Are There Any BM/WW IRs in South Carolina?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Shaft, Mar 5, 2008.

  1. Shaft

    Shaft New Member

    Folks, I was wondering if any of you who are familiar with dating in South Carolina or who live in that area could tell me if IR dating between black men and white women is common at all? I may get a job offer in South Carolina and I'm just a bit concerned that it may be one of those areas where black men with white women may be physically attacked for going out with a white woman and where there's lots and lots of red necks and racism-based on what I see in terms of how they vote, controversial issues like flying the confederate flag at the state capitol, etc.

    And if BM/WW IR dating is at least getting to be somewhat common there now, what are some good lounges, bars and clubs where as a black man, you could go to to meet a good white woman? I wouldn't feel comfortable in a club where I'm the only black man, in such an area. If it's a mixed and diverse crowd, that would be a lot better.
  2. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    I lived there for a few years in a few different parts and it depends on where (area/city) you live.

    What city/area of SC are you moving to?
  3. Shaft

    Shaft New Member


    I'm not exactly sure would probably be somewhere around the area by some university called Southern Wesleyan University and/or Charleston or Columbia. In all honesty, I'm really not hot about moving up there anyway. I don't want to have to deal with all those racist Southereners over there. I don't think it's worth risking my life just because of white women.
  4. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Trust me, i won't go anywhere near South Carolina. Not telling you what to do, but that's just me.
  5. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Im just wondering...have you ever lived in SC? Because if you havent, then Im not sure you can give an objective opinion of it.
    (The south gets too much of a bad rap. Sh*t happens everywhere. New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Texas, Cali., Chicago...I could go on.) Personally, I think it has to do will local politics and whether conservatives or liberals are in power at that particular time.

    But anyway...your choices seem to be spread out pretty far. Wesleyan University has campuses spread out from Greenville (northwest corner of the state at the foot of the Appl. Mountains), to Columbia (center of the state), to Charleston (Atlantic coast). And as a person who has lived in SC for more than 10 years in quite a few areas, here's my 2 cents...

    -Greenville: HELL NO! To close to the mountians where there isnt alot of diversity or culture. If your used to "large" cities with something to do on a Saturday night, scratch G-ville off your list.

    -Columbia: 50/50. Capital city. On the come-up. Where you live will determine your experiences. If you live downtown near USC campus, in Spring Valley, or near Lake Murray/Columbiana area, I doubt you will have any problems. Those areas have a very large segment of students and college grads. and you probably will experience little to nil racist crap. East Columbia, where shit happens on the regular (think any inner city)...well, you know the deal...

    -Charleston: Would be my choice. Plenty of nightlife. Very diverse racially and culturally because of tourists and out of state students (there are lots of schools on the coast). Myrtle Beach. (Top notch golf courses..if you play.) And I would say IR dating is no worse than you would find in any other little-big city.

    And because Charleston is such a huge tourist magnet (NY and NJ people love it and are regulars), local police and politicans dont allow trouble-makers (black or white) to get a foothold and disturb the peace.
  6. ClintBallz

    ClintBallz New Member

    I am from S.C. There are IR, "black men white women", relationships all over the state. I am very familiar with my hometown of Greenville to have a lot of IR relationships, but there isn't much nightlife. Charleston would be my pick!
  7. Shaft

    Shaft New Member


    Jellybird and Clintballz, I appreciate your replies. I haven't been able to get on this forum again until now.
  8. csbean

    csbean New Member


    I live in Savannah, Georgia, which is about 2 hours from Charleston. I agree, the South does get a bad rap. I am from Cleveland, Ohio, and in my opinion, it was MUCH more segregated there. I see plenty of IR couples here.
  9. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Re: re

    Well, it has been said often that Ohio is halfway between the South and the Midwest in its cultural aesthetics.
  10. dealergirl

    dealergirl New Member

    I've been living in the Upstate of SC for almost 9 years and I think that people are more open than they are given credit for.

    Sure there still people who are racist, but I guess I've just decided to be me no matter what and therefore I might tend to ignore those that don't agree with interracial relationships.

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