Wonder what State/City this was filmed in? Back in 1989, I was treated *very* regally by the Brisbane (Queensland) townfolk during my holidays there. So I don't know 'bour Melbourne, Sydney, or even The West Side (Perth) By the way, what the Hell did that appearance of Michael "Kramer" Richards (odious & offensive as it IS) have ANYTHING to do with Australia? He is a Yank, and THAT happened in California, for God's Sake! In any case...it's all summed up in one word, IMHO: FUBAR! OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK
Oz is strange but, I will still visit that country. Has anyone read the two-part article about Oz in Ebony magazine published in the mid 1960's.
Why you shocked when the Australian government placed a ban on African immigrants? There has been a freeze on the settlement of refugees from Africa.
Three out of four indigenous Australians experience racism in their everyday lives. Sadly racism is common in Australia. The White Australia Policy maintained a "Whites Only" immigration policy from Australian Federation in 1901 until it was abolished in 1973. Australia has a long history of racism, violence and human rights abuses.
Well, they are defying the United Nations over something they could easily rectify.I have heard about the Australian government freezing their intake of Sudanese refugees. Apparantley, because they come from a war-torn country they are have problems integrating into the Australian way of life. They are disproportionly commiting crimes. Read this: http://www.news.com.au/lock-out-these-refugee-thugs/story-e6frf7kx-1111112938798
You are just tourist with money. Of course they are going to treat you well. If they didn't treat any tourist well then no one would be visiting Australia. White Australia Policy The White Australia Policy, the policy of excluding all non-European people from the Australian continent, was the official policy of all governments and all mainstream political parties in Australia from the 1890s until the 1970s. Immigration Restriction Act 1901 Early drafts of the Act explicity banned non-Europeans from migrating to Australia. Immigration officials were given the power to exclude any person who failed to pass a 50-word dictation test in any European language. Only in 1966 non-Europeans were allowed to become citizens of Australia after five years' residence and restrictions on migrants were further eased.
Australia is a self-governing dominion of the British Crown. Check out the Union Jack on the Australian flag. Racist e-mails wreak havoc for Australia police ADELAIDE, Australia - About 100 Australian police are being investigated for circulating racist and pornographic e-mails via the internal police e-mail system... Read more: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36035072/
Tourist with money...agreed...that's *everywhere* y'go... But the positive experiences that *I* was speaking of were from the Dating Scene there.... Nothing more, nothing less, m8.. OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK
the only problem i've heard about australia and the n word was in relation to the toowoomba sports ground's stand in queensland called the E.S. N****r Brown stand after a rugby player in the 20's. an aboriginal activist by the name of Stephen Hagan had it brought to the attention to residents of australia as he tried to have it removed. http://www.abc.net.au/worldtoday/stories/s40345.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Hagan now Australia has had and still does have a problem with racism, as do a lot of other countries in the world (throwing stones in a glasshouse denzbenz). we are no longer a whites only country and as i've mentioned in the past...we're very multi-cultural. i would suggest denzbenz that you step out of your bedroom and your computer and actually experience the world firsthand, you may be pleasantly surprised with what you come across. also i would like to note that whilst down in a bayside suburb called st kilda on sunday there were black men / white women coupling everywhere i looked which was warming to the heart.
racism is everywhere seems you look only the bad and try to find what ever bad from a country and don't even bother to see anything else like i said racism it is in every place and can be to everyone .. i am a white female and i got plenty of time .. even once was told some stupid excuse and was not allow in a place .. just because few morons are around does not mean all the country is bad .. maybe just for once look at the good things around that is way more rather then try to find every little bad thing..
Of course racism exists in Australia, just as it does every other country in the world... And yeah, we've got some shocking history to contend with, only made worse by the fact that it's such recent history... But personally, I have never heard the N word used in Australia. I'm not sure exactly what this video is trying to prove... Most of the shocking footage is either an example of racism from overseas or footage from decades ago! I would hate to think that anyone would base their opinion of an entire country on an excerpt from a documentary such as this. I live in an Aboriginal community, living and working with Aboriginal people every day. I've travelled all over the country with my Aboriginal friends and have very rarely encountered even a hint of racism. Generally, my experience has been that Australian people are open and accepting. It's often immigrants and overseas visitors that are the most racist.
whikle i agree to almost everything you said and there is plenty of open minded Australians but you can not say immigrants and overseas visitors that are the most racist.. not many years that pass that Australian been open minded ...i can tell you stories that people been spit on their face because were immigrants ...
Of course, as I said racism is definitely alive and well in Australia just as it is all over the world. Of course there are some horrible examples of racism towards immigrants. Look at the Cronulla riots. Look at the way our government treats asylum seekers. I'm just saying from the experiences I've had, a lot of the negativity I've seen first hand towards Aboriginal people has come from immigrants. Not that I haven't seen it/heard it from Australians too, I absolutely have. The common theme is that it stems from ignorance.
mynxie, i'm so sorry that you've come across some narrow minded fools, but like you said, you cant judge a country because of a few morons...!!! well said whikle...!!! ignorance and fear of someone different or of change. i remember growing up in the 70's (showing my age yes) and it was the italian and greek children who were teased...in the 80's it was the chinese, korean & japanese. the teasing mainly stemmed from the children because of the information they were fed from their parents. i was lucky enough to have parents who were openminded enough to see that people are people no matter where they are from or the language they speak or customs they have.
I didn't meant to say anything bad just wanted to say you will find racism everywhere no matter who you are .. will be time everyone will see it either the colour of your skin or other reasons... and usually this people are the minorities Tarshibear i didn't mind it much that day what bother me most that could not come with a better excuse I am in Australia for many years and this is my home ...