Australian women & black men

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by brethard, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    Thanks hun appreciate it.
  2. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Hope you got the message.
  3. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    I haven't been able to check yet sorry. Will let ya know if i don't get it. ?
  4. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that accent is with me forever. I still walk fast too. Do you think you sounds like the typical Aussie and/or can folks tell that you live in Brisbane by your accent?

    I do know plenty of chocolate who would be down for such an adventure, but half of those dudes wouldn't want to invest in the airfare:).

    Dr. Jays aren't what they used to be. I've also taken to shopping outside of NYC. The suburban malls just tend to have more, parking is easier and so on.

    So, you're an early riser? I've been a nigjht owl for most of my life, and would routinely sleep until about 11:00 am on weekends. Nowadays, my sleep pattern has shifted a bit. Usually I'm turing in by 12 midnight, and up by 9:00-9:30 am on weekends. I'm amazed that most mornings I wake up just before my alarm which is at 6:15 am. Of course, I'm often lazy and will stay in bed until about 6:35 am.

    I bet your son will be just fine, but those changes are coming, like interest in girls and so on.:).

    How's your weekend going?
  5. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Interesting. I'll need to look that up.
  6. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    Haha. That's funny you're still keeping a fast pace to your walk and still talking that talk i really don't know to be honest. I mean to me i feel like i sound the same as my friends but I've been told i sound a cross between American and Australian with how i pronounce my words lol. I'm not sure how that works.. i personally can't tell the difference between the accents in diff states I've just been told there is a difference. All i know is there is some rediculously Aussie ppl out there haha.

    Lol. Well maybe we could start some sort of fund haha get snow bunny donations. We'd soon be up in the millions I'd give it a day and we could bring you over in plane loads hahaa!

    Sleep is great for sure!! I hate that waking up before that damn alarm haha. I don't blame you for wanting to sleep in. I just have to be out doing something always that's my problem can't stay at home or be in bed.

    Lol thank you. I think he will be fine. I'm gonna pre warn him lol don't worry about the girls. Not until you're at least 18 if you actually wanna save money lol.

    Well the weekend is already over and I'm already at work and it just doesn't suit me right now lol. Bring in a three day weekend i say!

    Enjoy your Sunday!!!
  7. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    I found part one: Its White Policy and the Negro”&f=false

    Part two:
  8. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    LOL! I bet the folks out in the bush are the REALLY Aussie sounding:). I have had folks tell me that my entire demeanor chages when I'm in NYC. My ex used to say that even my driving would get more aggressive. That's understandable, as NYC area motorists are "Special", and I don't mean that in the best way.

    So, you're a busy body:). I'm defintely one who likes to be out and about. I don't need to sleep too late, but on days off, I really like to awaken naturally.

    Those 3-day weekends are awesome. I can't really complain as I work at a university, and we get plenty of holidays off. We have the usual federal holidays, plus extras like Good Friday, Day after Thanksgiving, then for the holiday season we're off from 12/24 through 1/2. I think the only day we don't get is Veteran's Day.

    That thing with the girls... Hormones is a powerful thing:).
  9. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    Hahah i think the aboriginals are the true blue sounding Aussies.

    That's so funny. I guess it's that whole tense feel huh. And shit those cab drivers are no joke either with the beeping. I couldn't even imagine having to be diving in that city lol so i can understand how you'd turn aggressive. I got abused by a sesame street character, random lady and a mexican over there haha. It was like going from where the ppl were super friendly to where ppl were assholes lol but that's the city for ya.

    Yeah kinda sucks i can't relax too much. Hell yeah that has to be done when you have a day off!!

    We actually had a four day weekend lol. Had the Friday to the Monday off. It was rediculously good! The week before that was a three day weekend and we got another three day weekend coming up for Anzac day lol. Living the life over here hahaha

    Man that's tripped out. I actually work for a University too!!! The students just had a week off and it was bliss lol.

    Happy Monday to ya!
  10. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Happy Tuesday to you:).

    Monday is my toughest day to get going which is probably my favorite day to take off. That's so funny that we both work at universities. I'm in the I/T field. What do you do? Yes, it is good when the students are gone, but I do enjoy interacting with them as well. We have 4 students that work in our office suite. It's always good to chat with them, and even compare stories.

    In NYC, yes, the cab drivers are simply insane. Most of those guys are simply leasing the car anyways, and they don't really care about it. Also, there feeling is that once the pickup a fare... The faster than can get them to their destination... the faster they can look for another fare. Dc cab drivers are insane too, but in terms of speed... they're polar opposites from NYC cab drivers. These guys act like their car will fall apart if they move at a decent pace.

    Did you do anything with those extended weekends?
  11. Westie

    Westie Member

    You haven't experienced crazy cabbies until you've been to San Juan. :smt101
  12. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Oh yes! My ex and I rode with one of those crazies a few years ago. Since we were staying in the Condado area everything was really convenient. We'd actually ride the regular city bus to/from Old San Juan which was like 2-3 miles away.

    I did have a rental for two days to visit other parts of the island, and I'd certain my being a NYC motorist served me well. That driving is not at all for the timid, especially on the highways at night. The actual driving challenge, along with being totally unfamiliar (my time visiting), and a language barrier:).
  13. Westie

    Westie Member

    I did some governmental IT work down there a long time ago and yes, the daytime rush hour traffic was bad enough. The evenings were a nightmare! But I've always been meaning to go back to visit, if only for those fine-ass PR women. :smt023

    I digress, this thread is about the Oz ladies, yes? :freehug:
  14. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Agreed, and agreed! I sure as heck was feeling like like I had taken sand to the beach:)
  15. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    Agreed!! I don't know a single soul who claims to love Momdays. Thank god it is now Thursday here! One more day to go! Lol.

    Yes! Pretty random for sure! I bet you for your work cut out for you being in the IT field! But you're right the students are good. Id say they are like 99% Asians where i work. I work for a commercialisation firm as the contract operations administrator.

    Hahaha! Oh god yeah! Multiple times i was saying my last prayer in the cab lol. I can see why the cab drivers were the nicest. I think I'm going to go and experience Christmas and New year over there next year. It looks amazing from what I've seen around that time of year apart from the freezing temp which i sure as shit aren't used to.

    We have mainly indian drivers here. They're pretty funny people. Sometimes they play the i can't understand you card and take the longest route though which is frustrating lol.

    I pretty much just really utilized my time just relaxing and visiting family. Did you get up to much?
  16. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    There it is.... another novel! Lol.
  17. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    When my New York/New Jersey trip ended. I caught a cab from Port Authority to take me to Kennedy Airport. My cabbie was from Pakistan. He gave me a pretty smooth ride with no problems. The fact that it was a Saturday afternoon helped a lot.
  18. brethard

    brethard Active Member

    Iggy Azalea may have said that her relationship with Nick Young is 'good' leading many to believe that their winter nuptials are still on.

    But the 25-year-old rapper's face told a much different story on her latest outing.

    The Fancy hitmaker was spotted looking downtrodden while heading to a studio in the posh Los Angeles neighbourhood of Beverly Hills on Wednesday.
  19. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Becca did you get my e-mails?
  20. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry shit is hectic i haven't managed to check yet. I will tonight when i get home from work. Thanks.

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