Are you THAT parent..that gets the generic cereal. not Froot Loops, Fruit RINGS

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by hellified, May 5, 2014.

  1. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    It's not just the bagged cereal that tastes different. Generic coffee creamer, generic yogurt, generic cookies/crackers, generic soda...all nasty. Texture, consistency, flavor, freshness...all downfalls for many generic brands. It's not every single generic store brand bagels and cottage cheese actually taste better to me than the name brands. It's few and far between that I find an off brand that matches quality with the name brand though.
  2. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    I'm with you on this, generic coffee creamer tastes like shite as does generic coffee & Tea.
    Oh and Toilet paper, Andrex is the best, but the people that make it here Kimberly Clark also make Tesco toilet paper.
    So I suppose it depends what generic brand.

    I also found out that the manufacturer here that makes Dulux paint also makes Homebase Paint same stuff exactly just £5 a small tin dearer.
  3. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I suppose. Maybe the quality down here is generally better and the differences tend to be negligible.

  4. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Probably also depends on the individual. Some people will eat anything put in front of them. Others :)smt006) can be a bit on the picky side ;)
  5. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Ever purchased thrifty condoms?

  6. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Thrifty as in off-brand? Negative. I would get condoms from planned parenthood in high school though and they weren't regular brands most times...but they did their job ;)

    Nowadays, if I'm using condoms they're Trojan. Men always think they need a magnum :smt080
  7. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    We live to think we're larger than life when it comes to cumtastic performances. :cool::smt080

  8. southfloridagirl

    southfloridagirl New Member

    Lol. Condoms, open heart surgeons, and brakes for your car. Three purchases where you should ALWAYS opt for the most expensive option.
  9. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member


  10. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

  11. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    A lot of times I have been reading in German newspapers and magazines about manufacturer's brands vs private/store brands.
    Tests are taken on a regular basis,which have revealed repeatedly that there is usually no difference in quality,and ingredients/design of both are similar.
    Some private/store brands are even produced in the exact same fabrics which also produce the manufacturer's brands counterpart.
    That's in Germany though. I can't really judge how it is in other countries.

    Here is a wikipedia link (in German,but can probably be translated if you're interested in reading) about the topic.
  12. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    When it comes to food, the Homebrand line sold in supermarkets are the same as it is in Germany
  13. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    This thread always stuck out in my head because of my personal experiences while growing up.

    My parents were on food stamps for a while growing up so our fridge, pantry, and cabinets were filled to the brim with name brand foods. My parents brought me an combination of brand name clothes from discount stores, no brand name clothes from K-Mart/Pay Less, and used clothes from the Good Will.

    Yes I agree, with non brand items, more likely than not the quality will be less than the brand item but personal I don't see the diminished quality that great where you have to shit on it.

    The way I see it, I will buy my children whatever the fuck I choose and if they don't like, they can get the fuck out. I raise my sons to have super high self esteem in themselves and know that they are loved for the individuals they are partly because others snobbiness in the world like some people expressed in this thread.

    So I play the game of keeping up with the jones clothing wise, just so they aren't made fun of or picked up on at school because big bro ain't always there to back them up.

    Even at there tender ages, I remind my sons, do not give people who aren't writing your paychecks, paying your bills, or keeping an roof over your head any time of the day. Do not focus on what other people got and appreciate what you do have because alot of these people who seem to "got it" aren't living right.

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