Attraction to Black Men = Perversion?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by whikle, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    I was going to say that WW are often allies (like on here ) but figured it would go over like a lead balloon.
  2. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    I have noticed that Puerto Ricans are generally more cordial with Black people than Mexicans. I have friends of Mexican heritage and I don't prejudge anyone, but if I had to be surrounded by people that were unfamiliar, I much rather be around the Puerto Ricans. We can relate to one another better, and you are less likely to run into bigots within their inner circles.
  3. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Then you are far too easily influenced. He speaks with the same sweeping generalizations that racists like him have used against us blacks for many many years.

    I have many hispanic friends and have dated my share of hispanic women who would put his theories to shame.

    If I'm not mistaken, he is the same one who said Indians were as bad to blacks as whites during the days of slavery. His argument was based off of the actions of a few Indian tribes, but his judgement came down on Native Americans as a whole. He's still doing the same shit, and for some unknown reason you're eating it up.
  4. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    You were raised without a dad weren't you?

    You have a truth allergy:smt043

    Anti-Black racism is off the charts in mestizo culture...only a damn fool would deny it.

    MOST indian tribes practiced slavery...just look it up..the cherokee didn't free a single slave during their "trail of tears"

    The cherokee recently voted to kick all the Blacks out of the tribe.

    I'm not making this up..

    MANY tribes lost their land and were placed on reservations because THEY REFUSED TO STOP SLAVING...:smt006

    Funny how you can call ME racist but not
  5. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    It's true about the Cherokee, however there are over 500 federally recognized tribes in the U.S., most of whom never traded or owned African slaves.

    The tribal history of many Native Americans and Blacks is completely different than that of the Cherokee.

    To say that Native Americans are culturally racist against Blacks from my experience is a factual error.

    Many in fact identify and commiserate with our slave history and struggle for freedom in the U.S.

    Some of African Americans biggest allies during slavery were Native American tribes, as many absorbed these fugitives into their number.

    It's important IMO for people to know that mixed Cherokee( the 'white' indians) practiced slavery for a time, but to characterize their behavior as common or typical for most Native American tribes is just wrong.
  6. RestlessRita

    RestlessRita Well-Known Member

    Said this earlier and I'll say it again.......If being attracted to black men is a perversion, then I am the MOST PERVERTED WOMAN and proud of it!!!! :freehug::freehug::freehug::freehug::freehug::freehug::freehug::freehug:
  7. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Natives captured runaway slaves and returned them....for a profit....or they kept them for their own use and really have to dig for this stuff because our historians hide the dirt the indians did to us.

    Henry Louis Gates admitted doing just that.

    Contrary to popular belief and negro fantasies...the indians have never been our friends..sure you can point to RARE instances but you can do that for anybody.

    Go to their websites and see if they feel you the way you feel them...
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lol you think you're the only one with Hispanic friends? I grew up in NY fam we all comingle but there are certain things that aren't brought up in polite conversation, like I had no clue that Jews weren't really considered white amongst other white people until I read about it. When we all hang out no one is bringing that up same goes for the bs beef with Haitians and Jamaicans its something most would never know because we're both black. And you're right most people don't think that but enough do to make a difference. Seriously if you have the time just google how blacks are treated in Mexico, not tourists but actual black nationals. It's fucking horrific and those attitudes don't stay at the border fam
  9. RestlessRita

    RestlessRita Well-Known Member

    Jews aren't considered white by other white people? I never heard that before and I'm Jewish. Huh......
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    There are a lot of whites who consider you guys to have tainted blood. Think about it what other group of "whites" get persecuted like the Jews in this world? You guys don't look much different than Italians or Turks but you sure as hell get fucked with more than everyone else as a group. Don't get me started on prison culture.
  11. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Why you pervert :smt077 Yummmmm. :D
  12. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Ain't nobody in my family saying that, when we're black as the ace of spades, just like John Lee Hooker, lol. For me, Puerto Rico is just a place where my grandmother came from, no different from Louisiana or Tennessee. Seriously though, I don't see a conflict between black identity and Latino identity. But that's probably because the Latino contribution is from African people too. If I were half Mexican or some majority indigenous or white nationality in Latin America, maybe I would feel differently. But then again, my son's mother is from Spain but my son is firmly black in consciousness. For him his race is black and Spain is only relevant from the standpoint of a national discussion, i.e. USA vs. Spain, etc.

    I wonder if 'Blaxican' is a large population segment out west and if they have resolved this issue.

