are balck men getting the shaft when it comes to the fatherhood PR in the media

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by goodlove, Mar 27, 2010.

  1. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Im a brother who is recently divorced and the mother is giving me hell in seeing my child. not to gripe but these are the facts.

    I have talked to a lot of men (BM and WM) and they all say the same thing. women gives us hell. it doesnt matter who is at fault if any.

    then if we fight back then it will cost thousands of dollars atty fees and court fees.

    i have had men say they give up because it costs so much - money, spiritually and emotionally

    when a man does get to be a father he still doesnt get compensated for the money he expensed to do the fighting. No one admonishes the women for doing this . not on TV.

    I have talked to atty's and they will tell you that it happens all the time. the police are numb to it because they know. I talked to one cop and he stated the women who do it will continue until you put them in jail. he stated he went thru it. he stated you can be jesus and u gonna catch it.

    you never if rarely see women get held to the fire for this but BM will get racked over the coals

    why is it men catch hell on TV but women get a pass on all this.
  2. PinkMartini

    PinkMartini Guest

    Not always. My birthmother caught hell. She only has custody on 1 out of 5 kids. I eventually got placed with my birthfather and my 3 older siblings were adopted out. She still has the youngest.

    I have heard attorneys say that a judge will most likely place a child with the mother because they believe all children should stay with the mother. Which, I think, is total crap.

    I have seen many unstable women (not just black women) get to keep their kids because of the judge. Sometimes, though, I see it is because of the father. They don't 'man up' and try. They want the child all to themselves, usually because of hate towards the mother, and aren't willing to make a bargain so to speak.

    While it is draining in all aspects, raising your child will make it worth it.
  3. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    yeah I can dig what you are saying. I did not wnat to dump on BW and I shouldnt have because everyone does it. it also says there are some sorry men out there BUT do women get a pass in the media versus men
  4. PinkMartini

    PinkMartini Guest

    Yes and No. The media can take a simple story and turn it into a novel that will keep you entertained for hours.

    Take a semi-local case: Casey Anthony. The media gives her HELL. Which I agree she needs it. But, the media goes way to far.

    There are other cases where the woman does horrific things to their children and eventually get a pass.

    I think the reason it is, is because women are seen as the person who nurtures, and men as protectors. So, when the man is the who does wrong, he has broke that 'silent code' and is made to be absolutley wrong. And, when the women do, were automatically assumed 'messed up' instead of evil.
  5. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I just dont think they profile women when it come to them holding out on the kid(s)

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