I'm not talking in circles at all. You still just don't get it. You're too shit-laced over something you've taken out of context. Pretty much. That nightstick isn't helping your image, bro.
Wow, sonny. Still being a drama queen? This thread has been dead and gone for quite some time. :smt001 Boo-hoo :smt022, you're not getting any from your lady love?
You my friend have the luxury of either just being around people like yourself or living in a very remote part of the country where there aren't many black people. You're advocating that most people can use logic to tell themselves stereotypes aren't true yet these are the same logical people who still eat shit that's killing them drink shit that's killing them and buy shit they can't afford all to feel better based on constant tv and advertising imagery. So even though you as individual might not feel stereotypes about blacks are necessarily true there are literally tens maybe even hundreds of millions in this country who do. There's a reason why blacks have the highest arrest, conviction, and death penalty rates in this country by far when we only account for 12% of the population. There's a reason why unemployment is double what it is for us opposed to our white counter parts. Its because people truly believe before they meet us that most of us are criminals who are lazy and don't want to work. You know how many white people use to be shocked by how I spoke and where I went to school growing up? There's almost an unbelievability factor to the idea that bm can be more than athletes or entertainers. I know its difficult for you to see this because you don't personally live this but do me a favor and ask around.
That was kinda my point really. It's not that I don't believe you because I do. I've seen the numbers and the stats and I've been around racist bigots. Shit..I have a neo nazi for a brother. So it's not that I think everything is bunk. I don't. And you are right about me to see how it is for black people. But please remember that where I DO live...I AM the hated race. People hate me and make snap judgements and give me dirty looks and are rude to me because I'm a "fuckin haole" What they don't know is all the things they hold against me are all the things that if they just knew me a little better...they would see I'm not the mainlanders that doesn't care about their culture or the mass genocide of their people or the overthrow of their government. So yes...I don't know what it's like to be hated as a black man. But I do know what it is like to be hated and threatened and ganged up on because my skin is white.
So very true!! I agree with everything Big Brother Wise has said. What is the difference in slavery then and slavery now? Always wondered what the difference was.
The slavery in the Bible was not based exclusively on race. People were not enslaved because of their nationality or the color of their skin. In Bible times, slavery was more a matter of social status. This really isn't any better
Finish the paragraph... "People sold themselves as slaves when they could not pay their debts or provide for their families. In New Testament times, sometimes doctors, lawyers, and even politicians were slaves of someone else. Some people actually chose to be slaves so as to have all their needs provided for by their masters." That's how slavery as we know it is different than slavery mentioned in the Bible.
Hmmm. Good question, actually. I definitely think "religion" enslaves. You're merely following a bunch of do's and don'ts much of the time. However, most believers in Jesus Christ look at their association with Him as a relationship rather than religiion. So it's no more or less enslaving than any other relationship. I would say if we could truly grasp just how much God loves us, we would know nothing but freedom. But many (including me, at times) often see the do's and don'ts of the Bible and Christianity as restrictions rather than guidelines to keep us free of unnecessary pain. The Bible does tell believers that we have "been bought with a price" So, you might equate that with slavery. We owe God, in a sense.
Again that is not better to enslave someone b/c their poor and desperate trying to feed themselves or their families. Most slaves were children. Poor people had to sell their children as slaves. Slavery based on class in not any better than slavery based on race. People chose to be slaves b/c that didn't have much choice. You don't think they would be happy to work for a wage as we do today if that choice was an option for them?
Not really. Not only do you choice to live by your religious choice you can live or disobey it at any time with out repercussion outside of legal laws. For example you can still choose to have sexual relations outside of marriage and which prob. the majority of people do or have at some point religious or not. Their was no repercussion to pay for it nor was your choice took from you.
What some of you are describing isn't slavery its called indentured servitude. It happened during Greek and Roman times as well. Far better than the transatlantic slave trade. At least servants could after buy their freedom after service was done. True slaves belonged to their masters forever.