    I do agree that the East Coast is a different animal entirely. But I think it's because the dominant Latino cultures out east are ones in which African culture is central to the group's culture. Black Dominicans may talk ish and not wanting brothers with "their" women, but I don't hear them dropping that African-ass Dominican music, food and culture and adopting heavy metal and going to parties where they don't dance, lol. I see their behavior being more similar to the behavior of African immigrants as they have occasional friction with African-Americans in the community. More ethno-centrism than racism per se.

    So true. The immigrant populations are often 'whiter' than the native population back home. This is especially true of the Cuban exile community which in FL was almost exclusively white until the Mariel boatlift. And you see huge divisions within their community based on the time of your ancestors' arrival. The white elite call the Marielitos (poor whites, biracial and black) 'balseros' or boat people and disdain them totally. They are also not represented in the business and political class.

    This has been my personal experience. You cannot generalize, it depends on the 'race' of the Latino, where in the country they have resided, the African-American and Latino populations that are there, and how this mix affects the socialization of the immigrant group once they arrive.

    Well, the US is deporting more brown undocumented people than ever. So, according to that logic, 'they' might be our friends. Lol.

    Every nationality in Latin America is different. Mexican culture is distinct from Brazilian culture, Cuban culture, Dominican culture, etc. History and economic factors have as much to do with this strife as any sort of primordial structure that you feel is taking place. Patterns of immigration, competition for low-wage jobs, inter-group criminal competition, etc also play a role.

    News flash: there is HUGE intra-Latino hostility toward Mexicans and indigenous people as well. Is there an issue of hostility toward black people in much of Latin America? Yes. But it is not some totally different animal from the same struggles black people face everywhere. African people experience the legacy of slavery everywhere, both from within AND without the 'race', however it is defined.

    It is unlike the binary black/white dimensions in the US and is complicated by both the immigrant experience (just like among African immigrant groups) and by the different concept of race in those countries.

    Much love for the perverted women everywhere! ;-)
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2014
  13. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    The US isn't deporting anybody's all words...just for show.

    They can enter the re-enter the country like nothing happened.

    The sanctuary cities and catch and release programs are still there for their illegal asses.

    They can still continue to steal and use fakes SS#s without fear of being audited.

    Too bad this country doesn't deal with illegals the way those brown countries deal with them.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Definitely not true. I've worked closely with ICE in the past and the adults they deport like nothing, the kids they keep and house in group homes for some reason but make no mistake if you're an illegal adult your ass is being shipped out.

    If you think the IRS misses opportunities to audit people then you my friend have lived a charmed life. If they catch you you're ass is done. NO EXCEPTIONS. Why do you think rich people hide their money.
  15. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Go back and read everything this idiot has written about hispanics then, then go and share that with your hispanic friends... especially if they're Mexican. You said he brings a good point or consciousness about hispanics feelings toward blacks here. I say he brings dangerous, sweeping generalizations. The same type of generalizations that have been made about me and you for far too long now.

    In a forum that's supposed to celebrate ww/bm, I have to wonder what his agenda is here. I don't think I've read a single positive thing on that topic (or any topic, tbh) from him.
  16. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    They deport them and they re-enter with ease.
    The sactuary cities and catch and release programs continue.

    ICE ain't doing shit.

    If you think the IRS is cracking down on illegals then you are leading a decieved life.

    It's been proven that thousands of illegals use the SAME SS# and nothing gets done about it.

    They can use fake numbers like it ain't shit...and you know this..even employers give out fake and or doctored numbers without fear.
  17. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

  18. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member


    White people arent the only source of anti-black racism....stop crying and accept it.

    Mexicans are VERY racist and it is not a secret.
  19. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    i have no idea why guys are entertaining this guys need for attention. all he does is make racist statements about immigration.
  20. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    I have a friend, whom I love like a brother. He was born in Mexico, but he grew up in Sao Paulo, Brazil. I went to school with a friend who is Mexican and I was friends with his sister and father. I worked with a guy who happened to be a Mexican and he is a district manager for Wal-Mart. I have watched a few telenovellas from Mexico over the years and had seen at least one or two black men or women in them. Some Mexicans, like the minimal sum of every race and culture(including our own) on this planet is going to be racist in some way. That said, it is not about how they feel about black people, it is about how you feel about black people. There are black people in Mexico as there are white ex-patriates. There is no way that you can say that Mexicans are racist. There are no absolutes. I live in Homestead. There are a lot of Mexicans here. Am I worried? No. I'm not threatened by them in any way, shape or form. I treat them like any person of any race or ethnicty I see on the streets, in the grocery store, or wherever. As a HUMAN BEING. That is how I want to be treated. No more, no less.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2014

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