Any Talents..

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Madiba, Dec 7, 2008.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Great movie. It definitely makes you realize as men we all need to know how to fight. Our survival might depend on it.
  2. Redeemed One Jr

    Redeemed One Jr Active Member

    Yup, it looks like it could be useful. Especially if someone tries to hassle you, you can at least do what you can to guarantee yourself to see another day of life. Also to be able to protect the ones you love and the innocent folks around you.
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Training does build self confidence. There is no lying about that. Learning how to fight makes you a better person IMO, as long as you don't abuse it.
  4. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    any small successes like doing well in school, weightlifting and the ect...should build your confidence. Learning how to defend yourself should especially do the same
  5. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    For me, hard training made me more confident everywhere. It gave me a zen even in the most hostile of situations. It gives you a confidence like no other.
  6. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    yeah, no doubt. I started lifting weights (teaching myself. reading books and what not) and I love it because it makes you feel good. I love college because when I pop good grades it makes you feel good. then next thing you know you have confidence you will never seen before. small success set you for major success.

    I always say "learn from your mistakes to get to the next level but learning from your successes and your mistakes gets you farther ."
  7. Hussani

    Hussani New Member

    I'm a Renaissance, poetry, short stories, long stories, novellas, a couple mix tapes. All for the love of the art...helps keep me sane.
  8. Hussani

    Hussani New Member

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to allrealhourglass again.
  9. dulcie

    dulcie New Member

    I can get a pineapple drunk:p
  10. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Share!!!! No, not the sanity, the pics and short stories:)
  11. Mighty Quinn

    Mighty Quinn New Member

    I discovered just three years ago I have a knack for philosophy and anthropology, and by extension, natural science. I've since written a 500 page manuscript dealing with everything from the origins of language to architecture. While I can't lie and say it hasn't been taxing, I do it anyway. Here I thought baseball was my only calling.
  12. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Uhh .. Well if there's sanity going I could do with a bit down here.
  13. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Regardless people can use different ways to achieve success at the same task.

    For example, one lawyer might get ahead be
    cause they have incisive logic, another the gift of the gab to make contacts. Etc

    Beautiful art often uses maths- symmetry, the golden triangle... and many famous artists have been scientists or mathematicians too- da Vinci being the classic example.
  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    kinda like architecture, where the outcome of such equations can be as pretty as this


    safe to say that the designers of such buildings are artists :eek:

    as for the gift of gab..that is no myth. just look at politicians. they speak all that shit to get votes, and don't do any of it.
  15. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    yeah and they had penis on the brain too
  16. Mighty Quinn

    Mighty Quinn New Member

    "There is no shortage of reasons to be suspicious of the ambition to create great architecture. Buildings rarely make palpable the efforts that their construction demands. They are coyly silent about the bankruptcies, the delays, the fear and the dust they impose. A nonchalant appearance is a frequent feature of their charm." - De Botton
  17. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Exactly right on both counts.
    In Dubai that building right, or destined for..
  18. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    I love Alain de botton s writing.

    Rings true in Dubai particularly. They pay non residents who live in near squalor hidden in the glitz of the city just a few dollars an hour for basic construction tasks, and send them home again, even years later. not a money haven for all. Anyway..

    KENYANVISITOR Restricted

    More often than not I can see through the bullshit to the heart of the matter. Friends and relatives recognise that in me and increasingly rely on me for political analysis or to just shoot the shit.
    In my financial services job (self employed) this attribute helps greatly in analysing the market. Also it makes people trust me-my customers have entrusted me with their money purely on the perception of my skills, (well actually once I explain exactly HOW I do it).
  20. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    No talents just a boring person :rolleyes:

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