A 6-month-old baby has died after she was shot Monday while her father was changing her diaper. After several surgeries, Jonylah Watkins passed away Tuesday morning, Chicago Pastor Corey Brooks confirmed. ==========================================================
When you read this story, it becomes obvious that drug territorial street thugs have lost their human side.....their conscience's are numb and cold as ice.....This is why when the judge is in the process of handing out a 40 year mandatory sentence, the cries and mercy pleas of the thug's mother must go unheard.........And even if the state accumulates 700,000 thugs with this profile in their facility, the right decision is to keep them there and let them rot away in captivity.......
its time for the military to step in a start patroling ....fuck all that constituational bullshit. a piece of paper couldnt and would nt stop the murder of the child and father.
This is the type of sh*t that just pisses me the f*ck off! Everybody wanna be "hard", "gangsta", etc. What's hard and gangster is getting your black a$$ up in the morning, busting your hump, and taking care of your family. The punk a$$es can't even use these guns they have correctly. How in the hell does one kill a damn baby while getting its diaper changed? Do society a favor...all of you!!! Put the gun(s) directly under your chin(s) and kill yourself. My thoughts, prayers and condolences go out to the family of this child. Sorry that this baby was taken away from you all so prematurely. And I hope the b*stard(s) that did this rot in fire and brimstone for eternity. Get it together brothers...this sh*t has got to stop!!!! IMMEDIATELY!:smt013
its time for black men to handle business by any means necessary and all means available and thought of
The guy that went into that school in Newtown and shot 26 kids was not a thug or gangsta. He shot some of those kids 10 times. The Quaker school, the Jewish Temple, etc., etc., etc., none of those guys were "gangstas". Just concentrating on a small part of society will not solve this problem.
real talk it takes more mental fortitude to work a 9-5 every day than sit on the corner slinging dope you can't tell these fools anything tho
And I wasn't speaking about him, I was speaking specifically to black and brown men that perpetuate this type of violence in their own communities, against their own people. Not taking away from what happened to those innocent babies in Connecticut...BUT MY POST WAS ME STATING MY OUTRAGE FOR MY OWN COMMUNITY! Which I have every right to do. Not every post is an invitation for a rebuttal. I'm just saying.
this shit happens on the daily in philly (300+ homicides/yr) most of the times shootings here involve blacks they even outlined areas of the city with the most wanted mofos guess which neighborhoods had the most on the run? shit happens everywhere else..but im just saying... this article actually address some of the same points that others here have mentioned forth
Education is truly the key. And it starts on the individual level. Education = economic independence. And that is something that is afforded to anyone who wants it. More quality in some areas than others, but nonetheless, still available. Whether traditional college/university, trade/technical school, apprenticeship/union, armed forces...there are options. And what needs to happen more is mentoring...which I myself have been thinking about a lot lately. When I think back to being younger, I really never thought certain things were possible as an adult, because they weren't visible in my community. So it was almost like a dream. These kids need to be shown...not taught or spoken to...but shown that there is bigger and better in the world, and that the world doesn't end in their communities.
something needs to happen... the shit is very least in philadelphia not sure where he got the figure from..but it's worth investigating and overturning
I don't think those numbers are accurate at all, but as you know, statistics can be manipulated to say anything you want them to say
mentoring would be nice i just think that lots of people are caught up in celebrities and trying to get rich quick, instead of focusing on being a hard working member of society
Being rich and a "regular" person aren't mutually exclusive of one another. But you hit the nail on the head when you said "quick". We're a microwave society...everybody wants instant oatmeal.