Are dark-skinned men more appealing?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by ronaldl79, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. bisco

    bisco New Member

    I have a suspicion that you are light skinned.I dont dispute the fact that whites treated light skinned blacks better than the darker ones.During Apartheid in South Africa the so called coloured people/ biracial were treated better than the africans,this was because whites knew that the coloureds were their product.But the fact remains that when it comes to relationships darker blacks come out tops.Whites have always loved a darker skin why do you think they tan their skin.One american girl once told me that she likes the heat hear in Africa because it makes her darker.And just because the lighter blacks were treated better doesnt make them better than any other black person out there
  2. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Bisco, nice seeing you. I thought you'd left us :)

    Remember, the "blacks" in US come in all kinds of shades, since a bunch of them has various amounts of "white" blood in them. (To be honest, some of the people who are considered "black" in US, looks very white to me. Like Colin Powell- I have a really hard time seeing that he's not an old, ugly white guy...) Of course I know there's differences in skin colour in Africa too, but it's a lot more varied in US.

    Anyway, since there's more variation of the skin colours in US vs Africa, perhaps it is true that some women over there, prefer men with lighter skin, but I don't think that's a uniquely white phenomenon though. And, my guess is that there's also a bunch of women there who prefer a darker man.

    But what do I really know... I'm neither American or African :D
  3. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Ive noticed that alot of latinas (and black girls) like the light skinned "pretty boy" type of black guys.Like..if you were to ask a latina to name a few black men she found attractive,she would probably say T,i or Shemar moore,Chris brown etc.White women tend to like dark skinned dudes.Ive noticed,that latinas and black girls (even some asians) put alot more picky on the face of a black dude,than white chicks.
    For example,i saw that some chick posted a picture of the dude from "bloood diamonds" in the thread where the women of the board posts pics of attractive black men.Lol a black chick and a latina would probably crack up if she saw that.
  4. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Bisco, Don't take notice of ANYTHING Malikom says. He's one of the most biased people on this planet. (Just read some of his other posts...)
    Since Malikom is not a black woman, Asian woman or Latino woman, and there are no such here to defend them self, I think he should just shut up and not put words in their mouths. Also, that Malikom continuously feel the need to tell the world how ugly he thinks African features are (every time with a ridiculing comment, like lol or ha-ha) says more about him than the rest of the world's population.

    When some people on this forum (Malikom) express that they don't like African features, personally, I don't even understand how that's possible. The average African is very good-looking, compared to... well, just about any people. (And my bet is that Malikom has never even been to Africa and seen for himself). BTW, when I say most Africans are good looking, I do not just speak for myself. Also for people like my former semi-racist dad, (he has improved very much), after we dragged him down to South-Africa even he had to admit that people there are absolutely beautiful (men and women). Come to think of it, I can't remember talking to anyone who has actually been to Africa, who hasn't agreed with me on that...

    Djimon Hounsou is very handsome btw.
    Anyone who don't see that has got to be dumb or blind.
  5. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I don't know that the majority of WW in the U.S. prefer "white skin" so much as white privilege. When I see a lot of WW in the newspaper getting married....they often marry men that are very average looking...but if you check the man's credentials....he will have a great education, good job and come from a well-to-do family. I think most WW in this country...if they could get around class issues/cultural issues etc....wouldn't care if they ended up with a dark man (BM). In this nation it is far more about society and culture than color. Color is more an issue in Latin America or India.
  6. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    This is true....the average black in the U.S. is 17-18% white.....and more than half of all blacks in the U.S. also have Native American ancestory. Even in my own family....we range the color spectrum from Colin Powell to Shemar Moore to Chiwetel Ejiofor to Djimon Honsou. (Of course 1/3 of whites in the U.S. also have black blood....they just don't know it)
  7. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    People often are attracted to something other than what they see/are used to. Most Latinas have issues with colorism....they generally aren't going to take the view that "darker is better." Hell, Eva Longoria used to be made fun of in her family because she was the "dark" one....WTF. When a Latina goes for chocolate....they will sometimes skirt the edges...get the muscles and thick lips minus the dark skin....they want a light beer...not hard liquor. Black women sometimes have issues....(that is changing ever since New Jack City....light skinned dudes went out of style in the late 80's) because black folks in the U.S. are sometimes brainwashed into thinking that African features aren't attractive. Most BW darker skin with features that are neither strongly Euro or African.....dark skinned dudes with Native American/Black/Euro features are the most sought after.

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  8. phillysoffercal

    phillysoffercal New Member

    Yes, white people love to tan - but I still believe they prefer light brown skin. What a funny world we live in. Blacks date whites because they love the whiteness of their skin yet whites are desperate to tan their paleness. Me? I love any shade... I suppose you could say that I'm biased about the shade of the person I'm in love with at the time.
  9. phillysoffercal

