That's in Berlin! It's called the Aquadom. There is an elevator going through that glass tank. Pretty cool This house looks like something taken right out of a fairy tale. I love it!
It definitely looks & sounds pretty cool. :smt023 I love the house too; it makes me want to redo my house to look just like it! :smt080 Whoa! Awesome design, but I get vertigo just looking at it. lol
:smt019, smarty pants, most likely I won't...besides, I sold my copter at my last yard sale.
Lol Damn! You sold the Copter? The recession must be hitting everybody hard. Hopefully you got good money for it.
^ Gorgeous pool design, BD and brilliant optical illusion ^^^ Fascinating! Simply adorable. So clever, too. They were all amazing, but this one is hauntingly beautiful...! Agreed. ^ So much deet and care put into it. @Aquadom, that's awesome that the elevator goes right through the aquarium part!