Atheism doesnt require faith?

Discussion in 'Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy' started by satyr, Mar 15, 2011.

  1. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    Hi Wayne,

    Of course supernatural explanations have failed. If the supernatural could be explained by man it would no longer be "super" natural now would it? There are just some things man can't put a "lock-down" on...and that's a fact that we must live with whether we like it or not.
  2. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    If you are referring to what I said here...
    The difference should be obvious...One is in reference to something which one has never seen...the other in reference to things we can seen. With that being said, the answer is yes, it takes it takes MORE faith to believe in something you have never seen. It takes NO faith to believe in the obvious or apparent.

    Wayne, what do you mean by this statement? I don't understand your line of thinking here. There are many things in life that I or you cannot explain or comprehend. Yet, our lack of knowledge does not necessarily make that thing irrevelant as far as life is concerned.

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