    phillysoffercal New Member

    Really though, there is no proof either way as to the most preferred skin tone. Does it matter? From friends' experiences I've also discovered that people in a successful relationship usually tell their other half that they have the attributes they prefer. For example, a mate of mine told an ex- girlfriend that he had a preference for blond hair, yet his next girlfriend was told he preferred brunette hair! Some black men who date both races are like this. When dating white women - they prefer white women. When dating black women - they prefer black women! It's all about the context blah-de-blah... I can't imagine that any man would tell his black girlfriend that he prefers white women - even if he does!
  10. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    I believe a women preference a lot has to do with where they are from.
    Generally I have found that women who come from countries with low black populations prefer the darker skinned blacks. This especially true with Eastern European women in England. Several of my African friends are dating Slovak and Polish girls. South African white women on the other hand, if they do date black people, will generally date light skinned blacks. Very rarely will they date a dark skinned black. British women are not as easy to define. Where I live in London, you see all different shades of black men dating white women. Ultimately though, I don’t think most women are bothered about how dark or how light you are. Dark or light - If you have good features women will like you.
  11. malikom

    malikom Banned

    You can tell him not to listen all you want,but its the truth.Latinas and black girls put more emphasis on the face,than white chicks.Black girls and white women usually have different taste.Alot of average to ugly black guys that white women like,wouldnt get looked at by a black women.
    If you think dijmon is handsome,than ok thats fine.All im saying is that the majority black women and latinas wouldnt find him attractive at all.
    Also stop putting words in my mouth.I didnt say anything about them "not liking african features"...notice that even light skinned blacks have black "african features" dummy.Alli said was...latinas and black girls tend to like the brown skinned light pretty boy type of black men.
  12. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Wtf ,i never express on here that i hate black features.Wtf are you talking about?
  13. malikom

    malikom Banned

    You hit the nail on the head.
  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    interestingly enough...

    I can't remember the last time I seen a latina, with a dark, zulu lookin brutha


    my cousin has a puerto rican girlfriend, that he has been seeing for years, but he is "high yella." The only reason you know he's a brotha ,is because of the stocking cap ( ya'll nuh's know what i'm talkin about, lol) waves in his hair and the thick lips.
  15. bisco

    bisco New Member

    There is no difference between white South Africans and and white people through out the world,so you cant possibly say white people here in Africa prefer a light skin i think you have no idea of what you are talking about.You cant say Africans think differently than African Americans we all think the same.Black people through out the world tend to have a preference over a light skin thats a fact.You look at billboards of blacks you watch tv, you find mostly light skinned blacks.Black people everywhere find Halle berry beautiful than maybe Lauren Hill why dont you ask yourself why?
  16. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    what am I thinking now?

  17. bisco

    bisco New Member

    ok dude where are you really from
  18. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    You've said it before: WW prefer the BM that Latinos and BW don't find attractive, because they look at the facial features- which apparently WW don't do. And you do seem to agree with the BW and the latinos very much. How else should we understand things like that "LOL" comment above?

    And you have done that before. Probably in that looong thread. You've also said somewhere that African-American are better looking that other blacks. If I remember correctly, your logic was something like "that's why the majority of black celebs are African-American". (The thought that perhaps almost every celeb you know happen to be American, simply because you are American, didn't even seem to cross you.)

    Yes, light skinned blacks CAN have Africans features too, but usually they seem to have much less of it. Those guys you mention above, almost lacks them completely. Shemar could easily pass for a Latino himself if he got rid of the curls. Seriously, can you point one ONE thing in that guys face that actually looks African?

    I'm fairly sure you're wrong about the taste of BW and Latinos btw. Some probably like the looks of people like Shemar- like the limited number of women you know- but that doesn't mean the MAJORITY prefer Shemar. The, "ugly" yet famous, guy you didn't even know the name of- the "guy from blood diamonds" Djimon Hounsou, was certainly handsome enough both for the catwalk in Paris (before he started acting), and for Janet Jackson to use him in at least one of her music videos...

    And, sorry for high jacking the thread people, you've said WW take the BM other women don't want. And yet you complain about how BM get the bottom of the barrel WW??? If you're right, it looks like it's rather us WW who should be complaining about only getting the left-overs... :roll:
  19. malikom

    malikom Banned

    lmao you're delusional.You want to conduct an "experiment" and post that african dudes picture on blackplanet or a latina forum and see if they find him attractive? :lol:

    Its true though,white women seem to find alot of black men attractive that latinas and black women dont.Theres nothing wrong with that.Also just because a black person is light,dosent mean he has "European" features. They still have black features (flat nose and thick lips,usually).
    Its true.Ask a black women or latina who they find attractive.The only dark skin black men they would probably name,is Tyrese and Tyson beckford.The majority of the black men they name will be from brown skinned to yellow skin.Latinas and Black girls are picky, especially when it comes to a black mans looks.

    I didnt say this.I dont know what you are talking about.And even if i did,its true lol
  20. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    Bisco, how can you say there is no difference between white South Africans and whites throughout the world? That is such an ignorant statement! Being from Swaziland and frequented South Africa on several occasions , believe me a South African white women’s views on dating black people is very different to say, a white English women. Being From Botswana, I’m sure you would have heard of apartheid, well peoples privileges were loosely based on their skin colour. Lighter you were the more privileges you had. Not that I Like to generalize, but apartheid was only abolished 18 years ago, a lot of South African whites still hold 'the lighter the better attitude', especially white Afrikaners. So if they do date a black person it would be a lighter skinned black. I'm not just saying this; it’s evident if you go to jo'burg and Durban. Coloreds (mixed raced people) - you will see dating more white people. In America a lot(not all) of these colored people would be considered light skinned blacks. Btw I’m dark skinned. I haven’t got a vested interest in this topic at all, just stating what I’ve observed. Ok…rant over.

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