Feds ID California man's role in anti-Islam film http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?s..._on_Action_News-091312-Entertainment4-8809082 Wow, this guy is a POS. He's a waste of space. Caused so much havoc in his lifetime...
Does anyone else wonder/ have doubts about this movie maker and movie that set this whole thing off? I mean they say now he wasn't an Israeli but just saying he was in the beginning and made the movie here was enough to set off this whole string of terror. If you want to set off these terrorists just say American and connect us with Israel and you set up a perfect storm. Terrorist could have made it just to incite people to anger against us and cause unrest in the region once again. Libya is one of the few countries there that is pro American as much as is possible.
Jordan, read my link above (if u haven't heard yet about his background), he's a criminal fraudster conman...his history of white-collar crime is atrocious. And NOW this....nightmare is added to his name.
Ahhh thanks. I had the window open was typing took a phone call and then pressed post after having it sitting open. Will go back and bookmark that to read later today.
The problem is when we nudge these middle-east dictators out of there positions to give their countrymen democracy....it creates a free-for-all scrap for power in those countries and void of uncertainty for us of what we can expect next from the country..........Fanatic Muslims populations do not know what to do with democracy......they appear to function best when ruled by the oppressive iron fist of their dictators.....It has taken us 30 years see that....but it looks like we need another 30 years to learn that.......
Well said and spot on Arch. My sentiments as well. Even when they are not burning U.S. flags and screaming death to the Great Satan and Israel, they are at each others throats and blowing each other up. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc, fanaticism is not something you can reason with and talk about democracy. Don't know why American politicians continue to insist on this tripe. Expecting them to embrace democracy would require a complete rethink of some fundamental issues, such as for example women's rights and freedom of choice. Something that doesn't seem to be a part of their mindset. While they are in their nation, I say that is for their population to work towards changing. But when they immigrate to Western society, (Europe, Canada, U.S, Australia, etc) no special exemptions, privileges or continuation of their barbarian treatment of women is to be reasoned with. Western society can never, ever cow-tow to their ideas of "Sharia Law" and any country that does so will have done a very foolhardy thing. No country should ever change its laws and principles to suit any group who comes to their nation and cannot respect their way of life. How many Westerners could move to a Muslim nation and demand churches and special rights, that go outside of the already established population of citizens who are a majority.
Keep this in mind though bro, while what Iggy says is seemingly hyperbolic. We're enlightened enough to believe in freedom of worship, we should never be naive enough to think others will come around to our way of thinking. I'm a very tolerant and open minded person, but as a culturally aware individual, I am often left disgusted by some of the tenets of religious dogma, Islam included. Whether it is subversion or ignorance by some practitioners, it seems to be highly incompatible with Western culture. Existing in a kind of stone aged barbarity in mindset about many social issues.
Exactly!! extermists are extermists no established world religion sanctions this type of behavior. Once we begin seeing extermists for what they are, niether Christian or Muslim, we are no longer contributing to the problem. Both Jesus and Muhummad were very tolerant incredible human beings, to make a mockery of either is just plain ignorant and foolish. Also murder is murder, in this country people are killed every day out of greed and envy, just as pathetic when you think about it, the mid east is fucked up right now but lets not be so quick to judge. They have their limitations as we do, at least they are not insulting Chrstianity or the life of Jesus. Sheesh....
None ^^^ But here's the thing, the 1st example below outlines a successful appeal by a Muslim who felt his Constitutional Rights were being violated. :smt108 A Federal court agreed, and Denver's U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed as well, by rejecting the State of OKs appeal. Seems they bough the argument that there is no Sharia Law in effect here therefore you preemptively can't outlaw it... http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/201...court-deals-blow-to-anti-shariah-efforts?lite But then this bizarre decision just ONE month later... A PA Judge who converted to Islam (and is an Iraq war vet), threw this assault case out by invoking Sharia law. http://www.whitewomenblackmen.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20932 Now Kansas's Governor wisely crafted the preemptive law correctly... Kansas governor signs measure blocking Islamic law http://www.usatoday.com/news/religi...sas-governor-signs-anti-sharia-law/55224584/1 (of course an Appeal was still threatened).
Lets remember that women could not vote in this country until the 20's. Also Islam actually brought women rights to the middle east, the region has a long way to go in this area, but women had less rights before the inception of the religion. The region is behind at the present time, but the west was too at a particular point in history. Just to keep things fair, while the East florished during the Islamic empire, western peoples were burning women on crosses in Europe calling them witches. I am not sure what the cause of the problem is but it is not Islam. Most muslims in the world live outside of the region, Indonesia for example. You make excellent points, but lets remember the big picture. History seems to favor the East or West depending on the point in time. Currently the West is going backwards really fast and could possibly be an barbaric society once again. *But I hope not!*
Don't you recall Anders Brevik? Or better yet, a couple of Christian militants blowing up abortion clinics? Keep in mind, you need to pay attention to the news and not act on selective reasoning.
When was the last abortion clinic being blown up? I cant recall any abortion clinics being blown up anytime recently
Most recent was April of this year in Wisconsin. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/02/planned-parenthood-bomb-wisconsin_n_1396665.html
Check Eye of Ra's post. And while you're at it, look up Joseph Kony and the Lord's Resistance Army. Oh and some information regarding abortion clinics: Now, will you absorb this information and take this to heart? Or will you continue to revel in ignorance and simply dismiss them because you refuse to acknowledge that there are crazy people of all groups? You speak the words, but you still uphold a level of bias. And I wonder...why? Why ignore the facts?
As long as you fairly do the same (read, absorb).... Here are the list of terrorist bombings claimed by the offenders 'in the name of Allah'... does not include military bombings. 20,000 acts and counting..Scroll to lower part of page for list - http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/index.html#Attacks (They have 12 years worth)