Pythons also have powerful digestive acids in their stomachs. So, it could take a while before they are finished with their meal.
Despite the fact that literally every living creature that is not a human being will probably at least try to kill me, I'd go back in a fucking heartbeat. It might end up being the last time that my heart ever beats, but oh well
Hey Whiksy! Sorry for laughing at this anecdote, it's hilarious! :smt037 I haven't heard the name huntsman for 23 years!! You took me back to my youth at home!! :smt060 Omg, you are just the sweetest! :heart: I never bother(ed) them either, or I'll glass jar them to freedom like Whiks.
I dont blame you, I was able to laugh about it afterwards too... but it took a long time for the adrenaline to wear off - I was still shakey and hoarse from the squealing hours later I'm a huge wimp and I've survived 29 years, so you'd be fine :smt080
I've been there several times. It's really not that scary once you learn what to do. I like to eat out when I go. Australia is nice too.
They do have a huge appetite In the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt, Germany has an exhibit of an anaconda eating a capybara. I went there to see it a few years ago. here is a link to it:
Anacondas have wide mouths and are also fussy eaters. They sometimes regurgitate what they ate from before.
Redbacks are the worst, and they usually are not far from a whole family of them. Whitebacks are just as bad. I moved into a Queenslander once that was riddled with them underneath the house. Crazy and scary.