I cannot belive that they are ACTUALLY showing this on U.S. TELLY! (I first saw this in cinema in a theatre On The Continent early this year, preceding the main feature) [YOUTUBE]CRMakhNGfwA[/YOUTUBE] Denise Saintclaire sure looked like she was really enjoying herself there, eh? One of my m8's wonders how she is with the Turn-Your-Head-And-Cough test? THIS'N's goin' into OUR film festival fer SURE!! OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK
Agreed. So tell me, Espy, have the Standars & Practices of U.S. teevee become *that* relaxed to *that* extent? Nevertheless, when you're On The Continet and see Full Female Frontals in an otherwise 'umble shampoo commercial on the telly (TV-3 in Norway, 1990's)...you *do* realise that *anyhting* is possible.... 'Nuff Said!!!! OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK