BALTIMORE (AP) — Two brothers accused of beating a black teenager while patrolling an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood are set to go on trial Monday in a case with similarities to the Trayvon Martin shooting. The brothers, who are white and Jewish, have claimed self-defense, saying the teen was holding a nail-studded board. Local civil rights activists hope the Martin case will draw more attention to what they believe was racial profiling by neighborhood watch vigilantes. Eliyahu and Avi Werdesheim are accused of beating a 15-year-old boy who was walking through a Baltimore neighborhood in November 2010. The brothers pulled up next to the teen in a vehicle, then got out and "surrounded him," according to charging documents. The passenger threw the teen to the ground and the driver hit him in the head with a hand-held radio and patted him down. The teen remembered the driver yelling, "You wanna (mess) with us, you don't belong around here, get outta here!" according to court documents, which do not identify which brother was driving.While the teen struggled, a third man got out of a van and kneed the teen, pinning him to the ground. The teen told police that he stopped struggling and the third man continued to search him, while the teen insisted he didn't have anything on him. Eliyahu Werdesheim told the Baltimore Jewish Times that he was acting in self-defense because the teen was holding the piece of wood. The teen picked up the board during the encounter, but put it back down, said J. Wyndal Gordon, an attorney for the teen's family. He said the family did not want to speak publically. After the trio left, the teen called police and was taken to a hospital with a cut on the back of his head and a broken wrist, according to court documents. Using a photo book compiled by investigators, the teen later identified Eliyahu Werdesheim, now 24, as one of the men who assaulted him. He was arrested after about 10 days; his now 21-year-old brother was charged two months later. The brothers are charged with second-degree assault, false imprisonment and carrying a deadly weapon (the hand-held radio). The pair face up to 13 years in prison if convicted on all three counts. A third man, identified in a lawsuit brought by the teen's family as Ronald Rosenbluth, does not face charges.
so wait...3 grown ass mothafuckas against a 15 year old black teen... and they attack HIM because he had a piece of WOOD? LOLOLOLOLOL...dont even take this shit to trial..lock those mothafuckas up just for being pussy
No kidding. Three grown-ass men afraid of one black teen. Sounds like the Bigger Thomas effect at work. I'm so tired of this automatic assumption of criminality. We're going to end up criminalized for just...being.
this is some bullshit, straight up he had a piece of wood because he was getting jumped that's like a natural grab something to even the odds lol that dumbass shouldnt have said shit about attacking him, because he picked up a he makes his defense even more anemic :smt038
there are comments on various sites asking why a white tourist who got his ass beat, isnt getting the same attention i don't know about a war on blacks..but i do know people are getting slumped's just that we're the ones getting the most coverage can't say im mad tho...maybe this will put some racism to sleep
lol why the fuck would these people expect that to get the same attention, it aint anything new, anytime a black person has been either beaten up or killed etc you always get these dumb ass white people with thier buh buh buh what about this white man this and that
I just bought some Adidas today. Wish a muthafucka would take my shit. But for real though, nigga moment.
lol u StoooPid, boi i need to get up on my Adidas game too need some more track pants...need some more kicks too might go out and get some joints this week
Sheit, I've usually had not more than 2 pairs of shoes at once. I get a 20% military discount at Foot Locker. I'm gonna hit them shits up like every other month if I'm not careful.
One of these days, these "watchmen" and cops are going to step to the wrong one, and end up with a hole in their chest :smt067
And it gives more reason as a black male to be strapped today. Im telling you , one of them will regret it.
no joke 3 against 1 fuck a board, lol...say hi to glock if the boy was old enough to have a gun and instead shot those 3 mothafuckas, bet u he would be sitting on death row already
They're cowards. They approach people who are alone they would never run up on a group of black males. They do appear to be getting more bold these days though.
I was never a gun-advocate, but this is the reason why we should have one on u.....but then again, it gives more reason for them to shoot you. We can't win. But when you have cases like this: Then you have to protect yourself, by any means necessary.
lol damned if u do, damned if u dont just because ole georgie can kill someone and not see time in jail until months later, doesn't mean that u can do the same 3 against 1 and your black ass would be the one going to jail as for guns...i do think ill get one or two..just for the home never know when some crazy ass mothafucka will try to get into your place id rather use a gun than get into a fight in that scenario