Another Website For The "Other Side"

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by nobledruali, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    :p Hey thanks flygirl for the info. :wink:
  2. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Oh and there is also

    but it is mostly older black men and women.

    Man there are a bunch other there.
  3. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    The first link does not work,BTW is dead and is not coming back no time soon.
  4. webmaster

    webmaster Administrator Staff Member

    I think there is confusion between and

    If you go to those two links you'll see that they are different. We own Once we get the new software design down for this site, we'll port it over to the site.

    Also, this website has never been owned by anyone else. It's been up since Sept. 10, 1999.
  5. EbonySunGoddess

    EbonySunGoddess New Member

    will everyone be able to view and apply to it once you all get the equipment up or will it still be private membership?
  6. webmaster

    webmaster Administrator Staff Member

    It would have the same basic format as this site, except with different articles and information of course.
  7. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Sorry about that. Wasnt trying to put false info out, they were just so similar I never looked into it too much.
  8. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    No idea where that forum went. It was a really active forum, but I only visited it once every few months or so.

    There is another forum just starting back up. It was really active and had good topics but went down and just resurfaced too.
  9. beauty

    beauty New Member

    it is a lovely site and no, it is not a blackman whitewoman bashing site either. the blackwomen and whitemen there are content with loving and perferring one another, like you guys here.

  10. beauty

    beauty New Member

    you shouldnt guarantee things you are not sure of. you are wrong. im on the site alot and have met wonderful whitemen there. actually, the blackwomen and whitemen there are content with their love and perference for each other. like you all are here.

    QUESTION: if blackmen and whitewomen can love and perfer each other, then why cant blackwomen and whitemen?

  11. beauty

    beauty New Member

    i have seen alot of your postings and don't know why you were banned either. but as far as all of the bashing, more of it goes on here from blackmen about blackwomen than over there either way.don't know why that is ....
  12. beauty

    beauty New Member

    they site is up and running, im on it all the time. even though you say you are kidding, why go there and raise hell? see...i don't care or have issues with IR dating, as i also date IR. also they do have forums.
  13. beauty

    beauty New Member

    you shouldnt worry, about what? the numbers are larger than you might believe, and so what? blackwomen should be your last thought.

  14. beauty

    beauty New Member

    i too belong to this site, but the angry blackwome you are talking about on the site you were banned from is not as you say it. blackmen on this site talk about blackwomen here like a dog. blackmen are not being bashed over there like here because there, they are not really concerned about blackmen or their perferences.

  15. beauty

    beauty New Member

    not to be funny or anything like that but it seems like you are 'tracking' blackwomen and their choice in whitemen; to see if its 'gaining' on blackmen and whitewomen. lol.

  16. beauty

    beauty New Member

    Hi ebonysungoddess,

    why the suprise? yes its GROWING bigtime. blackwomen have broaden their horizons and men; with the exception of blackmen are welcome blackwomen with open arms. it is about time that blackwomen broaden their horizons. blackmen have long done it, so why not blackwomen?

  17. beauty

    beauty New Member

    wheather it be groups or sites, does not matter; blackwomen and whitemen are hooking up, dating and marrying.

  18. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Thank god for that,less black women we have to put up with.
  19. beauty

    beauty New Member

    the feeling is mutual and thank god for that.

  20. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    Answer: I admit I don't visit this particular site on a regualr basis but the few times that I did I did read some negative comments concerning black men moreso than white women and most of it was coming from BLACK WOMEN. :roll: Saying all that to also say that folks have a "right" to love whom they please so maybe that answers your question.

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