Attraction to Black Men = Perversion?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by whikle, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    For me it is just a raw, stimulation attraction all around. I am someone who enjoys different cultures, history and just in-depth, worldly women. I found that in general its white women who shared those traits on a larger scale, given my spectrum of interests about the wider world.

    One of the first things I realized, is that as an individual in a world of billions, there are going to be many tastes, preferences, interests, desires, viewpoints, etc. No sense in sweating every little thing, just make the most of our allotted time on this piece of rock and water, because we never know when it will be up. We are here but for a little while. :D
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2014
  2. Gemini74

    Gemini74 Well-Known Member

    so true.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Great post well stated
  4. Objective Realist

    Objective Realist New Member

    A bit of perversion won't kill.
  5. Addolorata

    Addolorata Active Member

    i dont get it either lol.
  6. KWillo

    KWillo Active Member

    Personally, I have no problem with the sexual attraction and feel that it is natural for us as Human Beings to be sexually attracted to one another.What annoys me is when people treat the sexual attraction thing as something bad and negatively.I feel that people who do this are insecure and bitter with their own sex lives but I'm not a psychologist.
  7. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I better ramp up my dry skin treatment game. Lol
  8. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    I agree. It is natural. We should not deny it. And when it is flaunted, it becomes awkward to other people.
  9. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    That reminds me, what do you men think about this - if a woman you're dating tells you she has a preference for Black men, how would you react/feel?

    I've been in a couple of situations where I've talked about my travels around the US whilst on a date and the inevitable question comes "so how do you know so many people in the US?" and my answer is "oh, I made a bunch of friends on a forum", then try to deflect the following "what kind of forum?" question.. I feel like trying to describe this forum to someone makes it sound like a fetish.
  10. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    The bottom line is only you know what your very personal tastes, interests, attractions, desires are and therefore it is going to be up to you to seek that out.

    Even if a white women says she likes black men, I may not be that black man for her and vice versa.

    Certainly it would peak my interest, but eventually when the dust settles, it comes down to the two individuals and how they mesh and what they are looking for in each other, especially when it comes to a long term relationship.

    For example I'm a neat freak and couldn't be around a woman who is disorganized, it would bug me too much. Little things that will eventually add up to Hell No, this chick's gotta go. :D

    In college I had a roomate that would leave his dirty laundry on the floor and I would inevitably kick them under his bed to get them out of the way and away from my half of the room. :D
  11. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    When we are attracted to someone there is definitely some fetishism going on or else we would be indifferent to the person as far as attraction. While we are human beings, we are still products of nature and it requires us to eat, sleep, mate and reproduce so getting caught up in all the semantics of being a higher being that is above objectifying a potential partner is just that, semantics. At the end of the day nature has its requirements.

    For example many women are aware they have a biological clock, even if they won't talk about it, but they know that time will come when they will struggle to produce an offspring of their own DNA if they so desire but wait too long to do so. No doubt us humans are intelligent human beings, but we still answer to the timetable of nature at the end of the day.

    Nothing wrong with saying its an interracial forum, many variety of topics are covered here after all. Not like its an "ADULT" forum just focused on sex alone.
  12. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    Good points, as always :) Maybe I'm over-thinking it. I need to stop worrying about what people are or aren't thinking, because that's implying that there's something to be ashamed of.
  13. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    BINGO, LOL :smt043:smt043:smt043

    Remember you and I are but one of billions of organisms like us babe, do your thing and live your life to the maximum indeed and in ways that make you happy. You are a white woman that likes black men, a woman that likes men, a female that likes male. The way I see it if whites and blacks weren't supposed to be together they wouldn't be able to make children, and often darn fine looking ones at that. :D

    In other news, saw that an Australian satellite may have picked up images of a couple of pieces of the missing MH370 flight from Malaysia, in the South Indian Ocean,, 2,500km (1,550 miles) from Perth. Hope its the plane so that mystery can be resolved, couldn't begin to imagine what the families must be thinking having no idea where their loved ones are.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2014
  14. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it's been all over the news here today. They've got planes flying over the search area as we type! It would certainly be a relief to have found it, but it will beg a whole lot of questions as to what went down.

    (I also can't help thinking of the backlash if whatever they've spotted turns out not to be connected... I know Aussies will go to town on that one!)
  15. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Keeping my fingers crossed its the plane, so the family can have some peace of mind or start to get some answers at the least.
  16. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member


    I talk about the forum all the time. And when the subject of why I date BM comes up. I'm honest. I'm attracted to them more so than WM. The guys have never had a problem with it - makes them feel good.
  17. smoothtalk

    smoothtalk Member

    It`s pervertion... well, at least this is what some insecure white guys think.

    last Saturday i was at a pub for st patricks day, and i heard a guy talk on a table next to mine, about black guys and how white girls love it.

    but just because black guys have big cocks.

    fuck that!

    i really hate people that can`t think outside the box.
  18. MilkandCoffee

    MilkandCoffee Well-Known Member

    The funniest thing about guys who think that way; is that they give themselves away with that kind of thinking. Now the world knows you have a small penis. Those guys who think ww only get with bm because of cock size, believe that to reassure themselves that they still have a chance in other niches.

    That's why cuckoldry is so popular with a black "bull" as opposed to another white male, they don't think we can be serious partners with ww. They don't want to be cuckolded by someone on their same playing field.
  19. smoothtalk

    smoothtalk Member

    The interesting point was that, he was with two girls.
    one of the girls said she liked black dudes.

    after that they joined a bigger table and some girls looked at me all day long. haha
  20. KWillo

    KWillo Active Member

    Personally, I find it weird.It's not something that sparks my interest.It doesn't make any difference to me whether a woman prefers Black men or not.I've met plenty White women who have White boyfriends/fiances and they found me attractive as crazy as it seems.

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