Are Biracial children harmed for being biracial, harrassed for being a mixture? arent black children called names too, attacked for being black. with 70% of black children born out of wedlock into poverty, suffering in a so called racist world--why is it that black and white supremists always saying it is the children who will be harmed by IR?
Start going on some mixed raced sites to find out what they really think about blacks.
why would they be negative against other mulattos anyway?? not talking about blacks, talking about biracial children.
From my experience alot of these kids come out screwed up because their parents don't know what to do. They get attacked by both races for not being one race or another. And then alot of them try to define themselves by choosing one race or the other. And then it just creates more psychological issues.One problem I see is when biracial kids choose one race they try and bash the other to fit in with that race. But they are never fully accepted and see themselves as on the outside. Their parents usually don't help them understand who they are when growing up. And people confused about themeselves let others define them. Racists say that it will harm the children because they know more people like them are in this world.
This is from Blacks were not the architect of the one drop rule but they always get bent outta shape on this issue.
That proved exactly what I said in the earlier post.Sounds like someone wants acceptance in the white community. But they will always be looked at as not quite white. So they will end up having psychological issues.
It's not rare for a biracial kid in this country to think of themselves as 'white' anyway, unless they assimilate with blacks who are pro-black, otherwise, to them, they're 'white.'
i know my fella's cousin (black) has a mixed race son, and they refer to him as his white son - whereas to my family, he'd be classed as the black son............. i think it depends on how the parents treat the children, and do they blend the two cultures together well, or keep them very separate. i think it also helps if the couple are married, or at least harmonious in their lifestyle, having a united front etc.....
Ok. I have two biracial children. Their Daddy refers to them as black. I argued with him over this point until he said "ok, ask Tony Blair what colour they are then." So basically yes I see my children as black. I think most of the mixed race chidlren in Britain actually do see themselves as black. My own Dad - who is white refers to my children as black, and to be honest I dont like the term 'biracial, mixed race, blah blah' as no one should be labelled.
you dont like labels but you label your kids "Black"?? Black is a label just like biracial is. Bi(means 2)Racial means of a race, so I dont see that as any different than labeling them, black, white, asian or hispanic. It explains who they are. Why would anyone ask the government who their children are when you are white and your husband is black, that means the kids are of 2 different racial groups. Be proud of being Interracial(ooops another label) and be proud of your kids being BI Racial((another label). Just as your man is proud being black(oops another label) and Tony Blair of being white(ooops yet another label). I wouldnt think of Asking President George Bush to tell me what my own children are racially. that is just absurd
You totally misconstrued my point of view, what I was getting at. In the UK, especially where we live there are a lot of mixed race children, white mothers and black fathers. the majority of the children are raised by their mother alone. Where are the Fathers? If you read what I said again it was not I who referred to Tony Blair (plonker that he is anyway), but the childrens Father - but that was just a general overall point about society not the one person. I am blond, green eyed and tall - german/irish descent - with a German surname and in my childhood I was called a few names - so that's why I dont agree with labels/stigmas. My children know their Daddys black and Mummys white and they have beautiful skin, hair and eyes and that's why - they have the best of both worlds. I am sorry that you took my previous message the wrong way.
i am sorry if I did take it the wrong way. I read what you wrote and I saw that black was considered the label used over the accurate term--biracial or mixed race as you call it. as with Tony Blair referral by whomever, he nor Bush or Putin nor anyone have any power, knowledge or expertise in determining what race or label a child or person is. I am black not because Bush told me I am, but I am black because my mother and father are. i grew up black and was called all kinds of names too, just like most blacks in the world do. labels are labels, people use them. but black, white, biracial is not a label, it is Racial Categories. I am not labeled black, I am black. Your kids arent labeled biracial they are bi-racial or mixed(black dad, white mum) thats reality not a label
well tucker, I basically agree with you on that one (oh my god thats a first! :shock: ) but not with this part: Yes, and your mother and father are black or white because their parents were, and they are black or white because their parants were, and so on until we are back to the point of history when someone actually made something up what he called "racial categories", and then told people what they are and slapped a "race category label" on each of them. So yes, at one point of history your ancestors as well as mine were told what race category they belong to. I sometimes wonder what people would do if somebody would wake up tomorrow and invents lets say - toe categories - divided in big toes, small toes and medium toes. Are we then going to measure our toes in order to check the box they declared adequate for us? And what if our moms toe is a small toe and our fathers is a big toe? Are we supposed to ignore one parent because ____(fill in the blank) said so? Or because someone told you that once you have one drop big toe blood, then you are a big toe, even if your toes are small?? Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? And probably everyone will say: Ohh what a nonesense, nobody would do or believe in such a silly thing. Yet this is excatly how it happened with "race categories" and "race labels". And instead of recognizing how ridiculous those labels are, people keep on lecturing and attacking people who choose to quitt believing in such a nonesense - telling them: well society will still see you as a big/small toe ... yeah - but who is society?? We are! So if someone tells me, you are xy (fill in the blank) because society sees you as xy then this means nothing else but "its because I and other brainwashed sheep in the flock see you as xy and therefor you are xy. And you know what? I could care less what these nutheads think as what I should label myself! But whats most ridiculous is that those who will fight most vehemently to uphold those made up categories are the ones who are the quickest to call someone who refuses them "confused" "mixed up" or "having psychological issues". Go figure! I remember one similar discussion on a black board, people attacking parents of "mixed" children, justifying their attacks by saying: "Well, they should have thought about that earlier. If they can't stand being attacked then they shouldn't have mixed children". Yeah, the ignorance of some people is immense. Just imagine someone would tell you: "Well, you hate being discriminated because of your black skin? It's all your parents fault -- they should have thought about that before they gave birth to you ..."
silcoma, i dont know what you are referring to, since that is exactly the same thing I said but oh well
My earlier post said they were messed up psychological because they don't accept racial categories. And society will try to categorize them into one or the other. And when mixed children do then it still creates more problems. Society is more then just me and you. Society is made up of millions of people. And most accept racial categories. Maybe you can team up with other organizations and start a movement to end racial categories.
totally, i am with ya, i dont want to end the categories cause I dont have a problem with simple describers like black or white or biracial, which i find quite good adequate words.
Mullato children are treated like Gods in the Black community..If anybody is getting harmed it's the Black children that have to witness half-breeds elevated above them.. You'd be surprised the number of white children born into poverty in this Country..the numbers are growing at a staggering rate.. Soon..Negro crackers like YOU Tucker won't be able to relish in Black out of wedlock statistics because white families are falling apart in numbers never before witnessed There are MILLIONS of meth orphans born into poverty and that's happening at a time when Washinton/Wall street is REMOVING THE ENTIRE U.S MIDDLE-CLASS.. Ya'll won't be able to celabrate the demise of the Black family for much longer....LOL
This post here should get others to look twice at the 'accurate stats' on the progress of black America:
being in the middle class the govt hasnt removed us at all, in fact, with tax cuts and job growth it has been a wonderful time. Half breed?? sir if you are on an Interracial site and yet do not like Interracially made children, I ask why are you here? negro cracker that surely is me, having both african and european ancestry and proud of it