You'll soon be wearing a Burka if ya'll keep letting those a-rabs in. WHY LET PEOPLE THAT DON'T BELIEVE IN FREEDOM INTO A FREE COUNTRY?????????????????????? do know telling a woman to calm down is only going to set her off right...??? now you are also another person who has disagreed with db's postings on the uk are you not...??? and right on cue
Obviously the UK is majority white. It is in Europe. Australia is an Island nation surrounded by Asian and Chinese people.
Havent forgotten about them. They dont seem to be in the papers about their immigration policies. And they have treated the moaries much better..
all you need to do is google it and it's there...and having maori mates myself (who have immigrated over here), i can tell you that they would seriously disagree with that statement.
i'm not disagreeing with you on that. the treatment aboriginals have had at our hands is disgraceful, no arguement at all. i'm sure whikle could weigh in on that subject matter seeing she works very closely with them.
Ahhh, nothing as sophisticated as concentration camps. They were just mass murdered, pretty much. Horrible, shocking history.
yeah...exterminated...!!! what a lovely thing to have in our history...!!! basic genocide. not a proud moment in time...!!!
Indeed. And stealing children from their families in an attempt to assimilate them into "white culture" and eliminate the Aboriginal race? Yeah. Another shocking moment in Australia's history. It still makes my blood boil. (and still some people didn't support the apology... WTF?!!?!)