Another Hate Crime, BM Talked To A WW Beat Up By WM

Discussion in 'In the News' started by jaylon, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. qnet

    qnet New Member

    It shouldn't surprise me but, it does. These are young kids and, I thought this generation was supposed to be different (at least that's what I've heard a lot). Someone is teaching them this crap. One of these times they are going to attack the wrong brotha.
  2. satyr

    satyr New Member

    In males across a variety of species there is a "protect the vagina" impulse.

    Among humans racism enhances that impulse when males strategically use violence (e.g. Emmitt Till) to prevent competition from other males.

    The article doesn't mention him being called any racial epithets, so while it's possible he was singled out for being black and talking to a white female, the details aren't tight enough to confirm that.

    If he was attacked because white males thought violence would be the best way to respond to the perceived threat of black male sexuality, it highlights how racism, paranoia, and sexuality are sociological bedmates.

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