At the request of Sir Nose...Moderating Stories

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by socalgirl, Mar 8, 2009.

  1. socalgirl

    socalgirl New Member

    So, it started out simply enough...I'd been a member of the site for some time, and was very good friends with one of the main mods, we lived a few blocks away from each other and our husbands (mine is now my ex), worked in the same unit. The site got too big for just a few people to mod, so I got asked to be an anonymous mod, to which I accepted. I was already on the "in" with all the drama, and I'd been alerting my friend to stuff for some time, so it basically just gave me enough permissions to be able to deal with it when no one else could. Long story short, people started "guessing" who the anonymous mods were, ladies were getting upset when we'd take stuff down, etc. I'd have to say though, there was more of a need for it on that site due to OPSEC, this was going on right during 9-11 and the first couple years of the war in Iraq.

    Sadly, we had one gal actually lose her husband as a casualty of the war, and a lot of us had husbands returning with purple hearts. There were countless dear john letters, constant cheating, (girls whose husbands were gone that were cheating with husbands of other girls on the site, etc), catfights, blah blah blah, oh, and pregnancies that happened while husbands were gone...that was always fun to read the "I got pregnant while my husband was in Iraq, what do I DO?!" posts.

    Some broad even filed a lawsuit against the owner of a spinoff site for "slander" or something ridiculous and a bunch of stuff got shut down.

    The worst though was that one gal, during the second round of Iraq tours, got word that her husband had been severely injured when the unit he was commanding was attacked by an RPG. It's a seriously long story, to which I don't remember all of the details, but statements were fabricated by her husband, he ended up with a silver star and if I remember correctly they even got a free house out of the deal that was worth about 750K. What those of us behind the scenes knew (because it was our husbands who were with the unit of vehicles that he was commanding, he was a grunt officer, our husbands were with the vehicles that the grunt units attach to) was that according to the excluded statement from the crew chief was that he didn't listen to his crew chief, and one of our friends ended up dying that day because he didn't want to listen to a 21 year old LCpl. The kid who pulled him out and saved this officer's life ended up getting killed by a suicide car bomber exactly five months from the day of the incident, and that was about two weeks before their unit came home. Because none of us could say anything at the time, all we got to do was sit there and listen to her go on about how he'd saved his unit from something worse, how brave he was, etc. Because we mods could read PM's and chat sort of made the situation worse, and I'll leave it at that.

    Anyone who THINKS they want to be a mod, go ahead. I've BTDT, got the t-shirt AND the bumper sticker. I'd much rather be able to run my mouth like I usually do and not care about whether or not someone thinks I'm out of line.
  2. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Pregnant while their husbands were in Iraq?:confused: Yikes, that's messed up.
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    The movie 'Jarhead' puts that into perspective...

    sad, but when those guys go away on deployments, they really don't know what their women are up to..

    same goes for the women too...

    when guys go on deployments, sometimes they get into shit...

    like all the scenes from Vietnam-era films, with GIs getting laid by hookers..

    'hamburger hill' rings a bell
  4. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Wow, that is sad. It's a no-win situation for the man as well as the woman. The woman really has no way of knowing what her guy is doing out there, and he really has no way of knowing what she's doing back home. I guess it's better to not be married before enlisting yourself in the armed forces. It seems like it would save everybody a lot of trouble and heartache.
  5. alli

    alli New Member

    Wow. :(

    My dad was the Navy in the early years of my parents marriage. My mother says she's sure he slept with other women in the different places he went while in the Navy. Blah.

    On the moderator subject . . . I've moderated on boards before and it's not a fun job.
  6. malikom

    malikom Banned

  7. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    ....ok, so my moderating stories aren't even remotely as crazy as yours, so I won't bother putting any up. But I will quote the above text and co-sign. The only thing I miss about being a mod was having the power to shut people up who were causing trouble.

    Except when I was a mod on an art forum. That was fine, since there were no real problems in my section. I just had the mundane task of cleaning up old requests for my services, since all the drama went down in other people's sections.
  8. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Sad stuff but I think this has been common with wars since the stone ages.
    I knew you had some interesting stuff when you said you were a mod of this kind of board.

    Thanks for posting.
  9. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    Been a mod is not something special i was once a mod and 5 times as an admin to few different boards, had my own board also ...
    And everytime people hated me lol just because they choose me and not them
    maybe because my English was not the best and they thought why she can be an admin while we better but most time they choose me because they trusted me. my stories not the best mostly is members try to find mistakes on me :rolleyes:

    anyway like i said its nothing special and be just a member its the best no headaches:smt033

    lol ok out of here now am just bored :smt003
  10. Athena

    Athena New Member

    You are absolutely right Bryant. It is a no-win situation. It would save a lot of trouble if the enlistees were single but that would not be realistic. I've seen the military from both sides (enlisted and as a gf of military person) and it sucks. I have not experienced a community more prone or more encouraged to cheat and lie than that one. Based on my personal experience I would never date a military man again even if he was Jesus himself.
  11. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Sorry for your experience but I think it is a bit unfair to write off an entire community. There a lot of honorable men and women in uniform. I am sure other walks of life have their share of creeps.

    School teachers and Priests come to mind.
  12. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Excellent point Sir Nose and you are right it is unfair. But isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result? lol I kid but writing off a whole community based on my experience alone is likely not very fair at all.
  13. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Too bad you ran into some real knuckleheads.

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