Are white women easier than black women? Hmmm, lets see!

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by ohio76, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. ohio76

    ohio76 New Member

    Hello, my name is OHIO76. I am a 33 year old Black male from (guess where?) Ohio. I just wanted to introduce myself because I just joined and although I know that this is supposed to be a forum for open minds and free expression amongst individuals with common interest, I know that my strong opinions can rub people the wrong way. That said, I mean no offense to anyone! lol

    I want to first start off by commending my brothers for your fortitude. I know how difficult it can be within our community for a Black Man that is exploring IR happiness. I want to also commend you for taking charge of your own destiny. Remember, you are responsible for your own happiness!

    So often I hear individual speaking with so much certainty on the matter of IR dating, but once they start talking they show that they have no knowledge of subject. It has been axiomatic that white girls are easier than their black counterparts, that white women will put up with anything and that white women are bigger freaks! Well, two of these are false!

    White girls are actually just as complex as black chicks, because they are women to! All women are complex creatures with complex desires and emotions that differ from men. It is hard for a woman in this society because there has been such a shift in the maturity level of men and they have to be adroit in so many areas just to survive. There was a time when a woman depended on men to meet their needs, but nowadays that just isn't realistic because urgent needs would go unmet! Nature forces creatures of all sorts to adapt to their environment, these complex times in which we live have (in my opinion) have created a more vigorous woman.

    There have been very few stereotypes that White girls deserve less than the doormat tag that has been placed upon them. Look, I get women of all races! I say that not to impress you, but instead to impress upon you that I am not some narrow minded/experience solipsist who is basing his opinion on conjecture. Listen, when a woman is in to you, she will relax and let herself go. This relaxation of guard will turn any woman into puddy, lol. The assertion that white girls are emotional masochist is bullshit and that mentality is a great way to sabotage a potentially great relationship/friendship. Women (in general) are delicate creatures. I get VIP treatment from every woman that I date, it isn't race sensitive. Conduct yourself like a man and demand to be treated as such.

    As far as the freaky stuff, I am in agreement there! Lol, sorry ladies. It has just been my experience that white girls are more willing to let themselves go and to allow themselves to experience/engage their mate on a physical level more than black women. THIS HAS BEEN MY EXPERIENCE! Are there white women that are wack in bed with horrible sex drives? Yeah, but they have been the exception not the rule. However, I must be clear, this doesn’t mean that white girls are easier, just that they seem to let themselves experience more.

    In closing, I think that we need to develop as men. As a cohort, we just aren’t developing as we should. I am not a fan of pointing fingers, I laugh when black chicks do that shit. There is an author that has black women thinking that most black dudes are gay, lol! Bitch please! I have never had any homosexual-erotic feelings and I have no reason to believe that any of my poon-hound buddies are or have ever been into that shit either. That is so fickle, instead of addressing their issues these stupid chic’s are letting a fruitball (who covets what they have) lead them further away from their intended goal. Most men are too afraid to address that! I asked a black chic who reads this guys books “what other books have you read recently", the answer was none. It is easy to manufacture blame, yet harder to recognize and address fault in ourselves. They should read some self-help books!

    I am not an oracle and I don’t arrogate that I am a scholar on this subject. These are just my opinions!



    It is not hard to learn more. What is hard is to unlearn when you discover yourself wrong

    — Martin H. Fischer
  2. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Then why hell are you asking an idiotic question if you know this already.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  5. ohio76

    ohio76 New Member

    You are entitled to your opinion! That is just mine.
  6. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    what is this some kind of research/thesis paper ? Im not reading all this BS. you know whats up.

    what do you mean easier than BW
  7. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    You speak as if you were a woman..............
  8. ohio76

    ohio76 New Member

    Naw, Never a woman:smt096. I am just a woman loving man that has allowed his arrogance to fuck some good relationships up. We all think we know alot about the opposite sex but we are often just kidding ourselves! I admit it!
  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    ooooh ok
  10. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    This is insulting to our wives, our friends, and our lovers.
  11. ohio76

    ohio76 New Member

  12. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I think it was a pretty impressive 1st post tho...
    (Where is that pocorn eating smiley)
  13. Toughsnail

    Toughsnail Restricted

    :smt022 and what were your parents thinking!!! LOL
  14. bonsaiiKITTEN

    bonsaiiKITTEN New Member

    Too long.

    Didn't read.

    Don't care.

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