't think McCain would have welcomed his endorsement. LOL. As for Clinton, he had so many scandals during his presidency, it's hard to remember when they stopped, so I'm not sure how much he campaigned for Gore. As an aside, I heard over the years that the original plan was for Clinton, Gore, Clinton.
Can you imagine if George w bush was campaigning for a republican nominee while in office? The shit storm would be never ending. Bottom line: the parties and their supporters get upset for doing the the exact same thing the other one does.
Bush was wildly unpopular by the end of his second term, with the war in Iraq still raging and a job-approval rating in the 30s. There was an awkward Rose Garden endorsement in March 2008 that started a bit inauspiciously. McCain was late Bush promised to campaign for his onetime rival and occasional legislative critic as both men seek to keep Democrats from taking over the White House. ...' I appreciate his endorsement,' McCain told reporters, indicating he does not intend to distance himself — at least not too much. 'I intend to have as much possible campaigning events together as is in keeping with the president's heavy schedule.' " http://www.npr.org/2016/07/05/48481...residents-not-campaigning-for-their-successor
An endorsement is not actively campaigning like Obama is doing I was reading an article and the last republican to do it like he is was either Reagan or the the guy that put Reagan in. Obama is speaking at her rallies and taking direct jabs at trump as if he is campaigning against him lol. That fucker still has shit to do. Until November. I don't like him doing it and I wouldn't like a republican doing it. Terrible
Per the link i posted, Bush offered/planned on actively campaigning for McCain, McCain distanced himself from Bush because of Bush's dismal approval ratings, so Bush was ready and willing to campaign, just not wanted. Same way Gore distanced himself from Bill after the Lewinsky scandal and impeachment trial, Bill was ready and willing to campaign, just not wanted by Gore. Showing up for a few speeches and rallies does not prohibit the President from doing his Job, normally I would agree with you that the verbal jabs that the President has been throwing out are not needed or helpful, but a lot of Trump's behavior/comments need to be condemned in the strongest terms and at the highest levels. Besides, Trump never tires of taking pot shots at the President.