1. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Yes, art.

    Hi, my name is disposableheroine and I am an artist. I love art, in many forms. Music, paintings, dance, acting, oh the options. I can appreciate beauty in a lot of things, though mostly I guess I would consider myself a painter, though I never really stick to just one medium.

    I'm making this thread for two reasons. The first being I'm planning and plotting and pondering a new series. At least one canvas painting, but I don't know what all media I'll explore before it's all said and done. I have these images in my head (random inspiration, it's beautiful) of some really interesting stuff, so hopefully it'll turn out nice.

    Anyhow, this applies to you guys because my series will be dealing with interracial relationships, more specifically those between black men and white women, and it will explore a few different aspects of how I see it. The first will likely be a digital painting of a lovely young couple, and I'm hoping to get it finished early next week, if I can squeeze in some photoshop time.

    So I guess I just wanted to see if anyone would be interested in viewing the works as I get them finished. I also have a gallery on deviantart.com, but I don't feel there are many strong pieces there.

    And, as for the second reason I'm making this thread...I think we should have an art discussion! What kind of art do you like?
  2. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    Hey DH,

    Sorry not hijacking...the session timed out and I was talking to the man. I could not log back in. Just didn't want you to think I ran away on you.
    He is just a bag of bricks!
  3. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    It's all good, my window crashed at some point and I didn't even know it. *L* Kick him!
  4. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

  5. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    i like those art pieces of men and women intertwined together...i like tattoos....body art......

    i like you..... 8)
  6. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Ah yes, intertwined people. That's part of the first one! I'm looking for reference materials right now. But I had this flash of inspiration last night, actually, while I was taking a breather. >.> Ahem. I wanna do this tight close up of a couple lying in bed together, the angle over the white lady's shoulder, only showing their noses, chins, shoulders, and hands...and the white chick is holding a cigarette to the guy's lips, and the only light is a vague blue backlight for shape, and the orange glow from the cherry.

    The difficult part will be nailing the girl's expression. That "Oh man, I can't move my legs now, that was awesome!" look.

    haha. It will be awesome.
  7. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    brillance......at least someone has it...
  8. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Nah, I just have an overactive imagination and a penchant for viewing stuff as art. The painting is somewhat mimicking life, because I had a moment just like that, where I was holding a cigarette for him, and it just struck me as an interesting image, and since then I've been dying to paint it.

    I can't find any good reference photos, though. -_- I oughta just ask someone on here to pose for me *L*
  9. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    i had a gay friend who asked me to pose for her naked....i never did...i should have.....kick myself in the butt.....she was hot too.....she had nipples the size of pencil erasers............ :smt051
  10. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Wanna pose naked for me? I need some more...anatomy study

    :D :D :D :D :D :D
  11. life5577

    life5577 New Member

  12. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    where the hell is eveyone....those fuckin troll made them all get help...

    blackmasterjay= is out partying
    jelly=hospital after eating all our recipes
    petty=doin pushups
    mosk=pass out from her wine....
    vanill-searchin for jelly

    gee.....its u and me...my gal
  13. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member


    I guarantee if we were to meet, we'd be making more than art, if you get where I'm coming from? 8)
  14. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    You mean we're gonna make cookies?!?! Hooray!
  15. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    What kinda cookies we make is entirely up to you.
  16. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    white chocolate chip and macademia nut!
  17. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    Sorry ladies! I had a bit of a rough night last night and needed to get some sleep. I am fine now.

    And BTW I NEVER go searching for a man! :lol:
  18. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    LOL I was not drinking wine last night! But I had to be a good girl and go to bed so I would make it to church this morning. Which I did.
  19. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    Back to your original question, I like all kinds of art.

    I am really into Monet, Renoir, Matisse and some Dali. I cried when I went to France and saw Monet's Water Lillies in person. It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life.

    I also really like black and white photography. Adams, Weston, Polese are some of my favourites.

    I have a special place for Canadian art. Tom Thompson, A.Y Jackson and most of the Group of Seven. Also Emily Carr.

    And Native American painter Norval Morriseau is fantastic.

    I go to the National Gallery here once a week to just look, sit and be still. There was just a fabulous exhibit by Joe Fafard a Canadian sculptor. Not my usual thing but I really enjoyed it.
  20. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Ohhh, Monet. I remember the first time I saw a painting by Monet...though honestly it's hard to forget, since it was just about a year ago!

    The Houston Metropolitan Museum of Art has some nice pieces. The first painting by someone I recognized that I saw was Monet, and I just stood there in awe for a few minutes. It felt so...weird, I guess. I'd been looking at pictures of these paintings all my life in books and online, but I'd never before seen a painting by someone with such a big name.

    Then I walked into the next room and saw a Van Gogh. Not even one of his best, in my opinion, but the sheer fact that it was a painting by Van Gogh 2 feet away from me...oh wow, I think I could've died happy in that moment.

    Then I saw the Picasso room...

    It was an experience. I don't get to go to the museum often (only for school trips, usually) but if I could I'd be there every thursday, cause it's free then. *L*

    I can't really name off my favorite artists, because there's too many of them, but I guess I could point out a few. They span over different types of art, though, because when I say "art" I mean everything, not just the shit that can be found at the MFA.

    Trent Reznor. Salvador Dali. A guy named Jonathan Trevino that I went to school with for a while, but then he moved to California in the middle of the quarter because he's so amazing he got recruited somewhere. He's 18. Tim Burton. Greg Horn. H. R. Geiger. Oh, forget it, I'll keep typing names forever, but those are some I quite enjoy.

    Not to mention there's this artist..I forgot her name, but her work hit me harder than any I've ever experienced before. Her work was displayed at a gallery in the museum district, and I had a very interesting experience, because for the first time in my life I was staring at artwork that actually unsettled me. It almost offended me, and I think maybe, on some level, it -did- offend me. I was made so uncomfortable by the images and words I was reading on the wall, yet I couldn't look away. When I finally walked away the piece (a combo poem and visuals (photographs decoupaged on pieces of wood)) it left an impression that is still with me. For a piece to make me feel such strong emotion, even though it was negative...to me, that's real art. It made me feel in an unexpected way, and I love the artist for it.

    There's a Russian art group I'm quite fond of, as well, called AES+F. I was impacted very strongly by a piece they had created called "Suspects". 14 photographs of young, adolescent, Russian girls in a half circle. No names, no nothing, just the pictures. It looked so simple, so bland, but then you're made curious for the lack of information, so it makes you want to read about it. And when you go to the large plaque on the wall you find that 7 of the 14 girls are convicted murderers, and are all serving sentences in Russian prisons...but you don't know who. It's impossible to tell, and suddenly you find yourself looking at the photographs again, wondering, picking out little details...a smile here, a frown there, anything that would make one stand out. Maybe she's a murderer? Or what about her? Or her? By the time you leave you have unwittingly passed judgment, whether you want to or not.

    It was beautiful.

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