1. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    My experience was very similar.

    I went to the Musee Orangie(sp?0 in Paris to see the Monet collection. The paintings are huge and they are displayed in a round room. They have these round banquets to sit on so you can just slowly shift to look at the paintings from all angles. I sat for a while and then burst into tears. I could not stop cryng. The guard came over to me and in the most beautiful french I have heard asked me if I was ok. I said to him " I just can't believe something so beautiful was painting by someone who had flaws. It seems impossible that this was created by a human." He put his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me. I sat there for about 4 hours just looking. I was one of the most amazing experiences in my life.
  2. ladeda

    ladeda New Member

    i went to art school. one of the best in the west coast(i would argue THE best but thats presumptuous)

    so bring it! I do a little bit of everything, but I work in the 3d realm mostly. I still like painting but only sometime.

    My favorite painter of the moment?

    Neo Rauch.

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