Who would like to relocate to the US or Europe from Africa. Been reading alot on the forum about VISA hunters, Serial Daters, Nigerian men and all that. Some of us are doing quite fine here in Africa. Fine not because we are wealthy or whatever. Fine because we like it here. We like to do the dishes and cooking. We love our large yards and lawns and have trees and stuff like that. Concrete and steel is not for everyone. We have single jobs here and the pace of life really isnt that stressful. After the news the weather report goes like "Today will be like yesterday and tommorow will be like today". And everyone lines up infront of the telly to laugh about that coz its so funny. If its the rainy season it will rain, if its summer is will be hot. Anthing longer than an hour to get to work or traffic jams, grid locks and road rage. No gangs no cocaine to worry about. Birds at the mall. Not migratory. Just birds. You know everyone who lives up your street and they know you too. We have our Jill Scott CDs to listen to, and we also have alot more. TV shows only the best sitcoms on the planet. And its a big planet I might add. Strangers make funny faces with your kids and you dont worry about that and simply smile back. There are people less fortunate in our midst. If I left I wonder how many of those I'd be putting on the streets. Or could it be thats just me?
Good post. We in America are losing our standard of living...or should I say..we have lost it. The elites have decided they don't want an educated middle-class population.
Yeah, good post...painting africa in a positive light. Makes a refreshing change. One day I will return; miss all that african hospitality. Gotta say, dont miss Africa timekeeping though! Agree to meet someone at 3PM and stroll in at 4:30PM, with no apologises.. :lol: Africans so laid back, they almost horizontal... :wink: Makes for a less stressful life though.
Funny you posted this. I am the polar opposite. I am thinking of leaving life here to go live in Africa. I have travelled extensively and have decided for the most part North America has forgotten what is important in life. It is all about the new car, the next gadget, which designer you are wearing etc. None of that crap is important to me. Sure I want a place to live that is comfortable, but does that have to mean 5000 square feet? I just missed out on a posting in Burkina Faso so I have to go somewhere else for 2 years but my next posting will most def be in Africa. I want to know my neighbours and just slow down a bit. I have friends living in Tanzania and Mozambique and they love it. My fiance is Nigerian and he would like to go back there some day but I am hoping for a few more countries before we settle in Nigeria. He thinks I am a bit nuts wanting to go to Africa. He says many people want to leave and I want to go. I hope I get the chance to. I would like to be in a smaller town, not one of the urban centers but it all depends on my work.
It sounds like to me that you are quite wealthy...wealth is not always measured in dollars and cents. Thanks for the post.
If only we could export the NFL and 35 degree temperatures (I like my winter clothes more than my summer gear)....we'd be set!
People tend to want what they don't already have....if you live in the city...you want to live in the quiet of the country. Everyone in my family over the age of 40 grew up in the country....and about half of them now live in the city....and most of them would never go back. That said....if Tanzania and Mozambique float your boat....you should try it out...might be the best decision you ever made. Grass is always greener...........
Hey ChosenOne, I will for sure. Like I said I have justed accepted a new posting for a duration of 2 years. Once that is finished I will move to a new destination and my heart is telling me Africa. I know it would be an exciting challenge and I am all about the challenge.
When China and Europe gets crowded,Africa is the next frontier and guess who will get the best land along with the dictators and their cronies.
Never expected to get a reply on this one. True, time keeping is pathetic here much to our detriment. Football is something you play with your feet (hint hint). No way Girliegirl74. If I told you what I make you'd at first laugh then cringe after you wonder how I make it. Am somewhere in the bottom half of middle class. My university made the bold attempt to turn me into a mathematician and anthropologist and economist of sorts. And failed. The geek in me came out. Had I stuck to that path perhaps I could have been. I'll still take that iPhone any day. I wonder what the world would be like if American ditched their gas guzzlers and drove smaller cars like everyone else. Today's gas prices, soring food prices, emisson levels would be as they where like when? the 70's? 60?
GREAT POST Reminds me of "the simple life" by whats her name,,,,Paris hilton??.. Its not for everyone for sure. Just ask paris... I tell you what though, if i could trade the stress of living in this america for a breath of living in africa, i would. But im on a mission here and i gotta make it still......drinking tim hortons at 6'am on my way to work, after a night out at the bars is a habit i quiet enjoy, although it stresses the bejesus outa me... And i havent seen my next door neighbor in over a year, nor do i wish to....but thats Canada for ya.
I'm sorry, but I think that you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I understood that you weren't monetarily wealthy. I was saying that your life is wealthy in other ways by not having a lot of stress, road rage, and traffic jams. It sounds like you have a better and simplier life than most Americans. My degree is in mathematics/accounting, and I have a job that is very stressful at times. There are days that I wonder if it's worth it all to be monetarily wealthy.
I didn't elaborate in my first post so I could see where it might have been read wrong. We're on the same page now though. :smt023
I wouldn't mind living in a stable country in Africa. I can't front though it is easier to get stuff done in America for me I can walk right down the street and get anything I want. I know we have corrupt leaders here but damn some countries in Africa takes the cake on that.
live_life Great post. You write what I've told people so many times: Most people on this planet, no matter where they're from, like to live where we are. That's where we got our roots, our friends, our family and our memories... Like vanilla2chai, I too plan on living in Africa one day. But not permanently. Eventually I'll go back where I belong. I would miss snow, skiing and my family too much to live in Africa permanently. BTW: "African time" is charming when you're on vacation. But I'm sorry to say, when the day comes that I am to live with it, I think I'll quickly find it annoying as hell. :lol: