Are Men Appreciated? Ladies Your Thoughts.

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by The Dark King, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    Dude, most everyone tries to teach their children how to treat men or women. But, the problem is when you use what you have learned on people who aren't worthy of it. That's when you run into trouble. Not all people have "worth" as far as relationships go.
  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I know you don't. You have always come at me side-ways. I see you. It is what it is.
  3. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Lol Can't fool you Bliss:cool:

    I'd rep you, but need to spread some and that could take years sorry:smt069
  4. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    Actually, I was rather kind to you in chat the other day. I guess you didn't appreciate that...HA :p
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Dudette, I actually agree with you here.
  6. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    You know the saying "You can't turn a ho into a housewife"?

    Well, the same goes for men. Once a person reaches adulthood, they are who they are. You TRY to teach them, but you will always try. You will never succeed. If you got a lazy asshole sitting on the couch in his tighty whities, waiting for you to go to work so he can jerk off to youporn the minute you leave, why do you think you will be able to change him to? Why would you want to?

    Put on a pencil skirt and go sit outside the google headquarters, get you one of them google nerds. They have a stable job, make good money, will appreciate you and they'll be able to hold a conversation. Stop bringing those wannabe rappers home.

    Nobody is saying it's the womans fault that men are assholes. We're saying it's the womans fault she chooses assholes and all men should not be judged by the standard that he set.

    (Not saying you specifically Bliss.,. generally speaking)
  7. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    Dudette? You hate me because my tits are perkier than yours ...Ha... :p
  8. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    What if the house is a whore house? :p
  9. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Ive seen him come at few of the women here sideways...but he's real quick to apologize and explain himself when he's come at a man wrong. Sit back and'll probably notice the same pattern in him that I have.
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Succinct observation, Raiders. ^^^^

    No, I did. Sometimes, it helps to explain a person and why/who they are. I did not take your kindness for granted. But if you don't parlay the kindness here on the forum, then you'll get the business back. That's how it goes.
  11. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    Watch it. You'll be blocked next and then his whole forum world will be just bits of fanny, jaisee and the other blokes
  12. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    Interesting... This is a very good point. I will try to correct that in the future. I have noticed a lot of women in this forum (some are even in this thread), doing the same thing. But, thanks for the info, you could have just informed me of that Raider.
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You hate me cause my muscles are bigger than yours, princess.
  14. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    Business back? Is that like Sexy back? And quite frankly, I am rather kind to you. I am pretty sure that you are the only female on here that I joke around with, or at least attempt to. Hmmm... I suppose I can make a sound bite thingy for a reply of your choosing so that you can understand the difference between joking, the act of kindness, and my general distaste of annoyance.
  15. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    LOL, nice...
  16. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    LOL, that's hilarious. :smt036 (what a visual!)
  17. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    Awww, she is still talking about me? LOL... I'm loved.
  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Perhaps we have different visions of what kindness is. I think you continued to fan the flames in the other thread to paint a particular picture, and it was not lost on me or others, nor appreciated.

    On a general note, I don't think I have ever seen a post from you that supports women. You always find ways to victimize your gender (or race) and insert it, even in unrelated topics. Do you have another side to you on here? That is all.
  19. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    I have to agree with this. Which is unfortunate, because I'm sure he has a lot of good things to contribute but too often the not-so-good is what is remembered and overshadows the good. We should all be here for a common cause, and sympathetic to the other half of the equation.
  20. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Sometimes I think the dudes here just want a sausage fest to be able to hear echoes of their own opinions. Many threads are started with the premise of "men AND women, lets talk about _____ topic", when in reality people only want to hear others agree with them (not speaking about this thread particularly...just a general observation). know dang well I don't care if someone puts me on ignore! I don't post to appease anyone or to try and make friends. Some people take this site and these comments way too seriously. If people could lighten up and see this site for what (I think) it online forum for discussion, love and appreciation...we'd probably all have a better time.

    You are absolutely correct, I should have directed this observation to you. Her post triggered a desire for me to respond, so I quoted her. I'll direct my comments appropriately next time.

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