Another young black male...

Discussion in 'In the News' started by BlkCasanova, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. BlkCasanova

    BlkCasanova Guest

  2. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member


    I am unsure what the family wants. Crimes are committed everyday in the US and UK and many other places in the world. The law allows for them to be tried for their crimes and put in jail but having the head of the country make amends isn't on the agenda isn't the norm for here or there for that matter. I am unclear about what they are asking for.

    If I went on vacation to another country and was killed while there.........would my crime be anymore serious than any other killing? A life is a life. All life is valuable.
  3. Jase

    Jase Active Member

    Seen people are over the internet saying this crap. The guy was arrested, charged, convicted, and will spend the rest of his life in prison. George Zimmerman is free. Why the fuck do people keep bringing this (not to mention Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson) up and trying to compare the two?
  4. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member


  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

  6. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Read about this shit a couple days ago. Motherfucker needs to die. No redemption and tax dollars being spent on this stupid mofo.
  7. Nebula J

    Nebula J New Member

    Basically this


    and it's quite sad, tbf ........... but such is life

    best wishes to the families of all incidents I've seen brought up in wake of the hugely covered Trayvon story
  8. rdubya86

    rdubya86 New Member

    I've seen some stuff floating around facebook that has been circulating on white supremacist websites for some time. About black on white crime and how its never reported wide spread like Trayvon Martin's case. The truth is there are a multitude of things that go on around the US that doesn't get reported as widely. Hell in San Francisco last week there was a mass murder from a Vietnamese career criminal who was supposed to be deported a while ago-but someone dropped the ball on it. Here in California we've never heard about those race riots that had happened a few years ago in Ohio. The Trayvon Martin case is one of few that widely gets reported nationally. Black on white crime, though a real actuality, is vastly less than black on black crime in general. Crime against people of the same ethnicity is more common. For example: the Mass murder in San Francisco that had happen recently, 5 people murdered and they were all Asian.
    People also twist Obama's words up. I've heard people say he made it about race, etc, etc. Really all he said was if he had a son, he would probably look like Trayvon- which is very true.
  9. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    these stupid mothafuckas...

    ur (not u ra..the guy in the video :p) defending a guy like he's a born-again saint..when he just ignored police advice, followed a 17 year old kid and gunned him down in the middle of the street or some shit

    that fool should be ashamed of himself...his best friend is callin dudes coon and shit
  10. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    This is the exact kind of wanton criminality that black folks put up with in inner city communities every day.

    I remember someone mentioned how about we be pissed about the rampant criminality in black communities where young men are killed like white on rice and by other young men who perpetrate the kind of actions just like this against the 2 British tourists.

    There is a similarity between this and the Martin case, except it has to do with the lack of value placed on human life in both instances.

    What was to be obtained by killing these guys.

    Sickening that he can gun down two innocent individuals with malice aforethought and no sense of right or wrong, Truly stomach churning.

    These are the same kind of young men that pull guns on one another and kill each other over twisted gang allegiances and criminal behavior.

    Makes you wonder how they are raised and with what kind of values.

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